Yewande Omotoso

Yewande Omotoso
ụdịekerenwanyị Dezie
mba o sịNaijiria Dezie
aha enyereYewande Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaOmotosho Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya1980 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụBarbados Dezie
ọrụ ọ na-arụode akwukwo ifo Dezie
ebe agụmakwụkwọUniversity of East Anglia, University of Cape Town Dezie
Ebe obibiSouth Africa Dezie
nnọchiaha nkeonweL484 Dezie

Yewande Omotoso (amụrụ ya na 1980) bụ onye na- ede akwụkwọ akụkọ sitere na South Africa, onye na-ese ụkpụrụ ụlọ na onye nrụpụta, onye amụrụ na Barbados ma tolite na Nigeria . [1] Ọ bụ ada onye odee Naijiria Kole Omotoso, na nwanne onye na-eme ihe nkiri Akin Omotoso . [2] O bi ugbu a na Johannesburg . [3] Akwụkwọ akụkọ ya abụọ ebipụtara enwetala nlebara anya ya nke ukwuu, gụnyere mmeri South Africa Literary Award for First Time Bipụtara, [4] ịbụ ndị edepụtara aha maka South African <i id="mwHg">Sunday Times</i> Fiction Prize, [5] M-Net Literary Awards nke 2012, [6] 5] [6] n'afọ 2013 Etisalat Prize for Literature, [7] na ịbụ ogologo aha maka nke 2017 Bailey's Women's Prize for Fiction . [8]

Afọ mbụ na agụmakwụkwọ

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A mụrụ Yewande Omotoso na Bridgetown, Barbados ; [9] na n'ime otu afọ nke ọmụmụ ya, ya na nne ya Barbadian, nna Nigeria na ụmụnne ya abụọ tọrọ na Nigeria. O tolitere na Ile-Ife, Osun State, ruo afọ 1992, mgbe ezinaụlọ ahụ kwagara South Africa [10] [11] mgbe nna ya mechara oge agụmakwụkwọ na Mahadum Western Cape . [12] O kwuru, sị, “N'agbanyeghị afọ ole m biri na South Africa, m na-eche onwe m dị ka onye sitere na mba atọ: Barbados, Nigeria, na South Africa. Naijiria na-etolite akụkụ siri ike nke echiche m banyere onwe m, njirimara m", [10] na n'ajụjụ ọnụ 2015, o kwuru: "Identity dị mgbagwoju anya. Ọ na-amasị m ịbụ onye Naijiria, ọ na-amasị m ịbanye na njirimara ahụ ọ bụrụgodị na ihe m nwere dị mgbagwoju anya, n'ihi ọtụtụ njirimara m na ahụmahụ ndụ m na-akwaga." [13]

Ọ gụrụ ụkpụrụ ụlọ na Mahadum Cape Town (UCT), ma mgbe ọ rụchara ọrụ afọ ụfọdụ dị ka onye na-ese ụkpụrụ ụlọ gara n’ihu nweta nzere masta na okike ide n’otu mahadum ahụ. [11]

Ọrụ ederede

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Akwụkwọ akụkọ mbụ nke Omotoso, Bom Boy, bụ nke Modjaji Books na Cape Town bipụtara n'afọ 2011. Ọ meriri 2012 South African Literary Award for First-time Bipute odee, e depụtara aha maka South African <i id="mwRw">Sunday Times</i> Fiction Prize, na maka M-Net Literary Awards nke 2012. [6] Bom Boy bụkwa onye na-agba ọsọ maka 2013 Etisalat Prize for Literature, [14] na-esote nke Omotoso weghaara 2014 Etisalat Fellowship na Mahadum East Anglia [13] nke nyere ya n'aha 2013 onye mmeri NoViolet Bulawayo . [15]

Omotoso bụbụ 2013 Norman Mailer Fellow wee bụrụ onye natara akwụkwọ mmụta Miles Morland n'afọ 2014. [16] [17] [18]

Dị ka Bom Boy, akwụkwọ akụkọ ya nke abụọ, Nwanyị Na-esote Ụzọ ( Chatto na Windus, 2016) [19] ka enyochakwara nke ọma, na ndị na- ebipụta kwa izu na-ezo aka na ya dị ka "akụkọ a mara mma, na-emetụ n'ahụ, mgbe ụfọdụ na-egbuke egbuke nke ndị octogenarian abụọ prickly: ụmụ nwanyị abụọ., otu nwa ojii na otu onye ọcha, ndị agbata obi na-achọpụta mgbe afọ iri abụo nke mgbanwe olulu na mkparị na ha nwere ike inyere ibe ha aka. . . Omotoso na-ewepụta mmekọrịta agbụrụ na-agbanwe agbanwe kemgbe afọ nke 1950s, yana ahụmịhe ndị mbịarambịa site na nkọwa nkeonwe na obere nghọta nke mmụọ n'ime mmetụta agwakọtara, anya onye na-ese ihe, na nchegharị nke nwanyị di ya nwụrụ. Nke ya bụ olu dị ọhụrụ dị ka onye maara nke ọma n'ịkwalite udo nke ije ije na kopje dị ka obi ọjọọ nke South Africa gara aga." [20] The Irish Independent kọwara Nwanyị na-abịa n'ọnụ ụzọ dị ka "akụkọ a hụrụ nke ọma nke ajọ mbunobi ụmụ nwanyị, mgbapụta na nke na-adịkarị mfe ngwa ahịa - ọbụbụenyi." [21] Edepụtara ya ogologo oge maka ihe nrite ụmụ nwanyị Bailey maka akụkọ ifo n'afọ 2017, [22] [23] wee depụta aha ya maka onyinye nke afọ 2018 International Dublin Literary Award . [24]

