Asụsụ Jicaquean

,Jicaquean, makwaara dị ka Tolan, bụ obere ezinụlọ asụsụ nke Honduras. Enwere asụsụ Jicaquean abụọ agbanyere aka, Tol (Eastern Jicaque) na Western Jicaque (Holt 1999), nke Campbell (1997) na-akọ dị ihe dịka Bekee na Swedish. Naanị Tol dị ndụ.


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Tupu akwụkwọ Greenberg na Swadesh nwere mmetụta na 1953[1] Tol (aka Eastern Jicaque) chere na ọ bụ asụsụ dịpụrụ adịpụ, ya bụ, enweghị ihe ọmụma gbasara njikọ mkpụrụ ndụ ihe nketa nwere ike ime. Ha rụrụ ụka na ekwesịrị ịgbakwunye Tol na ngwaahịa Hokan, nnukwu asụsụ, phylum ma ọ bụ ezinụlọ, nke R. B. Dixon na Alfred D. Kroeber tụpụtara na 1913.[2] Na 1977, David Oltrogge[3] tụrụ aro ijikọ Tol na asụsụ Subtiaba nke Nicaragua na-ekpochapụ, yana Chontal nke Oaxaca, nke a makwaara dị ka Tequistlateco. Nke a pụtara n'ụzọ na-edoghị anya dị ka obere nhazi, ebe ọ bụ na asụsụ atọ a na-ekwu okwu bụ akụkụ nke ngwaahịa Hokan a chọrọ. Afọ ole na ole ka e mesịrị, Campbell na Oltrogge[4] bipụtara nrụgharị nke fọnịm Jicaquean, dabere na ozi dị na Western na Eastern Jicaque. N'otu akwụkwọ ahụ, ha gosipụtara obi abụọ siri ike na njikọ Hokan nke Tol na ịnụ ọkụ n'obi dị nro gbasara njikọ dị na Chontal nke Oaxaca, ma kwusiri ike na ọ dị mkpa ka ọtụtụ ozi ndị ọzọ nwee ike ikwu ihe ọ bụla ezi uche dị na ya. N'oge na-adịbeghị anya, Kaufman[5] ekwupụtala nkwado ya na-aga n'ihu na njikọ Hokan nke Tol.

Granberry & Vescelius (2004) na-eche na Asụsụ Ciguayo nke Hispaniola nwere ike ịnwe ndị ikwu ya n'asụsụ Tolan.

Asụsụ Mbụ

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Nrụzigharị Proto-Jicaque site na Campbell na Oltrogge (1980): [1]

Proto-Jicaque reconstructions by Campbell and Oltrogge (1980)
no. gloss Proto-Jicaque
2 all *pʰɨ(t)
3 always *han-
5 arm, back, shoulder *pʰel
7 arrow *¢imea ?
8 ashes *pʰɨpʰɨh
13 to be *kʼos
16 bed *kʰan
17 belly *-kol
18 big *pɨneh ?
24 black *te(kʰ)
27 blood *kʼas
28 blue *¢u(h)
30 body *pʼɨ(y)
32 bone *kʰele
34 bow (of bow and arrow) *halek
37 to burn *tV-pʷe
38 bush (forest) *hokʼ-la
40 buzzard *mantɨ
45 cloud *mol
46 coal(s) *¢ʰek
51 cougar *pɨkʼa(-he)
59 daughter *(ku)kus
62 deer *pʼɨs
63 to die *pɨʔ ?
65 dog *¢ʰiyo(h)
66 to drink *mɨʔ
67 (to) dry *pʰa
69 ear *pʰa¢ʼ
70 earth, land *(a)ma(h)
71 to eat *la ?
72 egg *pehey
75 excrement *pɨ(y)
78 far *kampa
79 father *(pa)pa(y)
84 fire *kʼawa
85 firewood *wɨ(t)
86 fish *kʰul
89 flea *pel
91 fly *no¢o¢
93 forehead *wala
94 to forget *-pɨʔ
95 four *(y)ulupʰana
97 fruit *wolas
99 to give *-tekʼa
101 good *wɨ(k)
102 grain (cf. maize) *hulup
103 grandmother, female *(mɨ)mɨy
104 to grind *kʰol ?
106 hair *¢ʼil
107 hand *mas ?
108 he, that *hup
109 head *ha(y)pʰuk
110 to hear *pʰak
111 heart *has-
114 horn *¢ʰeme
115 house *wa
117 I *nap ?
119 intestines *¢ʼul
123 knee *tikʼ-
125 to laugh *wiʔ
126 leg *tek
128 lip *lɨp
129 liver *kom
131 long *kampa
132 to look for *pal-
133 louse *tɨtʼ
135 macaw *pʼɨsa(h)
137 male, grandfather *(ko)koy
138 man *yom
140 meat *pis
143 moon *mɨmɨy
144 month *mɨy-pʰini(h)
148 mouth *lala
149 much *pɨlɨk
150 my, mine *na¢aʔ
152 navel *lulu
153 nephew *kelew ?
155 no *ma-
156 nose *mik
157 to nurse *¢oʔ
158 oak *¢ʼolol
159 one *pʰani(h)
164 parrot *kʰuyu(h)
168 red *he(h)
172 round *mul- ?
175 salt *¢olim
177 sandal, shoe *¢ompit
178 scorpion *¢ʰew ?
179 to see *nu(k)
186 skinny *kʰele
187 sky *alpa
188 sleep *han-
190 smoke *mus
192 to snore *-hol-
194 to sow, plant *sin-
195 to speak *wele
196 spider *kolok
201 stone *pe(h)
202 summer *¢ʰikin
203 sun *lo¢ʼak
204 tail *sokʼ
207 there is/are not (Sp.: no hay) *kuwa
210 thorn *ham ?
212 to tie *¢upa-
215 tongue *pelam
216 tooth *wis
217 tree *yo(h)
220 two *matʼɨ
221 uncle *kokʰam ?
224 wasp *petʰel
225 water *sɨ(tʰ)
226 we *-kup
228 white *pʰe(kʰ)
229 wind *lɨpʰɨ(kʰ)
230 woman *kep
233 word *wele
235 worm, caterpillar *¢ʼihih
237 yellow *lu(pʰ)
239 you *hip


[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
  1. Campbell, Lyle and David Oltrogge. 1980. Proto-Tol (Jicaque). International Journal of American Linguistics 46: 205-223.
  • [Ihe e dere n'ala ala peeji] (1979). "Middle American languages." Na L. Campbell & M. Mithun (Eds.), The languages of native America: Historical and comparative assessment (pp. 902-1000).  Austin: Mahadum nke Texas Press.
  • [Ihe e dere n'ala ala peeji] (1997). Asụsụ ndị India America, Akụkọ Ihe Mere Eme nke America. Oxford Studies in Anthropological Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford UP.
  • Campbell, Lyle, na David Oltrogge (1980). "Proto-Tol (Jicaque)." International Journal of American Linguistics, 46:205-223.
  • Granberry, Julian, na Gary Vescelius (2004). Asụsụ nke Pre-Columbian Antilles. Birmingham: Mahadum nke Alabama Press.
  • Greenberg, Joseph H., na Morris Swadesh (1953). "Jicaque dị ka Asụsụ Hokan" International Journal of American Linguistics 19: 216-222.
  • Holt, Dennis (1999). Tol (Jicaque) Asụsụ nke Ụwa / Ihe 170. Munich: LincomEuropa.