BUNDjugend (Young Friends of the Earth Germany)
Founded 1984
Type Non-governmental organization
Focus Environmentalism, Sustainability, Youth
Headquarters Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 5, 10553 Berlin, Germany
Area served Germany
Method awareness building, direct action, Education for Sustainable Development
Members 85,000 (2015)
Website https://www.bundjugend.de/
Oge/afọ mmalite | 1984 ![]() |
mba/obodo | Jémanị ![]() |
dị na ngalaba nhazi mpaghara | Berlin ![]() |
Onye òtù nke | Deutscher Bundesjugendring, Attac Trägerverein e.V. ![]() |
ọdịdị isi ụlọ ọrụ | Berlin ![]() |
webụsaịtị | https://www.bundjugend.de/ ![]() |
BUNDjugend (Young Friends of the Earth Germany) bụ òtù ndị ntorobịa nke Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND). Dị ka òtù ndị ntorobịa na-ahụ maka gburugburu ebe obibi, BUNDjugend na-alụ ọgụ maka nchedo nke okike na gburugburu ebe obibi. E hiwere BUNDjugend na 1984 ma kewaa ya n'ime òtù steeti dị iche iche. Ndị otu BUND niile na-erubeghị afọ iri abụọ na asaa bụ ndị otu BUNCjugend na-enweghị ụgwọ ndị ọzọ. Ka ọ dị ugbu a, e nwere ihe dịka ndị otu 43,000 na-arụsi ọrụ ike.
Kwa afọ, BUNDjugend na-ahazi ọrụ na ọrụ dị iche iche na isiokwu nke okike na nchedo gburugburu ebe obibi, maka ụmụaka, ndị nọ n'afọ iri na ụma na ndị okenye. N'ime òtù steeti, a na-elekwasị anya n'inye ezumike dị iche iche, ogige na nzukọ ọmụmụ ihe. Ọzọkwa, e nwekwara ọtụtụ ìgwè ụmụaka na ndị ntorobịa.
Isiokwu ndị dị ugbu a bụ ike nuklia, mgbanwe ihu igwe, injinia mkpụrụ ndụ ihe nketa, ike na-agbanwe agbanwe, ụdị ndụ na-adịgide adịgide na ojiji na-adịgidere adịgide.
Òtù gọọmentị etiti nwere ọfịs ya na Berlin. A na-ahọpụta ndị ọrụ afọ ofufo nke bọọdụ (Bundesjugendleitung) maka afọ abụọ na nzukọ nke ndị nnọchiteanya na-ewere ọnọdụ otu ugboro n'afọ. Nzukọ steeti ọ bụla nwere ike izipu ndị nnọchiteanya ise. Òtù steeti nwere usoro yiri nke ahụ na ndị otu nke ha (Landesjugendleitung).
BUNDjugend na-eziga ndị nnọchi anya na BUND na steeti na nke gọọmentị etiti. Ọ bụkwa onye otu ATTAC ma na-arụsi ọrụ ike na netwọk mba ụwa Young Friends of the Earth Europe nke bụ akụkụ nke Friends of the World.