Rebecca Allen (onye na-ese ihe)


Rebecca Allen

Rebecca Allen bụ onye omenkà na-ama ama nke mba ụwa sitere n'ike nsasị nke ike ahụ, echiche echiche na omume yana ikike dị elu.  Ihe osise ya, nke na-ewe ihe dị ka afụ iri anɔ ma na-ewere ụdị vidiyo, nnukwu ihe ngosi, ihe ngosi dị ndụ na nrụnye nrụnye n'eziokwu, na-ekwu okwu ụdị okike, na ihe na-eme ịbụ ịbụ abụ.  mmadụ ka mmetụta na-mpụta echiche echiche anyị nke eziokwu. [1]

Ndụ mbido

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Allen Ahụ omume nka ya na akụkụ 1970 ka ọ na-arụ ọrụ na nzere BFA na Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).  [1] Ọ matsayin nzere Master of Science na 1980 site na Architecture Machine Group (onye bụ ụzọ MIT Media Lab ) na Massachusetts Institute of Technology [2] [3]

Họrọ ọrụ

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Onye na-egwu mmiri (1981)

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"Swimmer" bụ ihe nkiri vidio na-agbagharị agbagharị nke Allen chepụtara iji gosi animation site na iji ike.   E taka ya na ihe ngosi ngosi A Retrospective na 1986. , nke SIGGRAPH akwụkwọ ya.[4]

Nzọụkwụ (1982)

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"Nzọkwụụ" bụ ndidi vidiyo nke Allen mere ya na ọmụmụ nke mmadụ n'ime oghere mebere.  Vidio ahụ n'onwe ya na-egosi usoro nke ndị na-eme ihe ngosi ngosi na-arịgoro n'elu steepụ n'obere oghere.  E mpempe akwụkwọ a na ihe ngosi 1986 nke ihuenyo A Retrospective, nke SIGGRAPH akwụkwọ [5]

Catherine Wheel (1982)

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Na "The Catherine Wheel" Allen ọrụ n'ụdị onye na-egwu egwu Twyla Tharp .  [1] Tharp mechara jiri animation maka vidiyo a na ihe nkiri vidiyo PBS ya nke otu aha ahụ.  Ihe omume a bụ vidiyo abụọ na ọkara nke Allen akụkụ animation maka.  [2] [3] Allen dere mpempe a mgbe ọ na-arụ ọrụ na New York Institute of Technology Computer Graphics Laboratory.  Ọ ụgbọ animation nke St. Catherine site n'itinye eriri waya sitere na n'okpuru na mpaghara onye na-eme ihe nkiri nke na-enye nhọrọ ọ gbara onye na-eme ihe na-eme.  E weghaara igodo igodo maka echiche efu nke egwu nke onye ịgba egwu na-aga n'ihu. [6]

Mberede (1997-2001) [software eji maka The Bush Soul, Coexistence]

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Allen sistemu dabere na PC ụdị iji enyemaka nka.  [1] Sistemu ahụ nwere ahụ gburugburu kọmpụta nwere ike atoo yana elele onwe ya.  [2] N'ụdị iwepụta eziokwu mebere nke a, a na- ọnụọgụ dị na ibe a ụzọ .  Saịtị n'ime ka ndị avatars na-eme egwuregwu ihe ibe ahụ ọ nyere ndị ọrụ ọlụlụ avatars na.  Enwekwara egwu, olu, na ụzọ ndị ọzọ na-eso ya na-enyere aka iwu ndị mmadụ na ụwa mebere.  nke ndị mmadụ nhọrọ iji ụdị nzi ozi na-adabere na nyere ahụ, omume na omume. [7]

Mkpụrụ obi Bush (#1) (1997)

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mbụ mbụ nke usoro nrụnye nka atọ na-eme ihe nke egwu ndụ aka, omume, ihu ihu na gburugburu 3D mebere .  [1] A na-edobe ibe a na ihuenyo inch 4 na 8 ma na-enye ọkụ ka ndị mmadụ na-egwu egwu wee ihe avatars na ụwa arụrụ arụ.  echiche obi Bush bụ echiche dabere na echiche West Africa na nwere ike inwe ihe mmetụta otu mmetụta obi, ma jiri echiche ahụ anụ egwu iji tinye ndị mmadụ na-egwu egwu n'ime avatar ha.  [2] Akụrụngwa ejiri na nrụnye a bụ nke Allen, nke na-akpata Emergency.  [3] E gosikwara nrụnye nka na SIGGRAPH Touchware Art show n'afọ 1998. [8]

Mkpụrụ obi Bush (#2) (1998)

