Yamato-damashii (大和魂, "jiwa Jepang") atau Yamato-gokoro (大和心, "hati/pikiran Jepang") adalah sebuah istilah bahasa Jepang yang merujuk kepada nilai dan sifat kebudayaan bangsa Jepang. Frase tersebut dicetuskan pada zaman Heian untuk menyebut 'jiwa' atau nilai budaya Jepang asli berlawanan dengan nilai budaya bangsa-bangsa asing seperti yang diifentifikasi lewat kontak dengan dinasti Tang Tiongkok.
- Carr, Michael. "Yamato-Damashii "Japanese Spirit" Definitions". International Journal of Lexicography, 7(4):279–306 (1994). DOI:10.1093/ijl/7.4.279
- Hearn, Lafcadio. Japan: An Attempt at Interpretation. Macmillan Company. 1904.
- Miller, Roy Andrew. Japan's Modern Myth. Weatherhill, 1982.
- Pollack, David. The Fracture of Meaning: Japan's Synthesis of China from the Eighth through the Eighteenth Centuries. Princeton University Press. 1986.
- Saitō Shōji 斉藤正二. "Yamatodamashii" no bunkashi. 「やまとだましい」の文化史 [A Cultural History of the "Japanese Spirit"]. Kōdansha. 1972.
- Sakurai Tadayoshi. Human Bullets: A Soldier's Story of the Russo-Japanese War. Bison Books. 1999. ISBN 0-8032-9266-X
- Seidensticker, Edward G., tr. The Tale of Genji. Alfred A. Knopf. 1976. 2 vols.
Lihat entri
Yamato di kamus bebas Wiktionary.
- Yamato damashii, Encyclopedia of Shinto article, Fukui Yoshihiko
- The Japanese Spirit, Okakura Yoshisaburo, 1905
- The Japanese Spirit: Foundation of Japanese Peculiarity Diarsipkan 2007-11-24 di Wayback Machine., chapter from Cultural Impact on International Relations, Guo Jiemin, 2002
- Yamato Damashii, Chapter from The Japanese Nation in Evolution: Steps in the Progress of a Great People, William Elliot Griffis, 1907
- http://purebredusa.com/about.html Diarsipkan 2019-06-21 di Wayback Machine.