John Elliotson (29 Oktober 1791 – 29 Juli 1868), M.D. (Edinburgh, 1810),[1] M.R.C.P. (London, 1810), M.B. (Oxford, 1816), M.D. (Oxford, 1821), F.R.C.P. (London, 1822), F.R.S. (1829) adalah seorang profesor prinsip dan praktik pengobatan di Universitas Kolese London (1832), dan dokter senior di University College Hospital (1834).
Ia merupakan antagonis utama dalam permainan Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, yang menampilkan eksperimen-eksperimen brutal dan fatal
- 1817: Elliotson, J. (trans.), Blumenbach, J.F., The Institutions of Physiology (Institutiones Physiologicæ.
- 1820: Elliotson, J., Numerous Cases Illustrative of the Efficacy of the Hydrocyanic Or Prussic Prussic Acid in Affections of the Stomach., etc., Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, (London), 1820.
- 1827: Elliotson, J., "The Use of the Sulphate of Copper in Chronic Diarrhoea, to which are added some Observations on the use of Acupuncture in Rheumatism", Medico-Chirurgical Transactions, Vol.13, Part 2, (1827), pp.451-468.
- 1830: Elliotson, J., On the Recent Improvements in the Art of Distinguishing the Various Diseases of the Heart, etc., Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, (London), 1830.
- 1832: Elliotson, J., "Acupuncture", pp.32-34 in Forbes, J., Tweedie, A. & Conolly, J. (eds), The Cyclopædia of Practical Medicine: Comprising Treatises on the Nature and Treatment of Diseases, Materia Medica and Therapeutics, Medical Jurisprudence, etc. etc., Volume I (Abd-Ele), Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, (London), 1832.
- 1835: Elliotson, J., Human Physiology, Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green & Longman, (London), 1835.
- 1839: Elliotson, J. and Rogers, N., The Principles and Practice of Medicine, etc., Joseph Butler, (London), 1839.
- 1843: Elliotson, J., Numerous Cases of Surgical Operations without Pain in the Mesmeric state, with Remarks upon the Opposition of many Members of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society and others to the Reception of the Inestimable Blessings of Mesmerism, H. Ballière, (London), 1843.
- 1843: Engledue, W.C., Cerebral Physiology and Materialism, with the Result of the Application of Animal Magnetism to the Cerebral Organs: An Address delivered to the Phrenological Association in London, June 20, 1842, by W. C. Engledue, M.D.; With a Letter from Dr Elliotson, On Mesmeric Phrenology and Materialism, J. Watson, (London), 1843.
- 1844: Elliotson, J, "Case of Epilepsy Cured by Mesmerism", The Zoist: A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism, and Their Applications to Human Welfare, Vol.2, No.6, (July 1844), pp.194-238.
- 1846: Elliotson, J., The Harveian Oration, Delivered before the Royal College of Physicians, London 1846, by John Elliotson, M.D. Cantab. F.R.S., Fellow of the College, With an English Version and Notes, (1846).
- 1855: Elliotson, J., "An Instance of Sleep and Cure by Imagination only", The Zoist: A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism, and Their Applications to Human Welfare, Vol.12, No.48, (January 1855), pp.396-403.
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- James, C.D., "Mesmerism: a Prelude to Anaesthesia", Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, Vol.68, No.7, (July 1975), pp. 446–447.
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- Ridgway, E.S., "John Elliotson (1791-1868): A Bitter Enemy of Legitimate Medicine? Part I: Earlier Years and the Introduction to Mesmerism", Journal of Medical Biography, Vol.1, No.4, (November 1993), pp. 191–198.
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- Ruth, J., "'Gross Humbug' or 'The Language of Truth'? The Case of the Zoist", Victorian Periodicals Review, Vol.32, No.4, (Winter 1999), pp. 299–323.
- Schneck, J.M., "John Elliotson, William Makepeace Thackeray, and Doctor Goodenough", International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Vol.11, No.2, (April 1963), p. 122-130. doi=10.1080/00207146308409236
- Topham, W. & Ward, W.S., Account of a Case of Successful Amputation of the Thigh, During the Mesmeric State, Without the Knowledge of the Patient. Read to the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London on Tuesday 22nd November, 1842, H. Baillière, (London), 1842.
- Wheeler, J.M., "Elliotson (John, M.D., FRS)", pp.120-121 in Wheeler, J.M., A Biographical Dictionary of Freethinkers of All Ages and Nations, Progressive Publishing Company, (London), 1889.
- Winter, A., Mesmerized: Powers of Mind in Victorian Britain, The University of Chicago Press, (Chicago), 1998.
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