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The "Bush Soul (# 2)" bụ nke abụọ mpempe a atọ art echichi si otu aha site Allen, na-ada azụ na echiche si ya ụzọ, ("The Bush Soul #1") na-ewu na echiche nke artificial ndụ.  ., omume, mmetụ ihu na 3D mebere gburugburu.  Nke a bụ ọrụ nke abụọ nke Allen ngwa “Mwepụta” njikere.  Usoro nke ọ dabara n'okpuru, na usoro nke e pịa ya bụ site na iji foto Panorama.  [1] E mechara mara mpempe akwụkwọ ahụ maka nkọwa ya na Ngosipụta Art na Aesthetics of Artificial Life na 1998, [2] yana nwara ya na ngwere nka na ụlọ ngosi nka Centro Culturale Claudio Trevi na 1999. [9]

Mkpụrụ obi Bush (#3) (1999)

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"Bush Soul (# 3)" bụ nke nka nke atọ na nke ikpeazụ na usoro Bush Soul.  "Bush Soul #3" sitere na echiche ndị yiri ya bụ Allen chepụtara ma mee na "The Bush Soul #2" na "The Bush Soul #1".  Allen ji na-arụ ọrụ na-amụba a ụwa, na wuru ndụ, omume mmadụ, tactile interfaces na 3D mebere gburugburu ebe obibi, yiri tupu oru ngo.  Ihe mgbakwunye ikpeazụ a na-arụ ọrụ nrụnye ibe atọ site n'inwe ike-nzaghachi joystick.  Nke a na-enye onye ọrụ ma igodo yana imetụ aka.  Ọzọkwa, o nwere mmemme sọftụwia ya n'otu ngwa eji eme ihe na "Bush Soul #2" na-egosi Emergence.  Ndị ọrụ Stephen Petronio Dance na-arụkwa ọrụ na ego.  Ọzọkwa, ego ego na nke Intel Research Council.  [1] E gosikwara ibe a n'ọtụtụ ihe ngosi, dị ka Women in Science (Genomically Yours) na 2003, [2] ACM Siggraph Festival na 2001. [10]

Ọnụnọ (2001)

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[11] Ịdị n'otu bụ nrụnye nka na-eme mmetụta ihe nke na-eme ka oke dị n'etiti eziokwu anụ ahụ na nke mebere.  Ndị mmadụ na-enweta ụwa nke mmetụtara nke eziokwu agwa agwa site na interface iche site na iji iku ume na haptics.  Ego sitere na IDII Interaction Design Institute Ivrea, Italy.  A na-eji kọmpụta abụọ nkeonwe na ihe ngosi abụọ ahụ n'isi .  Mpempe ahụ jikwa ihe nleba anya isi na ike izi ozi, nke ngwaọrụ ihe nleba anya abụọ mgbakwunye.  Ngwa ihe nlere anya nke ọ mgbasa nwere ihe tụrụ ike ume yana nzaghachi ike gbanwe na pad egwuregwu mbụ.  Akụrụngwa maka nrụnye nka ma ọ bụ ibe a na-ewu na vidiyo na-eme n'ezie na ihe ngosi 3D mbụ;  Mpụta.

Ụbụrụ ahụ yipụghị iferi (2002)

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Brain Stripped Bare bụ nrụnye na arụmọrụ nke Allen ebe ọ na-atụle ọdịnihu ebe anyị na-ebi n'otu oge n'ọtụtụ eziokwu, ebe oke dị n'etiti eziokwu anụ ahụ na nke nkịtị na-agbagọ ma na-egosipụta echiche telepathically. Nkà na ụzụ o mepụtara nyere ahụmịhe ndụ ka mma. N'iburu nke a n'uche, Allen kere ụdị onyunyo ọkaibe nke na-agbaso omume anyị, mmegharị anyị na njirimara anyị. [12] Enyere mpempe akwụkwọ a dịka akụkụ nke nke Intel Research Council kwadoro. [13] E gosikwara ọrụ a na Duisburger Akzente: ICHS Festival na 2003. [14]

