Ihe ịma aka ukwu nke Canada

Ihe ịma aka ukwu nke Canada
Ụlọ ọrụ Gọọmenti, nonprofit organization
Oge/afọ mmalite2010 Dezie
mba/obodoKánada Dezie
dị na ngalaba nhazi mpagharaVictoriaville Dezie
ọdịdị isi ụlọ ọrụToronto Dezie
webụsaịtịhttp://www.grandchallenges.ca/ Dezie

Grand Challenges Canada ( GCC ) bụ ọgbakọ anaghị akwụ ụgwọ na Canada nke na-eji ihe atụ nnukwu ihe ịma aka iji kwado ihe ngwọta maka nsogbu ahụike na ihe ịma aka mmepe na mba ndị na-emepe emepe . [1] [2] [3]

Nzukọ a akwadola ihe karịrị ọrụ 1,000 na mba 80, [4] na-emetụta nde mmadụ 1.3. [5]

Ọ bụ Gọọmenti Canada na-akwado ya ma na-akwado ya na mpaghara nchọpụta MaRS [6] site na netwọk ahụike University na Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [7]

Akụkọ ihe mere eme

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Nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada dabere na nnukwu ihe ịma aka dị na ụdị ahụike ụwa nke Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation . [8] [9] Peter A. Singer, CEO nke Grand Challenges Canada, na Dr. Abdallah Daar, Onye isi oche nke nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada's Sayensị Advisory Board, nọdụrụ na bọọdụ sayensị. [10] [11]

N'afọ 2007, onye na-agụ egwú dere op-ed na National Post nke mere arụmụka maka otu ụlọ ọrụ yiri nke dabeere na Canada. [12] Nke a dọtara uche nke gọọmentị Canada, na-eduga n'ịmepụta nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada. [13]

E hiwere nzukọ a na $ 225 nde CAD n'ime afọ 5 site na mmefu ego gọọmenti etiti Canada nke 2008 iji "na-akwado nyocha nyocha nke na-ekwu maka nsogbu ahụike zuru ụwa ọnụ dị oke egwu iji weta ọganihu na-adịgide adịgide na ahụike na ndụ ndị mmadụ na mba ndị na-enweghị ego." [14] [15] [8] The Budget 2008 kere Development Innovation Fund, jikwaa site a consortium gụnyere Grand Challenges Canada, Canadian Institutes of Health Research, na International Development Research Center . [16]

Na June 2015, Global Affairs Canada kwupụtara mgbakwunye $ 161 nde CAD na ego maka nzukọ ahụ n'ime afọ 10 site na gọọmentị Muskoka Initiative on Maternal, Newborn and Child Health . [17] [18]

Ihe ohuru nke nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada kwadoro gụnyere ngwaọrụ Odon, [19] the Lucky iron fish, [20] the Ovillanta, [21] Doppler fetal monitor na-arụ ọrụ na-enweghị ọkụ eletrik, [22] ọnụ ala na arụ ọrụ ikpere nkwonkwo, [23] Ihe mkpuchi na-adịghị mma maka ụlọ ahịa ụlọ ahịa ngwaike nke na-agbanwe ha ka ọ bụrụ ngwá ọrụ ịwa ahụ, [24] swab [25] atụrụ iji meziwanye nchọpụta afọ ọsịsa, [26] ihe nchekwa ọmụmụ $ 5, [27] 3-D ebipụtara, aka prosthetic dị ọnụ ala., [28] na ntụ ntụ na-emegharị onwe ya iji kwụsị ọbara ọgbụgba . [29]

Nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada na-akwado ọtụtụ mmemme na atụmatụ ahụike zuru ụwa ọnụ :

