Rangoli , sebuah bentuk terkenal dari lukisan pasir India , di Singapura .
Lukisan pasir adalah seni rupa dari pasir berwarna, pigmen berbentuk bubuk dari minerals atau kristal, dan pigmen-pigmen dari sumber alam atau sintesis lainnya.
Lukisan kering dipraktikkan oleh Amerika Asli di Barat Daya Amerika Serikat, oleh orang Tibet dan biksu Buddha, serta Aborigin Australia , dan juga oleh orang Amerika Latin pada hari raya Kristen.
Mandala yang terbuat dari pasir di Biara Sera, Lhasa
Lukisan pasir Buddha Tibet terkadang mengkomposisikan mandala . Di Tibetan, seni rupa tersebut disebut dul-tson-kyil-khor (mandala dari bubuk berwarna).
Eugene Baatsoslanii Joe, Mark Bahti, Oscar T. Branson, Navajo Sandpainting Art, (Treasure Chest Publications, Inc, 1978.) ISBN 0-918080-20-7
Gold, Peter (1994). Navajo & Tibetan sacred wisdom: the circle of the spirit . ISBN 0-89281-411-X . Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions International.
Villasenor, David . Tapestries in Sand: The Spirit of Indian Sandpainting . California, Naturegraph Company , Inc. 1966.
Wilson, Joseph A.P . "Relatives Halfway Round The World: Southern Athabascans and Southern Tarim Fugitives", Limina , 11. 2005. pp. 67–78. URL: http://www.limina.arts.uwa.edu.au/__data/page/90432/wilson.pdf Diarsipkan 2006-08-21 di Wayback Machine .
Arthur Morrison . Japanese Sand-Pictures pp. 609–612 . Strand Magazine ,1909.
G. B. Hughes . Decorating the Georgian Dessert Table . Country Life , 21.5.1959.
F.C.H. . Marmortinto or Sandpainting . Notes and Queries , pp217/8 11.3.1854 [1]
J. Mummery . Marmortinto or Sandpainting .Notes and Queries , pp327/8 8.4.1854 [2]
Fred Lee Carter . The "Lost Art" of sandpainting pp. 215–221 . The Connoisseur Illustrated , 1927.
Fred Lee Carter . Sand Pictures . Notes and Queries , 8.12.1928.[3]
E. McCoy . Pictures Painted with Sand . Antiques , March 1936.
Bea Howe . Sand Pictures . Homes and Gardens , April 1940.
D. A. Ponsonby . A Sand Painter and Morland pp. 111–113 . The Connoisseur-American Edition , April 1955.
Lt.-Colonel Rybot . Auction of Sand Paintings . Sotherby and Co , 15.6.1956
S. Groves . They Painted in Sand . The Lady , 22.1.1959.
J. Toller . The Regency and Victorian Crafts . Ward Lock , 1969.
C. P. Woodhouse . The Victoriana Collectors Handbook . Bell , 1970.
Bea Howe . Antiques from the Victorian Home . Batsford , 1973.
J. Field . Victorian Crafts . Heinemann , 1973.
Brian Pike sand painter . Painting with Sand-Golden Hands Crafts-vol.70 . Marshall Cavendish , 1976.
Joyce Eley . Sand Pictures . Wight Life , Oct-Nov. 1974.
A. H. Trelawny . Keepsake Castles in the Sand . Country Life , 2.2.1995.
Etienne le compte . 1873 - 1973 Oud Zandtapijt published Hekelgem 1 February 1973.
Villasenor, David & Jean . How to do Permanent Sand Paintings . Villasenor, David & Jean , 1972.
K. Beese . Sand Painting Techniques . Design 60 , 1959.
P. Nelson . Sandpainting . Creative Crafts , April 1974.
Brian Pike sand painter . Sand Art .Family Circle Book of Crafts , 1980.
Brian Pike sand painter . The Craft of Sand-painting .The Craftsman Magazine , 1989.