Long Cecil bụ ogbunigwe wuru na ogbako ụlọ ọrụ De Beers na-egwupụta akụ na Kimberley maka ndị Britain jiri na nnɔ nke Kimberley n'oge Agha Boer nke echiche
Ndị na-akpa na Kimberley naanị obere RML 2.5 inch Mountain Gun na ya mere egwuregwu ngwa nke nwere ike dabara nke ọma ndị Boers gbara ya gburugburu. [1]
George Labram na Edward Goffe, onye isi Draftsman na ebe a na-egwuputa ihe, tụlere akwụkwọ akwụkwọ na akwụkwọ gbasara ime egbe dị na Kimberley. Site na nke a na ngụkọ ihe ọ ga-achọ iji wuo egbe nwere ike ịgba egbe ụfọdụ 7,600 meters (8,300 yd), ha na ọ ga-ekwe omume iji ihe ndị dị n'aka wuo égbè ahụ.
Ewubere gbọmgbọm ahụ site na 10-foot-long (3.0 m), 10.5-inch-diameter (270 mm) billet nke obere ígwè. E bu ụzọ nye iwu billet ígwè ahụ ka ọ bụrụ ogwe aka maka otu n'ime igwe ọrụ nkuzi De Beers.
[1]Dị ka ọ dị n'ihe ndị na-agụ ya niile, a ga-ewu ngwa agha omenala maka egbe na ụlọ ọrụ De Beers. A gbapụrụ agbapụ mbụ nzọụkwụ ihe mbụ izu atọ ka e nwee na 19 Jenụwarị 1900 na n'ibu Boer dị nso na Kamfers Dam, n'ebe ugwu nke obodo ahụ. Ihe dị iche nke oge a na-ekwu na ndị Boers nwere nwé na mbụ site na nso nke egbe ọhụrụ ahụ, bụ nke nwere ike iche projectiles n'ụzọ ezi na ọnọdụ ha na mbụ dị ozi projectiles.
Egbe ahụ gbara nke obere na iri ise na ise na-agbaba n'ọkwa Boer site n'oge arụpụtara ya ruo na njedebe nnochibido ahụ ihe dịka otu ụnwa gachara. Egbe ahụ agbanweghị nguzo nke ike ogologo oge, n'ihi na ndị Boers wetara egbe "Long Tom" 100-paụnd buru ibu n'ime izu nke ikpe Long Cecil. Mgbọ ogbunigwe nke ndị ahụ bi na ya nọchibidoro wee si otú ahụ mụbaa ma n'oge na-akpa anya wee gbuo ndị isi ka ọ dị na mbụ. Mgbu ahụ na nna mgbe ndị agha ụgbọ dị 8,000 nke Major-General French bịarutere na 15 February 1900.</link>[ a chọrọ nkọwa ]
Na 1902, n'oge usoro olili ozu Cecil Rhodes na Cape Town, a na-ebu igbe ozu Rhodes n'elu ụgbọ mmiri Long Cecil. [1] Taa egbe dị na stylobate (na-eche ihu na Free State ) nke Ncheta Nwụrụ Anwụ na- ike na Kimberley .
N'oge ụfọdụ tupu 1915 Pratt & Whitney wuru ihe nke nke egbe a dị ka nri nye American Society of Mechanical Engineers [2]
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