Thomas Cochrane, Earl Dundonald Kesepuluh

The Right Honourable
The Earl of Dundonald
Gambar Lord Dundonald, yang berdasarkan pada lukisan karya James Ramsay (1866)
JulukanLe Loup des Mers
Lahir14 Desember 1775
Annsfield, dekat Hamilton, Lanarkshire, Skotlandia
Meninggal31 Oktober 1860(1860-10-31) (umur 84)
Kensington, London, Inggris
Pengabdian Kerajaan Britania Raya
 Kekaisaran Brasil
 Kerajaan Yunani
Dinas/cabang Royal Navy
 Angkatan Laut Chili
 Angkatan Laut Brasil
Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Yunani
Lama dinas1793–1860
KomandanStasiun Amerika Utara dan Hindia Barat
Perang/pertempuranPeperangan era Napoleon
Perang Kemerdekaan Chili
Perang Kemerdekaan Peru
Perang Kemerdekaan Brasil
Perang Kemerdekaan Yunani
PenghargaanKnight Grand Cross of the Order of the Bath
Order of the Merit of Chile

Laksamana Thomas Cochrane, Earl Dundonald Kesepuluh, Marquess of Maranhão, GCB, ODM (14 Desember 1775 – 31 Oktober 1860), yang disebut Lord Cochrane antara 1778 dan 1831, adalah seorang perwira panji angkatan laut Britania dari Royal Navy dan politikus radikal.

Ia menjadi kapten yang sukses pada Peperangan era Napoleon, membuat Prancis menjulukinya Le Loup des Mers (artinya 'Serigala dari Lautan').


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Bacaan tambahan

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  • Cochrane, Alexander, in collaboration with the 14th Earl of Dundonald, "The Fighting Cochranes: A Scottish Clan over six hundred years of naval and military history" 1983, Quiller Press, London, ISBN 0-907621-19-8
  • Dale, Richard. "Napoleon is Dead: Lord Cochrane and the Great Stock Exchange Scandal" (2006) London: Sutton Pub., 256pp, ISBN 978-0-7509-4381-9
  • Davie, Donald. Poem entitled 'Lady Cochrane' in "Collected Poems 1971–1983". 1983, Manchester: Carcanet Press, ISBN 0-85635-462-7 and Mid Northumberland Arts Group ISBN 0-904790-30-4. US edition 1983, Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press, ISBN 0-268-00745-4
  • Dundonald, Thomas. Cochrane, Earl of, 1775–1860. The Autobiography of a Seaman. Introduction by Richard Woodman.
    New York: Lyons Press, 2000. ISBN 1-86176-156-2
  • Earnock and its Early Proprietors, nd Hamilton Advertiser, n.d. July 1874
  • Gomes, Laurentino (2010). 1822 – How a wise man, a sad princess and a money-crazy Scotsman helped D. Pedro create Brazil, a country that had everything to go wrong (dalam bahasa Portugis). Nova Fronteira. 
  • Harvey, Robert. Cochrane: The Life and Exploits of a Fighting Captain. New York: Carroll & Graf, 2000. ISBN 0-7867-0923-5
  • Harvey, Robert. "Liberators: Latin America`s Struggle For Independence, 1810–1830". John Murray, London (2000). ISBN 0-7195-5566-3
  • Higgins, James (editor). The Emancipation of Peru: British Eyewitness Accounts, 2014. Online at
  • Lloyd, Christopher Lord Cochrane. Seaman, Radical, Liberator. – A Life of Tomas Lord Cochrane 10th Earl of Dundonald. 1775–1860, ISBN 0-8050-5986-5
  • M'Gilchrist (aka McGilchrist), John. "The Life and Daring Exploits of Lord Dundonald". 1st Edition. London: James Blackwood, Paternoster Row. 1861.
  • Stephenson, Charles. "The Admiral's Secret Weapon: Lord Dundonald and the Origins of Chemical Warfare" (2006) Boydell press, ISBN 978-1-84383-280-5
  • Thomas, Donald. Cochrane: Britannia's Sea Wolf. 2nd Edition 2001, Cassell Military Paperbacks, London, 383pp, ISBN 0-304-35659-X
  • Freedom's Mercenaries: British Volunteers in the Wars of Independence of Latin America (1810–1825), by Moises Enrique Rodriguez (Lanham, Maryland, 2006).
  • Under the Flags of Freedom: British Mercenaries in the War of the Two Brothers, the First Carlist War, and the Greek War of Independence (1821–1840), by Moises Enrique Rodriguez (Lanham, Maryland, 2009).

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