[1]Allan L. Edmunds ( 1949, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) bụ onye omenkà America
Edmunds gara Tyler School of Art and Architecture, na-enweta akara ugo ojiji nna ukwu na Fine Art. [1] Na 1972 Edmunds hiwere Brandywine Graphic Workshop (ugbu a Brandywine Workshop na Archives (BWA)) na Philadelphia [2] [3]
Egwuregwu egwuregwu na nchịkọta nke National Gallery of Art, [1] na Philadelphia Museum of Art, [2] Smithsonian American Art Museum, [3] na Woodmere Art Museum. [4]
[5]Agụnyere ọrụ Edmunds na ihe ngosi 2015 anyị na-ekwu: Ndị nka ojii na Philadelphia, 1920s-1970s na Woodmere Art Museum.