Harry Bolus

Harry bolus

  Harry Bolus (28 Eprel 1834 - 25 Mee 1911) bụ onye South Afrịka botanist, onye Omenkà ihe ọkụkụ, onye ọchụnta ego na onye ọrụ ebere. Ọ gara n'ihu na botany na South Africa site na ịmepụta bursaries, guzobe Bolus Herbarium ma nyefee ọbá akwụkwọ ya na akụkụ buru ibu nke akụ na ụba ya na South African College (nke bụzi Mahadum nke Cape Town). Ọ na-arụsi ọrụ ike na gburugburu sayensị, ọ bụ onye otu Linnean Society, onye otu na onye isi oche nke South African Philosophical Society (nke mechara bụrụ Royal Society of South Africa), SA Medal na Grant site na SA Association for the Advancement of Science na D.Sc. nsọpụrụ site na Mahadum nke Cape of Good Hope .

Akụkọ ndụ

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A mụrụ Bolus na Nottingham, England. Ọ gụrụ akwụkwọ na Castle Gate School, Nottingham . Onye isi ụlọ akwụkwọ George Herbert na-edegara akwụkwọ ozi mgbe niile ma nata ihe ọkụkụ sitere n'aka William Kensit nke Grahamstown, South Afrịka. Kensit rịọrọ ka onye isi ụlọ akwụkwọ ziga ya otu n'ime ụmụ akwụkwọ ya dị ka onye enyemaka; Harry Bolus rutere na Port Elizabeth site na ụgbọ mmiri Jane na Maachị 1850. Ya na Kensit nọrọ afọ abụọ wee kwaga Port Elizabeth. Mgbe ọ gara England obere oge, ọ biri na Graaff-Reinet, ebe ọ ga-ebi afọ iri na itoolu sochirinụ. N'afọ 1857, ọ lụrụ Sophia Kensit, nwanne William Kensit. N'agbata 1858 na 1870 ha nwere ụmụ nwoke atọ na nwa nwanyị. N'afọ 1864, ọkpara ya nke afọ isii nwụnahụrụ ya, Francis Guthrie onye ghọrọ ezigbo enyi ya, tụrụ aro ka ọ malite ịkụ osisi iji meziwanye ọnwụ ya. Ọ malitere nchịkọta botanical ya na 1865 ma n'oge na-adịghị anya, ya na Joseph Hooker na Kew, William Henry Harvey na Dublin na Peter MacOwan na Grahamstown. Otu n'ime onyinye ya kachasị dị oké ọnụ ahịa bụ akwụkwọ De Candolle's Prodromus natara n'aka Guthrie na 1869. N'afọ 1875, ọ sonyeere nwanne ya nwoke Walter na Cape Town, biri na mpaghara Kenilworth, ebe ha hiwere ụlọ ọrụ na-ere ahịa nke a na-akpọ Bolus Bros. N'afọ sochirinụ, ya na Guthrie mere nleta mbụ ha na Kew, na-eburu ọnụ ọgụgụ dị ukwuu nke ihe ọkụkụ maka ịkpọ aha. Bolus kọwara oge ahụ dị ka 'ụbọchị obi ụtọ iri anọ'. N'ịlaghachi na Windsor Castle n'ọnwa Ọktọba afọ 1876, ụgbọ mmiri ahụ kụrụ nkume dị na Dassen Island na ọnwụ nke ihe atụ ya na ihe odide ya. Agbanyeghị, ọ malitere nchịkọta ihe atụ ọhụrụ ma hazie njem gaa n'akụkụ dị iche iche nke South Afrịka. Ọ bụ ezigbo onye na-ahụ maka ihe ọkụkụ ma bipụta ọtụtụ akwụkwọ banyere ihe ndị ọ chọpụtara. Ọ bụ ezie na ọ bụ onye na-eme njem, ọ dịkwa jụụ ma ghara ịdị mpako.

Harry Bolus hụrụ ileta England n'anya ma mee njem iri abụọ na asatọ (14 n'ụzọ ọ bụla) na South Afrịka .

Eulophia streptopetala Lindl., 1901 eserese nke Harry Bolus

Akwụkwọ ozi

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Harry Bolus na ndị ya na ha dịkọrọ ndụ na-edekọ akwụkwọ ozi n'ọtụtụ ebe, gụnyere ọtụtụ ndị a ma ama dịka Victorian naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, onye Bekee na-ahụ maka ihe ọkụkụ na onye nyocha Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker na onye odee South Afrịka na onye na-ede uri C. Louis Leipoldt .[7]

Nchịkọta njem

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  • Namaqualand 1883
  • Eastern Cape na Henry George Flanagan, Florence Sarah Flanagan (née Reynolds) na EE Galpin
  • Lourenço Marques to Barberton to Pretoria to Cape Town 1886
  • Orange Free State (Bester's Vlei, Witzieshoek, Mont-aux-Sources) ya na Henry George Flanagan na Florence Sarah Flanagan (née Reynolds) 1893–94
  • Transvaal na Swaziland 1904–06


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A na-echeta ya n'ụdị ise: Bolusia Benth., Bolusafra Kuntze, Neobolusia Schltr., Bolusanthus Harms (na 1906, ) na Bolusiella Schltr., yana ọtụtụ aha ndị ọzọ.[1][2]


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  • A Preliminary List of the Cape Orchids 1881
  • Bolus, Harry (1888). The Orchids of the Cape Peninsula. South African Philosophical Society. 
  • Descriptions of the 117 Cape Peninsula Orchids illustrated by 36 plates drawn and coloured by himself.
  • A Sketch of the Flora of South Africa 1886
  • Bolus, Harry (1896). Icones Orchidearum Austro-africanarum Extra-tropicarum: Or Figures, with Descriptions, of Extra-tropical South African Orchids. William Wesley and Son. 
  • Icones Orchidearum Austro-Africanum Extra-tropicarum Volume 1 Part 1 comprising 50 plates 1893.
  • Icones Orchidearum Austro-Africanum Extra-tropicarum Part 2 1896.
  • Icones Orchidearum Austro-Africanum Extra-tropicarum Volume 2 comprising 100 plates 1911 (shortly after his death).
  • Icones Orchidearum Austro-Africanum Extra-tropicarum Volume 3 edited by his grand-niece Miss H. M. L. Kensit, and containing 9 plates painted by his son Frank 1913.
  • A List of Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Cape Peninsula with Wolley-Dod
  • "Ericaceae" for Flora Capensis with Francis Guthrie and N. E. Brown


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  1. Bolusanthus speciosus (Bolus) Harms | Plants of the World Online | Kew Science (en). Plants of the World Online. Retrieved on 18 August 2021.
  2. Burkhardt (2018). Verzeichnis eponymischer Pflanzennamen – Erweiterte Edition (pdf) (in German), Berlin: Botanic Garden and Botanical Museum, Freie Universität Berlin. DOI:10.3372/epolist2018. ISBN 978-3-946292-26-5. Retrieved on 1 January 2021.