Nova Roma es un organisation international[1][2] revivalista roman e reconstructionista polytheistic roman[3] create in 1998 (o MMDCCLI AUC in le calendario roman) per Joseph Bloch e William Bradford, plus tarde incorporate in Maine como un organisation non-profit con un mission educational e religiose.[4] Nova Roma pretende a promover "le restauration del religion, cultura, e virtutes roman classic" e "ideales roman possedite in commun".[5][6]
Reportate de provider bon ressources online super le cultura roman, lingua latin, costumes e vestimentos antique roman e guidas de reconstruction historic,[6][7][8] Nova Roma intende de esser plus que un communitate de reconstitutores historic e plus que un gruppo de studio historic. Strimska,[3] Davy,[9] Adler[10] e Gallagher-Ashcraft[11] refere a illo como un communitate polytheistic reconstructionista. Quia illo ha un structura basate super le Republica Roman antique,[12] con un senato, magistratos executive e leges decretate per voto de le comitia,[13] e con su cuneage,[14][15] e quia le Nova Roma Wiki declara e constata que le gruppo se identifica como "nation soveran", plure observatores externe[5][15][16][17] lo classifica come un micronation.
Cives nova roman participa in tal eventos como le Festa de Hereditage Antique[28] in Svishtov, Bulgaria, le Die de Mercato Roman[29][30][31] in Wells Harbor Park, Maine, le Forum Fulvii in Italia, le Ludi Savarienses Carneval Historic o le Floralia de Aquincum Festa de Primavera[32][33][34] in Hungaria.
Inter le activitates cultural de Nova Roma, competitiones e jocos associate con varie festas roman ha un loco importante. Illos pote includer un large campo de varie programmas ab jocos humorose online ad seriose competitiones de arte como le Certamen Petronianum,[35][36] un concurso litterari de scriber novellas historic, ubi le jury era composite de notabilitates includente novellista famose in tote le mundo Dr. Colleen McCullough, autor de molte romances best-seller de thema roman, e Prof. Dr. T. P. Wiseman, professor universitari de historia roman et ex-vicepresidente de la Academia Britannic.
Le revivification de cosas roman e lor cooptation pro importantia symbolic ha un historia longe. Nova Roma (in latin, litteralmente "Nove Roma") in su revivification deliberate del remanentias grandiose del passato dunque parallela et echoa altere Nove Romas como:
le Imperio Byzantin o Imperio Roman Oriental, como le incarnation supervivente del ideales roman basate super Constantinopole (interdum characterisate como le "Nove Roma" o le "Secunda Roma") post le declino del imperium roman in le Occidente.[37]
le doctrina del Roma Tertie como justification pro le ambitiones imperial moscovita e russe ab le 15me seculo[38]
le construction attempte de Mussolini pro un nove imperio roman basate super le Mediterraneo in le prime medietate del seculo 20me.[39]
↑ 9,09,1Davy, Barbara Jane: Introduction to Pagan Studies, pp. 156, 163, 233. Rowman Altamira, 2007
↑ 10,010,1Adler, Margot: Drawing down the moon: witches, Druids, goddess-worshippers, and other pagans in America, p. 549. Penguin Books, 2006
↑Eugene V. Gallagher, W. Michael Ashcraft: Introduction to New and Alternative Religions in America: Metaphysical, New Age, and neopagan movements. p. 220. Greenwood Press, 2006
Per exemplo:
Mommsen, Theodor (1999). A History of Rome Under the Emperors, Barbara Demandt, Alexander Demandt, Thomas E. J. Wiedemann, Routledge Key Guides, Routledge, 656. ISBN 978-0-415-20647-1. Recuperate le 2011-12-16. “The result of Constantinople's founding was the end of a national basis for the Empire [...] Milan and Ravenna had been unable to compete with Rome, though they were court residences, but Nova Roma could.”
↑Kantorowicz, Ernst Hartwig (1957). The King's two bodies: a study in mediaeval political theology, 7, Princeton University Press, 568. ISBN 978-0-691-01704-4. Recuperate le 2011-12-16. “Thus it happened that 'Rome' migrated from incarnation to incarnation, wandering first to Constantinople and later to Moscow, the third Rome, but also to Aachen where Charlemagne built a 'Lateran' and apparently planned to establish the Roma futura. [...] Constantinople and Aachen and others claimed to be each a nova Roma[...]”
Neville, Peter (2004). Mussolini, Historical Biographies Series. Routledge, 237. ISBN 978-0-415-24989-8. Recuperate le 2011-12-16. “Mussolini made immense efforts to portray an image of Italian greatness, and the memory of Ancient Rome was constantly traded on in the régime's propaganda. Thus the normal handshake [...] was replaced by the 'Roman Salute' and the Mediterranean became 'our sea'. [...] Some streams in Fascism demanded spiritual revival based on the concept of a 'New Rome'.”