Tiga prostitutes berpose diatas sebuah engawa, s. 1885. Cetakan perak albumen yang diwarnai tangan.
Adolfo Farsari (11 Februari 1841 – 7 Februari 1898) adalah seorang fotografer Italia yang berbasis di Yokohama, Jepang. Setelah berkarier militer, termasuk bertugas di Perang Saudara Amerika, ia menjadi fotografer komersial dan wirausahawan yang berhasil.
Adolfo Farsari lahir di Vicenza, Lombardy-Venetia (kemudian bagian dari Kekaisaran Austria, sekarang di Italia). Ia memulai kariernya dalam militer Italia pada 1859 namun berpindah ke Amerika Serikat pada 1863
Art and Artifice: Japanese Photographs of the Meiji Era: Selections from the Jean S. and Frederic A. Sharf Collection at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. With essays by Sebastian Dobson, Anne Nishimura Morse, and Frederic A. Sharf. Boston: MFA Publications, 2004. ISBN 0-87846-682-7 (paper), ISBN 0-87846-683-5 (hardback).
Banta, Melissa. "Life of a Photograph: Nineteenth-Century Photographs of Japan from the Peabody Museum and Wellesley College Museum". In Banta and Taylor, eds.
Banta, Melissa, and Susan Taylor, eds. A Timely Encounter: Nineteenth-Century Photographs of Japan Ex. cat. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Peabody Museum Press, 1988. ISBN 0-87365-810-8.
Clark, John, ed. Japanese Exchanges in Art, 1850s to 1930s with Britain, Continental Europe, and the USA: Papers and Research Materials. Sydney: Power Publications, 2001. ISBN 1-86487-303-5.
Dobson, Sebastian. "Yokohama Shashin". In Art and Artifice.
Edwards, Gary. International Guide to Nineteenth Century Photographers and Their Works. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1988. ISBN 0-8161-8938-2 P. 184.
Gartlan, Luke. "A Chronology of Baron Raimund von Stillfried-Ratenicz (1839–1911)". In Clark.
Handy, Ellen. "Tradition, Novelty, and Invention: Portrait and Landscape Photography in Japan, 1860s–1880s". In Banta and Taylor, eds.
Iwasaki, Haruko. "Western Images, Japanese Identities: Cultural Dialogue between East and West in Yokohama Photography". In Banta and Taylor, eds.
Morse, Anne Nishimura. "Souvenirs of 'Old Japan': Meiji-Era Photography and the Meisho Tradition". In Art and Artifice.
Robinson, Bonnell D. "Transition and the Quest for Permanence: Photographers and Photographic Technology in Japan, 1854–1880s". In Banta and Taylor, eds.