Satyajit Bhatkal

Satyajit Bhatkal adalah seorang sutradara film dan televisi asal india. Ia dikenal sebagai pembuat Satyamev Jayate.[1] Satyajit tinggal di Mumbai dengan istrinya vati dan anak-anaknya Nayantara dan Nishant.[2] Ia adalah CEO Paani Foundation.[3]


[sunting | sunting sumber]
  1. ^ Real heroes are those who risked coming on the show Diarsipkan 2013-04-11 di The team behind the TV show 'Satyamev Jayate' had its own share of surprises and revelations during its making. Director Satyajit Bhatkal and his wife and co-director and research head Svati Chakravarty share their experiences on making the show with Aamir Khan.
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