Meloidogyne incognita er tegund af þráðormum af ættinni Heteroderidae. Þessi þráðormur er ein af fjórum algengustu tegundum heimsins og er með fjölda hýsla.[1] Hann veldur oft stórum, óreglulegum gallvexti á rótum hýslanna.[1][2][3][4][5].
↑Sasser, J.N.; Carter, C.C. (1985). An Advanced Treatise on Meloidogyne. 1. árgangur. Raleigh: North Carolina State University Graphics. ISBN0931901014.
↑Perry, R.N.; Moens, Maurice (2013). Plant Nematology. CABI International. ISBN9781780641515.
Lamberti, Franco and Taylor, Charles Edwin (eds.) (1979) Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne species): systematics, biology and control Academic Press, New York, ISBN 0-12-434850-5
Diez, J. A., and Dusenbery, D. B. (1989) "Preferred temperature of Meloidogyne incognita" Journal of Nematology 21: pp. 99–104