Ines Mpambara

Ines Mpambara
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịRwanda Dezie
aha enyereInes Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaMpambara Dezie
ọrụ ọ na-arụcivil servant Dezie
Ọkwá o jiMinister in charge of Cabinet Affairs Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọUniversity of Rwanda Dezie

Ines Mpambara bụ onye ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị Rwanda nke na-eje ozi ugbu a dị ka Minista na-ahụ maka ihe gbasara ndị kansụl kemgbe ọnwa Machị 2020.[1]

Ruo mgbe a họpụtara ya, ọ na-eje ozi dị ka onye nduzi nke ndị isi na Ọfịs nke Onye isi ala nke Rwanda ihe karịrị afọ iri.[2] Ọ rụkwara ọrụ na Ministry of Health ebe ọ nọ n'ọkwá dị iche iche, Tupu nke ahụ, ọ rụrụ ọrụ na Mahadum National nke Rwanda dị ka onye nkuzi na onye nduzi nke School of Journalism and Communication.[3][4][5]


[dezie | dezie ebe o si]
  1. Who are the new faces in cabinet? (en). The New Times | Rwanda (2020-02-28). Retrieved on 2021-11-17.
  2. First Lady tips youth on passion, innovation (en). The New Times | Rwanda (2017-12-09). Retrieved on 2021-11-17.
  3. First lady awards 'Imbuto' women achievers (en). The New Times | Rwanda (2007-12-28). Retrieved on 2021-11-17.
  4. Scribes urged to educate public on health issues (en). The New Times | Rwanda (2008-03-12). Retrieved on 2021-11-17.
  5. Israel. Gushyira abagore mu buyobozi ntibyapfuye kubaho: Ubuhamya bwa bamwe bari mu myanya ikomeye - (rw). Retrieved on 2021-11-17.