Daily Worker

Daily Worker
No. 254 dari Daily Worker (7 November 1927)
TipeSurat kabar harian
Formatlembar lebar dan tabloid
PenerbitPartai Komunis Amerika Serikat
Didirikan1921; 104 tahun lalu (1921)
Pandangan politikKomunis
Berhenti publikasiJanuari 1958
Sirkulasi surat kabarberagam

Daily Worker adalah sebuah surat kabar yang diterbitkan di New York City oleh Partai Komunis Amerika Serikat, sebuah organisasi yang dulunya berafiliasi dengan Comintern. Publikasinya dimulai pada 1924.[1] Meskipun umumnya menampilkan pandangan partai tersebut, upaya dibuat untuk menampilkan spektrum yang lebih luas dari opini sayap kiri. Pada masa kejayaannya, surat kabar tersebut diedarkan sejumlah 35.000. Para kontributornya meliputi Robert Minor dan Fred Ellis (kartunis), Lester Rodney (penyunting olahraga), David Karr, Richard Wright, John L. Spivak, Peter Fryer, Woody Guthrie dan Louis F. Budenz.

Catatan kaki

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  1. ^ Pederson, Vernon (January 11, 2008). "Take It As Red". On The Media for National Public Radio. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2008-08-21. Founded in 1924, the Daily Worker – which ceased to be a daily 50 years ago – was the de facto house organ of American Communism. 

Bacaan tambahan

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  • Fetter, Henry D. "The Party Line and the Color Line: The American Communist Party, the Daily Worker and Jackie Robinson." Journal of Sport History 28, no. 3 (Fall 2001).
  • Gottfried, Erika, "Shooting Back: The Daily Worker Photographs Collection," American Communist History, vol. 12, no. 1 (April 2013), pp. 41–69.
  • Lamb, Christopher and Rusinack, Kelly E. "Hitting From the Left: The Daily Worker's Assault on Baseball's Color Line". Gumpert, Gary and Drucker, Susan J., eds. Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Communicating Baseball. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2002.
  • Rusinack, Kelly E. "Baseball on the Radical Agenda: The Daily and Sunday Worker Journalistic Campaign to Desegregate Major League Baseball, 1933-1947". Dorinson, Joseph, and Woramund, Joram, eds. Jackie Robinson: Race, Sports, and the American Dream. New York: E.M. Swift, 1998.
  • Smith, Ronald A. "The Paul Robeson-Jackie Robinson Saga and a Political Collision". Journal of Sport History 6, no. 2 (1979).
  • Evans, William Barrett. "Revolutionist Thought in the Daily Worker, 1919-1939". Ph.D. diss. University of Washington, 1965.
  • Jeffries, Dexter. "Richard Wright and the ‘Daily Worker’: A Native Son’s Journalistic Apprenticeship". Ph.D. diss. City University of New York, 2000.
  • Rusinack, Kelly E. "Baseball on the Radical Agenda: The Daily and Sunday Worker on Desegregating Major League Baseball, 1933-1947". M.A. Thesis, Clemson University, South Carolina, 1995.
  • Shoemaker, Martha Mcardell. "Propaganda or Persuasion: The Communist Party and Its Campaign to Integrate Baseball". Master’s thesis. University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 1999.
  • Chambers, Whittaker (1952). Witness. New York: Random House. hlm. 218–229, 252–259. ISBN 978-0-89526-789-4. LCCN 52005149. 
  • Hemingway, Andrew. Artists on the Left: American Artists and the Communist Movement, 1926-1956. New Haven, Yale University Press, 2002.
  • Schappes, Morris U. The Daily Worker: Heir to the Great Tradition. New York: Daily Worker, 1944.
  • Silber, Irwin. Press Box Red: The Story of Lester Rodney, The Communist Who Helped Break the Color Line in American Sports. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2003.

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