John Elliotson

John Elliotson
John Elliotson
Lahir29 Oktober 1791
Southwark, London
Meninggal29 Juli 1868(1868-07-29) (umur 76)
KebangsaanBritania Raya
AlmamaterUniversitas Edinburgh
Dikenal atasMesmerisme, Frenologi, The Zoist, memperkenalkan stetoskop di Britania Raya
Karier ilmiah
TerinspirasiThomas Brown

John Elliotson (29 Oktober 1791 – 29 Juli 1868), M.D. (Edinburgh, 1810),[1] M.R.C.P. (London, 1810), M.B. (Oxford, 1816), M.D. (Oxford, 1821), F.R.C.P. (London, 1822), F.R.S. (1829) adalah seorang profesor prinsip dan praktik pengobatan di Universitas Kolese London (1832), dan dokter senior di University College Hospital (1834).


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  1. ^ Elliotson's doctoral dissertation "On Inflammation", was self-published in Edinburgh in 1810: see Elliotson, Joannes, Dissertatio medica inauguralis de inflammatione communi, Abernathy & Walker, (Edinburgh), 1810.
  2. ^ This entry verifies that Elliotson was registered (as of 1 January 1859, the first day of the registration system) as a practitioner under the Medical Act 1858 (an Act to Regulate the Qualifications of Practitioners in Medicine and Surgery), which took effect on 1 October 1858: the Act's official date of commencement.


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