Frances Sholto-Douglas

Frances Sholto-Douglas
Frances Claire Sholto-Douglas

(1996-05-16) 16 Mee 1996 (age 28)
Cape Town, South Africa
Alma materUniversity of Cape Town
Years active2015–present

Frances Claire Sholto-Douglas (amụrụ 16 Mee 1996) bụ onye omere South Africa. Ihe nkiri ya gụnyere Samson (2018), Kissing Booth trilogy (2018 – 2021), na Slumber Party Massacre (2021). Na telivishọn, amaara ya maka ọrụ ya na fim Dating Game Killer (2017) na usoro Netflix Fatal Seduction (2023).

Ndụ mbido

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A mụrụ Sholto-Douglas na Cape Town . O nwere nwanne nwanyị Elsie. [1] Sholto-Douglas zụrụ azụ n'ime egwuregwu na ịgba egwu na Cape Academy of Performing Arts tupu ọ gụchaa na Mahadum Cape Town na akara mmụta na Ụlọ ihe nkiri na Ịrụ Ọrụ. [2]

Sholto-Douglas gbara Lori Carter na ihe nkiri telivishọn 2017 Dating Game Killer . N'afọ sochirinụ, o mere mpụta ihe nkiri ihe ngosi ya na ọrụ dị ka Taren na Samson [3] [4] na Vivian na ihe nkiri Netflix afọ iri na ụma The Kissing Booth, nke ikpeazụ nke ọ nyochara na 2016. [5] Ọ ga-eweghachi ọrụ ya dị ka Vivian na usoro Kissing Booth na 2020 na 2021 n'otu n'otu. Ọ pụtakwara na BBC na Netflix miniseries Troy: Fall of a City na Black Mirror ihe omume " Rachel, Jack na Ashley Too ". </link>[ a chọrọ nkọwa ]

Na 2021, Sholto-Douglas pụtara na Slumber Party Massacre remake dị ka Maeve. [6] Ọ gbara megide Bianca Oosthuizen na mmepụta ihe nkiri ihe nkiri nke egwu Earworm . [7] Na 2023, ọ gbara egwu dị ka Laura n'akụkụ Ngele Ramulondi na usoro 2023 Fatal Seduction, dịkwa na Netflix. [8] [9] [10] Ọ pụtakwara na Delela na Baxter Theatre Center . [11]

Ihe nkiri

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Ihe nkiri

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Afọ Aha Ọrụ Ihe ndetu
2018 Samson Taren
Ụlọ nsusu ọnụ Vivian Ihe nkiri Netflix
2020 Ụlọ nsusu ọnụ 2
2021 Ụlọ nsusu ọnụ 3
Mgbuchapụ Ndị Ụra Ụra Maeve
2023 Nwa nwoke na-egbu ụwa Megan
TBA Ugbu a Jeffrey Shireen

Igwe onyonyo

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Afọ Aha Ọrụ Ihe ndetu
2016 Onweghi nwoke Hapuru Azu Onye nnabata Ihe omume: "Colombia Vice"
Instinct Killer na Chris Hansen Sarah Krombach Ihe omume: "Gbuo ma ọ bụ Gbuo"
2017 Ọbara mbanye Nwa agbọghọ Ihe ngosi 2
Egwu egwuregwu mkpakọrịta nwoke na nwaanyị Lori Carter Ihe nkiri onyonyo
2018 Troy: Ọdịda nke Obodo Nwanyị aka Akụkụ 3
Usoro nke Dragọn ahụ Chiara Rostov Ihe nkiri onyonyo
2019 Ojii mirror Carmen Ihe omume: " Rachel, Jack na Ashley Too "
2021 Too Melissa Ihe ngosi 4
2023 Seduction egbu egbu Laura Isi ọrụ
TBA Ụzọ Mkpughe Keira Na-abịa
Afọ Aha Ọrụ Ihe ndetu
2021–2022 Earworm Ụlọ ihe nkiri, Cape Town
2023 Dela Ụlọ ihe nkiri Baxter, Cape Town


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  1. Trina Hannah (21 October 2023). "Frances Sholto-Douglas reveals her dream co-star and talks about her new Netflix role". New Scene Magazine. Retrieved on 13 December 2023. 
  2. Roux (23 July 2020). "SA actress Frances Sholto-Douglas talks 'The Kissing Booth 2'". The South African. Retrieved on 9 June 2022. 
  3. Prestridge (12 January 2018). Close-up: An Interview with Frances Sholto-Douglas. Close-Up Culture. Retrieved on 9 June 2022.
  4. Dennil (17 September 2020). Film Interview: Frances Sholto-Douglas – Kissing Connections, Or The Thrill Of The Space. Participate. Retrieved on 9 June 2022.
  5. Broide (25 August 2020). "Five minutes with The Kissing Booth's Frances Sholto-Douglas". House of Pop. Retrieved on 9 June 2022. 
  6. Hipes (13 April 2021). "'Slumber Party Massacre' Redo From Shout! Studios Scares Up Home At Syfy". Deadline. Retrieved on 21 October 2023. 
  7. Cohen (7 April 2022). On stage: The hit play, Earworm, returns to Theatre Arts, April 2022. The Cape Robyn. Retrieved on 21 October 2023.
  8. Rhode (2023). "Get to know Fatal Seduction's Ngele Ramulondi and Frances Sholto-Douglas". Bona. Retrieved on 20 August 2023. 
  9. Khalfe (7 July 2023). "Meet the leading ladies of Netflix's steamy new series, Fatal Seduction". Glamour. Retrieved on 20 August 2023. 
  10. Thangevelo (21 August 2023). "Why 'Fatal Seduction' was such a big deal for newcomers Ngele Ramulondi and Frances Sholto-Douglas". IOL. Retrieved on 21 October 2023. 
  11. Bain (12 September 2023). "Delela — a play that holds a mirror to our society in a most hilarious and brutal fashion". Daily Maverick. Retrieved on 21 October 2023. 

Njikọ mpụga

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