Lorenzo Magalotti

Medali peringatan Lorenzo Magalotti.

Lorenzo Magalotti (24 Oktober 1637 – 2 Maret 1712) adalah seorang filsuf, penulis, diplomat dan penyair Italia.

Magalotti lahir di Roma dalam sebuah keluarga aristokrat, sebagai putra dari Ottavio Magalotti


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Magalotti selama empat tahun menempuh pendidikan di Collegio Romano dan tiga tahun di Universitas Pisa.

Ia wafat di Florence pada 1712.

  • Historia Electrica
  • Philosophia Electrica
  • Saggi di naturali esperienze.[1] atau Essays on Natural Experiments (1667)


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  • Acton, Harold: The Last Medici, Macmillan, London, 1980, ISBN 0-333-29315-0. First published in 1932, first revised edition in 1958.
  • Conchrane, E. (1973) Florence in the Forgotten Centuries 1527-1800. A History of Florence and the Florentines in the Age of the Grand Dukes. Book IV Florence in the 1680s. How Lorenzo Magalotti looked in vain for a vocation and finally settled down to sniffing perfumes.
  • Hoogewerff, G.J. (1919) De twee reizen van Cosimo de' Medici, prins van Toscane door de Nederlanden. (n.b. including several diaries on the trip in Italian)
  • Lorenzo Magalotti at the court of Charles II: his Relazione d'Inghilterra of 1668 / Lorenzo Magalotti ; W.E. Knowles Middleton, editor & translator [1].

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