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Kuburan dari Arthur Berriedale Keith, Pemakaman Grange, Edinburgh
Prof Arthur Berriedale Keith DCL DLit LLD (5 April 1879, Aberdeen – 6 Oktober 1944) adalah seorang pengacara konstitusi, sarjana bahasa Sanskerta dan Indologis Skotlandia. Ia menjadi Profesor Regius bahasa Sanskerta dan Dosen Sejarah Konstitusi dalam Universitas Edinburgh.
- The Theory of State Succession (1907)
- Responsible Government in the Dominions
- 1st edition, 1x vol. (1909)
- "Revised" edition, 3x vols. (1912)
- "Second" edition, 2x vols. (1928)
- Imperial Unity and the Dominions (1916)
- The Belgian Congo and the Berlin Act (1919)
- The British Cabinet System
- The Causes of the War
- The Constitution of England from Queen Victoria to George VI
- Dominion Home Rule in Practice (1921)
- War Government of the British Dominions (1921)
- The Sovereignty of the British Dominions (1929)
- Speeches and Documents on Colonial Policy 1763–1917
- Speeches and Documents on the British Dominions 1918–1931
- The Constitutional Law of the British Dominions (1933)
- The Governments of the British Empire (1935)
- The King and the Imperial Crown (1936)
- A Constitutional History of India (1600–1935), Methuen and Co. Ltd, London (1936)
- The British Commonwealth of Nations. Its Territories and Constitutions, British Life and Thought: No. 1, Longmans Green & Co. Ltd. (1940)
- The Privileges and Rights of the Crown
- The Dominions as Sovereign States
- Indian Mythology (1917)[1]
- The Heritage of India Series: "The Karma-Mīmāmsā" (1921)
- The Religion and Philosophy of the Veda and Upanishads (1925)
- The Samkhya System: A History of the Samkhya Philosophy (1918)
- Buddhist Philosophy in India
- A History of Sanskrit Literature (1928)[2]
- Daftar pustaka
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