George Cecil Ives (1º ottobre 1867 – 4 giugno 1950) è stato uno scrittore britannico.
- Book of Chains (1897)
- Eros' Throne (1900)
- Penal Methods in the Middle Ages (1910)
- The Treatment of Crime (1912)
- The Missing Baronet (1914)
- A History of Penal Methods: Criminals, Witches, Lunatics (1914)
- The Sexes, Structure, & "Extra-organic" Habits of certain Animals (1918)
- The Continued Extension of the Criminal Law (1922)
- English Prisons Today (1922)
- Graeco-Roman View of Youth (1926)
- Obstacles to Human Progress (1939)
- The Plight of the Adolescent
Jeremiah Ives
Jeremiah Heacock Ives
Jeremiah Robert Ives
Anne Tompson
Timothy Tompson
Elizabeth Gainsborough
Gordon Maynard Ives
Henry Maynard, III visconte Maynard
Henry Maynard
Susan Barnard
Emma Maynard
Mary Rabett
Reginald Rabett
Mary Kerrison
George Cecil Ives
Jane Violet Tyler