  • "Stars in Global Health", nke na-enye ego mkpụrụ maka ngwọta maka nsogbu ahụike zuru ụwa ọnụ. [30] Ndị nnata ihe nrite a gụnyere Evelyn Gitau . [31]
  • "Ịchekwa ndụ n'oge ọmụmụ", nke na-achọpụta ma na-ebuli usoro mgbochi na ọgwụgwọ maka ụmụ nwanyị dị ime na ụmụ amụrụ ọhụrụ mgbe a mụrụ nwa. Ịchekwa ndụ n'oge ọmụmụ bụ mmekorita nke United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Gọọmenti Norway, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Grand Challenges Canada, United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), na Korea International Ụlọ ọrụ nkwado (KOICA) . [32]
  • "Ịchekwa ụbụrụ", nke na-akwado ichekwa na ịzụlite ụbụrụ mmalite iji nye atụmatụ ọpụpụ ogologo oge na ịda ogbenye . Ịchekwa ụbụrụ bụ mmekorita nke Grand Challenges Canada, Aga Khan Foundation Canada, Bernard van Leer Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, The ELMA Foundation, Grand Challenges Ethiopia, Maria Cecilia Souto Vidigal Foundation, Palix Foundation, UBS Optimus Foundation na World Vision Canada . [33]
  • "Global Mental Health", nke na-akwado ụdị iji gbasaa ohere nlekọta na ịdị irè nke ọrụ iji melite ahụike uche . [34] Site na mmemme ahụike uche zuru ụwa ọnụ nke Canada, Gọọmenti Canada na-akwado nnukwu ụlọ ọrụ nyocha ahụike uche zuru ụwa ọnụ. [35] [36]
  • "Transition To Scale", nke na-eweta ihe ọhụrụ site na ngosipụta nke echiche ruo n'ókè site n'iji ọrụ afọ ofufo na mmetụta itinye ego ụdị. Ihe omume a na-akwado echiche ndị nwetara akaebe nke echiche site na nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada ma ọ bụ site na pipeline nke ndị mmekọ ya, dị ka Skoll Foundation na Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation . [37]
  • Grand Challenges Canada bụ onye na-etinye ego arịlịka na Global Health Investment Fund, ego US $ 108 nke na-enye ndị na-etinye ego ohere itinye ego na teknụzụ ahụike ụwa n'ikpeazụ. [38] Ndị ọzọ investors na ndị mmekọ gụnyere Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, International Finance Corporation, GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pfizer, German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development, Children's Investment Fund Foundation, AXA, na Storebrand . [39]
  • Nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada na-akwado Ụlọ Ahịa Innovation nke Nwanyị ọ bụla (EWEC), nke ewepụtara na Septemba 2015 n'okpuru Òtù Mba Ndị Dị n'Otu Nwanyị ọ bụla nwa ọ bụla na usoro zuru ụwa ọnụ maka ahụike ụmụ nwanyị na ụmụaka . Ndị na-ere ahịa n'ahịa na-agbanwe n'ọtụtụ ntinye ego na ahụike ọmụmụ, nne, nwa amụrụ ọhụrụ, nwatakịrị na n'oge uto. [40]
  • Nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada malitere ịmepụta olileanya na esemokwu: nnukwu ihe ịma aka mmadụ na February 2018 site na ego sitere na USAID's Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA), Ngalaba United Kingdom for International Development (DFID), na Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs . Nnukwu ịma aka ndị mmadụ na-achọ itinye ego ọhụrụ na-elebara ndị ọgụ ọgụ ma ọ bụ ọgbaghara mmadụ metụtara akachasị anya. Nnukwu ihe ịma aka mbụ mara ndị 23 ikpeazụ maka onyinye ruru US $ 250,000 nke ọ bụla. [41]


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Nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada bụ otu Board of Directors na-eduzi ya na bọọdụ ndụmọdụ sayensị . [42]


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Dr. Abdallah Daar, Onye isi oche nke nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada's Sayensị Advisory Board, nọdụrụ na bọọdụ sayensị. Dr. Abdallah Daar, Onye isi oche nke nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada's Sayensị Advisory Board, nọdụrụ naDr. Abdallah Daar, Onye isi oche nke nnukwu ihe ịma aka Canada's Sayensị Advisory Board, nọdụrụ na bọọdụ sayensị. [43] [44] bọọdụ sayensị. [45] [46]