Omotoso enyela akụkọ na uri n'akwụkwọ dị iche iche, n'etiti ha Konch, Noir Nation, Na- ekwu okwu maka ọgbọ: Akụkọ nke oge a sitere na Africa, Amụma ụmụ nwanyị Africa nke oge a, [11] Kalahari Review, Akwụkwọ akụkọ Moth Literary, Otu Ụwa Abụọ, 2012 Caine Ihe nrite anthology, [25] na New Daughters of Africa (2019), nke Margaret Busby deziri. [26]

Ọ na-esokarị na mmemme edemede gụnyere Aké Arts and Book Festival, [27] Edinburgh International Book Festival [28] na PEN American World Voices Festival. [29]

Akwụkwọ akụkọ

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  • Bom Boy, Akwụkwọ Modjaji, 2011.  [30]
  • Nwanyị Na-esote Ụzọ, Chatto na Windus, 2016. [31]


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  1. Yewande Omotoso biography at African Books Collective.
  2. Shanaaz Prince, "Akin Omotoso: From actor to filmmaker", PressReader, 23 February 2017.
  3. "Your Favorite Writers are Mentoring! | Yewande Omotoso", Writivism, 30 January 2017.
  4. Yewande Omotoso. Retrieved on 2020-05-30.
  5. Vanguard (2020-04-23). Nigerian writer Yewande Omotoso (en). The Patriotic Vanguard. Retrieved on 2020-05-30.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 "Yewande Omotoso", This is Africa.
  7. Etisalat Prize for Literature: Again, Nigeria's young writers miss laurel. Guardian Nigeria. Archived from the original on 2022-03-16. Retrieved on 2020-05-30.
  8. "Announcing the 2017 Longlist...", Bailey's Women's Prize for Fiction.
  9. "A Q&A with Yewande Omotoso", Baileys Women’s Prize for Fiction.
  10. 10.0 10.1 Evelyn Osagie, "‘I think of myself as a product of three nations’", The Nation (Nigeria), 19 March 2014.
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 "Yewande Omotoso (Nigeria/South Africa)", Time of the Writer, Centre for Creative Writing, University of Kwazulu-Natal, 2012.
  12. Africa Film Festival. Akin Omotoso bio.
  13. 13.0 13.1 "The Etisalat Prize brought recognition – Yewande Omotoso", Sabi News, 16 August 2015.
  14. "Random facts about Yewande Omotoso", Etisalat Prize for Literature, 3 January 2017.
  15. James Murua, "Noviolet Bulwayo gives up Etisalat fellowship to Yewande Omotoso", James Murua's Literature Blog, 16 April 2014.
  16. "2014 Morland Scholarship Winners", Miles Morland Foundation.
  17. "Yewande Omotoso wins Morland Writing Scholarship", University of East Anglia, 27 November 2014.
  18. "Yewande Omotoso new novel sneak peaked", James Murua's Literature Blog, 12 April 2016.
  19. "'Next Door' Neighbors Gradually Learn To Get Along In Post-Apartheid Cape Town", NPR, 12 February 2017. Retrieved on 10 April 2017.
  20. "The Woman Next Door", Publishers Weekly, 12 May 2016.
  21. Deirdre Conroy, "Fiction: The Woman Next Door by Yewande Omotoso", Irish Independent, 27 June 2016.
  22. "Baileys prize 2017 longlist – in pictures", The Guardian, 8 March 2017. Retrieved on 10 April 2017.
  23. A Q&A with Yewande Omotoso. Women's Prize for Fiction. Retrieved on 1 December 2021.
  24. "The 2018 shortlist is announced, 5th April", International Dublin Literary Award.
  25. Jennifer Emelife, "My Writing Day (and other tips): Yewande Omotoso", Praxis Magazine, 10 February 2017.
  26. Michele Magwood, "'New Daughters of Africa' Is a Powerful Collection of Writing by Women from the Continent", Wanted, 5 July 2019.
  27. "Yewande Omotoso" at Ake Festival, 2016.
  28. 2016 Edinburgh International Book Festival Brochure.
  29. "Yewande Omotoso", PEN American World Voices Festival.
  30. Bom Boy at Modjaji Books.
  31. The Woman Next Door at Penguin Random House.

Njikọ mpụga

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