The Crisis of Democracy

The Crisis of Democracy
ọrụ edemede
ụdịedemede Dezie
Odee akwụkwọSamuel P. Huntington, Michel Crozier Dezie
asụsụ eji dee ọrụBekee Dezie
afọ/ụbọchị mbipụta1975 Dezie

The Crisis of Democracy: On the Governability of Democracies bụ akụkọ 1975 nke Michel Crozier, Samuel P. Huntington, na Joji Watanuki dere maka Trilateral Commission. N'otu afọ ahụ, New York University Press bipụtara ya ọzọ dị ka akwụkwọ.

Akụkọ ahụ lekwasịrị anya na ọnọdụ ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị nke obodo United States, Europe na Japan, ma kwuo na, na United Kingdom nsogbu nke ọchịchị "site na oke ọchịchị onye kwuo uche ya" ma si otú a na-akwado "iweghachi ùgwù na ikike nke ụlọ ọrụ gọọmentị etiti".[1] Akụkọ ahụ na-eje ozi dị ka isi ihe dị mkpa maka ọmụmụ na'ile anya na nsogbu nke ọchịchị onye kwuo uche ya. [nkọwa ọzọ dị mma][2]

Ndị nkatọ achọpụtala na ọtụtụ ndị otu Trilateral Commission mechara nwee ọrụ na Carter Administration ma akụkọ ahụ emetụtala ha. N'ụzọ doro anya, Zbigniew Brzezinski kwughachiri nkwubi okwu nke akụkọ ahụ na op-ed maka St. Petersburg Times.[3] Noam Chomsky kwukwara na akụkọ ahụ bụ ihe atụ nke iwu mmeghachi omume sitere na "akụkụ 'nnwere onwe' nke ndị isi ọchịchị nke steeti.[4]

  • Nkatọ nke ọchịchị onye kwuo uche ya
  • Usoro ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị na-agbanwe agbanwe
  • Ihe Na-akpata Uto
  • Nkwupụta Powell
  • Kọmitii Atọ


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  1. The Crisis of Democracy Trilateral Commission Report, p. 113, 170
  2. Ercan, S.A and Gagnon J-P. (2014) The Crisis of Democracy: Which Crisis? Which Democracy?, Democratic Theory, Volume 1, Number 2, Winter 2014, pp. 1-10(10). Abstract: The introductory article to this special issue highlights three fundamental yet often neglected questions related to the current diagnosis of a crisis of democracy: What is meant by the term “crisis”? Which democracy is in crisis? And what, if anything, is “new” about the current crisis of democracy? We answer these questions by considering the multi-vocal contribution of purposefully curated short articles in this special issue. We argue that when engaging with the “crisis of democracy” diagnosis, it is important to unpack not only the normative presumptions one has in relation to what democracy is and should be, but also the recent transformations in the way politics is understood and practiced in contemporary societies.
  3. "Examining the crisis of democracy"Aug 2, 1974, St. Petersburg Times
  4. "The Carter Administration: Myth and Reality," Noam Chomsky

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