International Society for Industrial Ecology (ISIE) bụ òtù ndị ọkachamara mba ụwa na ebumnuche nke ịkwalite mmepe na itinye n'ọrụ nke ụlọ ọrụ mmepụta ihe.[1][2]
E mere mkpebi ịchọta ISIE na Jenụwarị 2000 na New York Academy of Sciences na nzukọ a raara nye gburugburu ebe obibi nke ndị ọkachamara si n'akụkụ dị iche iche bịara. Òtù ahụ meghere ọnụ ụzọ ya maka ndị otu na Febụwarị 2001.[1]
ISIE na-enye ụdị ndị otu dị iche iche nke enwere ike ịzụta na ebe nrụọrụ weebụ Wiley-Blackwell. Ndị otu na-enweta ohere maka mbipụta 6 nke Journal of Industrial Ecology nke Wiley-Blackwell bipụtara maka Mahadum Yale, yana nkwụsịtụ maka ịga nzukọ ISIE na nkwụsịtụ na akwụkwọ ndị Wiley- Blackwell bipụtara.[3][4]
E meela nzukọ ISIE na nso nso a na Mahadum Ulsan na South Korea, Melbourne, Australia, Mahadum California, Berkeley, na Stockholm Environmental Institute.[5][6][7][8]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 About. International Society for Industrial Ecology. Retrieved on July 3, 2014."About". International Society for Industrial Ecology. Retrieved July 3, 2014.
- ↑ International Society for Industrial Ecology. Center for Industrial Ecology, Yale University. Archived from the original on July 31, 2012. Retrieved on July 3, 2014.
- ↑ Membership in the ISIE. International Society for Industrial Ecology. Archived from the original on July 14, 2014. Retrieved on July 3, 2014.
- ↑ Joining International Society for Industrial Ecology. Wiley-Blackwell. Retrieved on July 3, 2014.
- ↑ ISIE 2013 (University of Ulsan). Archived from the original on October 26, 2014. Retrieved on July 3, 2014.
- ↑ Industrial Ecology in the 21st Century. Archived from the original on May 22, 2014. Retrieved on July 3, 2014.
- ↑ ISIE 2011 Conference, June 7-10, 2011, University of California, Berkeley. Archived from the original on June 19, 2014. Retrieved on July 3, 2014.
- ↑ Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology. Stockholm Environmental Institute. Retrieved on July 3, 2014.
Official website