Ihe ngosi nka na ihe ngosi

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  • 1986: "Swimmer", SIGGRAPH 1986: Nleghachi azụ, Dallas, Texas. [4]
  • 1998: "Mkpụrụ Obi Bush (#2)", Art na Aesthetics nke Artificial Life ngosi, Mahadum California, Los Angeles . [15]
  • 1998: "Bush Soul (#2)", Julaị 19–24, 1998: SIGGRAPH 1998: Touchware, Orlando, Florida. [16]
  • 1999: "Mkpụrụ obi Bush (#3)", SIGGRAPH 1999, ACM Siggraph, Orlando, Florida. [17]
  • 1999: "Mkpụrụ obi Bush (# 3)", Ars Electronica 1999: Lifescience, Ars Electronica Linz, Linz. [18]
  • 1999: "Mkpụrụ obi Bush (# 3)", ihe ngosi mmekọrịta esemokwu, Mahadum Southern California, Los Angeles. [19]
  • 1999: "Mkpụrụ obi Bush (#2)", Ihe ngosi ihe - ihe ngosi, Centro Culturale Claudio Trevi, Bolzano BZ, Italy. [9]
  • 2000: "The Bush Soul (# 3)", Shift-CTRL: Kọmputa, Egwuregwu na ihe ngosi nka, Beall Center for Art and Technology University of California Irvine, Irvine. [20]
  • 2000: "Mkpụrụ obi Bush (# 3)" Ịntanetị dị ka ihe ngosi Cyborg, ememme Artfutura, Barcelona. [21] [22]
  • 2001: "Mkpụrụ obi Bush (# 3)" SIGGRAPH 2001 ememme, ACM Siggraph, Orlando, Florida. [10]
  • 2001: "Mkpụrụ Obi Bush (# 3)", Ihe Ngosipụta Eziokwu Mixed, (Coexistence) Interaction Design Institute Ivrea Gallery, Ivrea, Italy. [23]
  • 2001: "Mkpụrụ obi Bush (#3)", Ihe ngosi Ground Zero, The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose. [24]
  • 2003: Women in Science (Genomically Yours) (The Bush Soul #3) Universal Concepts Unlimited Gallery, New York, New York. [25]
  • 2003: Ụda & Ọhụụ - Vidiyo Egwu ( Musique Na-adịghị akwụsị ) Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography, Curator: Tomoe Moriyama, Disemba 2002-February 2003, Tokyo, Japan. [26]
  • 2003: Nrụnye na arụrụ ọrụ ụbụrụ ụbụrụ. Tanzhaus NRW, Düsseldorf, Germany. [27]
  • 2012: 13- Architecture and Design Galleries (A mụrụ na mkpa) Museum of Modern Art, New York, New York. [28]
  • 2016: N'ime ime ihe nrụnye ihe osise, Gazelli Art House, London, United Kingdom. [29]

Ihe nrite

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  • 1981–1982 – Emmy maka mmezu pụtara ìhè na imewe maka usoro aha maka CBS <i id="mwug">Walter Cronkite's Universe</i> . [30]


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  1. Cubitt (2003). Women, Art, and Technology (in en). MIT Press. ISBN 978-0-262-13424-8. 
  2. Alumni. MIT Media Lab. Retrieved on 2019-12-09.
  3. Architecture Machine Group (en-US). (2009-04-24). Retrieved on 2019-12-09.
  4. 4.0 4.1 SIGGRAPH 1986: A Retrospective (en-US). ACM SIGGRAPH ART SHOW ARCHIVES. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  5. SIGGRAPH 1986: A Retrospective (en-US). ACM SIGGRAPH ART SHOW ARCHIVES. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  6. Salter (2010). Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance (in en). MIT Press. ISBN 9780262195881. 
  7. Emergence. Retrieved on 2019-11-20.
  8. SIGGRAPH 1998: Touchware (en-US). ACM SIGGRAPH ART SHOW ARCHIVES. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  9. 9.0 9.1 ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2019-11-27. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  10. 10.0 10.1 ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2021-12-04. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  11. COEXISTENCE BY REBECCA ALLEN - ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  12. "Juryierung and award winners".. Leere.
  13. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2021-09-27. Retrieved on 2019-12-09.
  14. 41. Duisburger Akzente 2020 - Archiv: Kunst & Kultur. Retrieved on 2019-12-09.
  15. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2019-11-27. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  16. SIGGRAPH 1998: Touchware (en-US). ACM SIGGRAPH ART SHOW ARCHIVES. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  17. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2021-12-03. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  18. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2021-07-28. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  19. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2016-01-19. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  20. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2021-12-07. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  21. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2016-01-20. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  22. .............. ArtFutura 00 ............... Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  23. Interaction Design Institute Ivrea Website. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  24. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2016-01-19. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  25. The Bush Soul (#3). Archive of Digital Art. Retrieved on 2015-12-17.
  26. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2021-09-20. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  27. ADA | Archive of Digital Art. Archived from the original on 2021-09-27. Retrieved on 2019-11-27.
  28. Born out of Necessity (en). The Museum of Modern Art. Retrieved on 2019-10-27.
  29. INSIDE (en-GB). Gazelli Art House. Archived from the original on 2019-12-09. Retrieved on 2019-11-20.
  30. O'Neil (1998). The Emmys (in en-US). Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated. ISBN 9780399524233. Retrieved on 2019-10-03. 

Njikọ mpụga

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