
Vísindaleg flokkun
Ríki: Dýraríkið (Animalia)
Fylking: Liðdýr (Arthropoda)
Flokkur: Skordýr (Insecta)
Ættbálkur: Tvívængjur (Diptera)
Ætt: Sveifflugnaætt (Syrphidae)
Ættkvísl: Platycheirus
P. albimanus

Platycheirus albimanus
(Meigen, 1822)

Blásveifa (fræðiheiti: Platycheirus albimanus) er holarktísk sveifflugutegund, og finnst einnig á Íslandi.[1][2][3][4][5][6][7]


[breyta | breyta frumkóða]
  1. Ball, Stuart; Morris, Roger (2013). Britain's Hoverflies: An Introduction to the Hoverflies of Britain. Woodstock, Oxfordshire: Princeton University Press. bls. 296pp. ISBN 978-0-691-15659-0.
  2. Ball, S.G.; Morris, R.K.A. (2000). Provisional atlas of British hoverflies (Diptera, Syrphidae). Monks Wood, UK: Biological Record Centre. bls. 167 pages. ISBN 1-870393-54-6.
  3. Speight, M.C.D. (2011). „Species accounts of European Syrphidae (Diptera)“ (PDF). Syrph the Net, the Database of European Syrphidae. 65: 285pp.
  4. Stubbs, Alan E.; Falk, Steven J (1983). British Hoverflies: An Illustrated Identification Guide (2nd. útgáfa). London: British Entomological and Natural History Society. bls. 253, xvpp. ISBN 1-899935-03-7.
  5. Van Veen, M.P. (2004). Hoverflies of Northwest Europe, Identification Keys to the Syrphidae (Hardback). Utrecht: KNNV Publishing. bls. 254. ISBN 90-5011-199-8.
  6. Bei-Bienko, G.Y. & Steyskal, G.C. (1988) Keys to the Insects of the European Part of the USSR, Volume V: Diptera and Siphonaptera, Part I. Amerind Publishing Co., New Delhi. ISBN 81-205-0080-6.
  7. Coe, R.L. (1953) Diptera: Syrphidae. Handbks.ident.Br.insects, 10(1): 1-98. R.ent.Soc.London. pdf Geymt 4 október 2018 í Wayback Machine
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