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Osip Aronovich Piatnitsky (1882-1938)
Osip Aaronovitch Piatnitsky (bahasa Rusia: Осип Аронович Пятницкий; 1882 – 1938), lahir Iosif Aronovich Tarshis, adalah seorang revolusioner Rusia. Piatnitsky dikenal sebagai kepala Departemen Internasional Komunis Internasional pada 1920an dan awal 1930an, sebuah jabatan yang menjadikannya salah satu wajah publik utama gerakan Komunis internasional.
The Organisation of a World Party.London: Communist Party of Great Britain, 1928.
The Immediate Tasks of the International Trade Union Movement. New York: Workers Library Publishers, n.d. [c. 1930].
World Communists in Action: The Consolidation of the Communist Parties and Why the Growing Political Influence of the Sections of the Comintern is Not Sufficiently Maintained. New York: Workers Library Publishers, n.d. [c. 1930].
Unemployment and the Tasks of the Communists. New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1931.
Urgent Questions of the Day: Unemployed Movement, Factory Organisation, Fluctuation of Membership. Moscow: Cooperative Publishing Society of Foreign Workers in the USSR, 1931.
The Bolshevisation of the Communist Parties by Eradicating the Social-Democratic Traditions. London: Modern Books, n.d. [1932].
The World Economic Crisis: The Revolutionary Upsurge and the Tasks of the Communist Parties. New York: Workers Library Publishers, n.d. [1932].
The Work of the Communist Parties of France and Germany and the Tasks of the Communists in the Trade Union Movement. New York: Workers Library Publishers, n.d. [c. 1932].
The Present Situation in Germany. New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1933.
The Twenty-One Conditions of Admission into the Communist International. New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1934.
The Communists in the Fight for the Masses. New York: Workers Library Publishers, 1934.
Memoirs of a Bolshevik. New York: International Publishers, 1935.