Chasey Lain. Chasey Lain (fædd Tiffany Jones þann 7. desember , 1971 í Newport , Norður Karólínu ) er bandarísk klámmyndaleikkona . Hún varð fatafella ung að aldri og varð strax mjög vinsæl sem slík, og hélt því til Kaliforníu . Þar hefur hún leikið í mörgum erótískum myndum og einnig birst í hefðbundari kvikmyndum. AVN magazine valdi Lain sem eina af 50 bestu klámmyndastjörnum allra tíma árið 2002 .
Chasey Lain Reloaded (2006)
Lust Connection (2005)
Black in White 2 (2005)
Chasey Lain Smokin' (2005)
Pussy Foot'n 12 (2005)
Sex for the Viewer (2005)
What Is Erotic? (2005)
Dairy Made (2004)
Take a Jill Pill (2004)
Chasey Meets Krystal (2004)
Chasey's Back (2004)
Fan Sexxx: Pure Gold Pussy (2004)
Monsters of Cock: Peter North (2003)
WMB: Weapons of Masturbation (2003)
Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain (2003)
Teachers Pet (2001)
Best of the Vivid Girls ..30 (2000)
Pussy Grinders (2000)
Freak (1998/II)
He Got Game (1998)
Chasin' Pink (1998)
Chasin' Pink 2: Creepshow (1998)
Orgazmo (1997)
American Dreamgirls 21 (1997)
Captured on Camera (1997)
Cum for Me (1997)
Dirty Bob's Xcellent Adventures 29 (1997)
Gm Las Vegas Revue '97 (1997)
Nice the Naughty and the Bad (1997)
Nymph (1997)
Where the Boys Aren't 9 (1997)
Chasey Loves Rocco (1996)
Chasey Saves the World (1996)
Girls Loving Girls (1996)
House On Chasey Lane (1996)
Interview with a Vibrator (1996)
Lethal Affairs (1996)
Sex Plays (1996)
View Point (1996)
Demon Knight (1995)
Hawaii (1995)
Internal Affairs (1995)
Scrue (1995)
Sex 2: Fate (1995)
White Wedding (1995)
Wicked at Heart (1995)
Busty Biker Babes (1994)
Chasey Revealed (1994)
Chasin' the Fifties (1994)
Covergirl (1994)
Domination (1994)
Fantasy Women (1994)
Film Buff (1994)
New Wave Hookers 4 (1994)
Real TIckeTS 1 (1994)
Real TIckeTS 2 (1994)
Restrained by Desire (1994) (V) Sex (1994)
Submission (1994)
Totally Nude Gymnastics (1994)
Wicked As She Seems (1994)
County Line (1993)
Hot Bodies in Bondage (1993)
The Original Wicked Woman (1993)
Execu-Comp ..169 - Classic Super Sex (1991)
Wild at Heart (1991)