  1. Renaissance man Joseph Rotman was a patron of education. The Globe and Mail (January 27, 2015).
  2. Grand Challenges Canada Launched. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (May 2, 2010).
  3. A Platform for Innovation: 2016-2017 Annual Report. Grand Challenges Canada (May 2, 2010).
  4. Toronto-based firm helps develop medical innovations. Toronto Sun (June 20, 2015).
  5. Grandmother power in Canada's global aid. BBC (July 19, 2017).
  6. Grand Challenges Canada. MaRS Discovery District. Archived from the original on 2018-09-16. Retrieved on 2024-04-06.
  7. McLaughlin-Rotman Centre up for "Grand Challenge". University Health Network (May 3, 2010).
  8. 8.0 8.1 Grand Challenges Canada Launched. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (May 2, 2010)."Grand Challenges Canada Launched". Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. May 2, 2010.
  9. Varmus (October 17, 2003). "Grand Challenges in Global Health". Science 302 (5644): 398–399. DOI:10.1126/science.1091769. PMID 14563993. 
  10. Grandmother power in Canada's global aid. BBC (July 19, 2017).
  11. Grandest Challenge: The Toronto-born crusade to cure the world's sick. Toronto Star (September 23, 2011).
  12. Think Small. National Post (November 9, 2005).
  13. Grandmother power in Canada's global aid. BBC (July 19, 2017).
  14. Inventor uses stinky socks to fight malaria. Postmedia Network (July 13, 2011).
  15. The Budget Plan 2008: Responsible Leadership. Government of Canada (February 26, 2008). Archived from the original on March 3, 2016. Retrieved on September 14, 2017.
  16. Development Innovation Fund for Global Health Research. International Development Research Centre (30 April 2019).
  17. Toronto-based firm helps develop medical innovations. Toronto Sun (June 20, 2015).
  18. Canada Partners with Grand Challenges Canada to Save the Lives of Mothers and Children Through Health Innovation. Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada (June 12, 2015).
  19. Car Mechanic Dreams Up a Tool to Ease Births. New York Times (November 13, 2013).
  20. 5 made-in-Canada ideas helping women and babies around the world. Global News (May 22, 2014).
  21. Canadian researcher's mosquito trap offers hope in fight against Zika spread. The Globe and Mail (April 8, 2016).
  22. $2 million in grants for bright ideas that help save lives. Toronto Star (July 1, 2011).
  23. Toronto scientist develops artificial leg that costs just $50. Toronto Star (February 9, 2012).
  24. Cover Lets Household Drills Be Used in Surgery. New York Times (August 2, 2016).
  25. Toronto scientist develops artificial leg that costs just $50. Toronto Star (February 9, 2012).
  26. 'Flocked swabs' may be key to treating diarrheal diseases in developing countries. Toronto Star (May 25, 2015).
  27. Grand Challenges: Innovative ideas for saving lives get a leg up. Toronto Star (April 29, 2013).
  28. Lending a helping hand: Victoria non-profit in the running for huge Google grant. Global News (March 9, 2017).
  29. UBC researchers create self-propelled powder to stop bleeding. University of British Columbia (October 2, 2015). Archived from the original on November 30, 2023. Retrieved on April 6, 2024.
  30. Stars in Global Health. Grand Challenges Canada.
  31. Wamuswa. Canada gives Kenyan scientist Sh8.5 million research grant (en). The Standard. Retrieved on 2020-08-17.
  32. Saving Lives at Birth. Saving Lives at Birth. Archived from the original on 2016-06-23. Retrieved on 2024-04-06.
  33. Saving Brains. Saving Brains.
  34. Global Mental Health. Grand Challenges Canada.
  35. Mental Health for Sustainable Development. All-Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health. Archived from the original on 2023-10-31. Retrieved on 2024-04-06.
  36. A Depression-Fighting Strategy That Could Go Viral. New York Times (December 4, 2014).
  37. Transition-to-Scale. Grand Challenges Canada.
  38. Global Health Investment Fund. Global Health Investment Fund.
  39. Global Health Investment Fund. JPMorgan Chase & Co.. Archived from the original on 2020-05-17. Retrieved on 2024-04-06.
  40. Every Woman Every Child Innovation Marketplace. Every Woman Every Child (12 December 2016). Archived from the original on 2 July 2023. Retrieved on 6 April 2024.
  41. Humanitarian Grand Challenge.
  42. Our People. Grand Challenges Canada. Archived from the original on 2017-02-23. Retrieved on 2017-09-14.
  43. Grandmother power in Canada's global aid. BBC (July 19, 2017).
  44. Grandest Challenge: The Toronto-born crusade to cure the world's sick. Toronto Star (September 23, 2011).
  45. Grandmother power in Canada's global aid. BBC (July 19, 2017).
  46. Grandest Challenge: The Toronto-born crusade to cure the world's sick. Toronto Star (September 23, 2011).

Njikọ mpụga

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