Idea Factory

Idea Factory Co., Ltd.
StatoGiappone (bandiera) Giappone
Forma societariaKabushiki gaisha
Fondazione26 ottobre 1994
Sede principaleTokyo
Persone chiave
Dipendenti104 (2009)

Idea Factory (アイディアファクトリー?) è una casa produttrice di videogiochi giapponese, fondata il 26 ottobre 1994 da ex dipendenti della Data East. Attualmente, l'azienda è guidata dall'amministratore delegato Shingo Kuwana e dal presidente Yoshiteru Sato.

Estensione Aziendale

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Il 30 settembre 2013 Idea Factory ha esteso la sua presenza internazionale aprendo una sede in California, nota come Idea Factory International. Questa divisione opera come centro informativo per i giochi prodotti da Idea Factory, facilitando la loro diffusione internazionale.
La compagnia possiede tre divisioni interne: la Design Factory[1], la Compile Hearth[2] e la Otomate, che realizza giochi Otome.

Giochi pubblicati

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Anno Titolo Piattaforma Editore
1996 Spectral Tower PS Idea Factory
1996 Yaku ~Yuujou Danki~ PS Idea Factory
1997 Spectral Force PS Idea Factory
1997 Yaku Tou ~Noroi no Game~ PS Idea Factory
1998 Monster Complete World PS Idea Factory
1998 Spectral Force: Aira Kourin Telefoni Cellulari Idea Factory
1998 Spectral Force 2: Eien naru Kiseki PS Idea Factory
1998 Spectral Tower II PS Idea Factory
1999 Junjou de Karen Meimai Kishi-dan: Spectral Force Seishoujo Gaiden PS Idea Factory
1999 Oasis Road PS Idea Factory
1999 Spectral Blade PS Idea Factory
1999 Spectral Force: Itoshiki Ja'aku (Lovely Wickedness) PS Idea Factory
2000 Densetsu Kemono no Ana: Monster Complete World Ver.2 PS Idea Factory
2000 Ikasama Mahjong PS Idea Factory
2000 Kingdom of Chaos: SPECTRAL FORCE THE UNIVERSE PC Idea Factory
2000 Ma-Mi-Mu-Me☆Mogacho no PRINT HOUR PS2 Idea Factory
2000 Sky Surfer PS2 Idea Factory
2000 Suna no Embrace: Eden no Sato no Navel PS Idea Factory
2001 Generation of Chaos PS2 Idea Factory
2001 Mou Hitotsu no Spectral: GLOBAL FOLKTALE PS2 Idea Factory
2001 RUN=DIM: As Black Soul DC Idea Factory
2001 The Mechsmith RUN=DIM PS2 Idea Factory
2002 Field of Chaos PC Idea Factory
2002 Gakuen Toshi Valanoir: KINGDOM OF CHAOS THE UNIVERSE PS2 Idea Factory
2002 Generation of Chaos NEXT: Ushinawareshi Kizuna PS2 Idea Factory
2003 Black Stone: Magic & Steel Xbox Xicat Interactive
2003 Cardinal Arc ~Konton no Fuusatsu~ PS2 Idea Factory
2003 Generation of Chaos EXCEED: Yami no Seijou Rose GameCube Idea Factory
2003 Generation of Chaos III: Toki no Fuuin PS2 Idea Factory
2003 Shinki Genso: Spectral Souls PS2 Idea Factory
2004 Ao no Mama de...... PS2 Idea Factory
2004 Bakuen Kakusei: Neverland Senki ZERO PS2 Idea Factory
2004 Gakuen Toshi Valanoir Roses GC Idea Factory
2004 Lost Aya Sophia PS2 Idea Factory
2004 Steady x Study PS2 Idea Factory
2004 Shinten Makai Generation of Chaos IV PS2 Idea Factory
2004 Spectral Force: Radical Elements PS2 Idea Factory
2004 Tenkuu Danzai Skelter Heaven PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Fushigi Yugi Genbu Kaiden Gaiden: Kagami no Miko PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Hametsu no Mars PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Hoshi no Furu Toki PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Shinki Gensou Spectral Souls II PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Shinten Makai Generation of Chaos V PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Spectral Force Chronicle PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Spectral Souls: Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires PSP NIS
2005 Tsuki wa Kirisaku: Tantei Sagara Kyouichiro PS2 Idea Factory
2005 It's a Game Now! Dokuro-chan PS2 Idea Factory
2006 Blazing Souls PS2


Idea Factory
2006 Chaos Wars PS2 Idea Factory

O3 Entertainment

2006 Hiiro no Kakera DS


Idea Factory
2006 Shinten Makai Generation of Chaos IV: Another Side PSP NIS
2006 Rec: Doki Doki Seiyū Paradise PS2 Idea Factory
2006 Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage Xbox 360 Idea Factory


2007 Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos PSP NIS
2007 Absolute: Blazing Infinity Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2007 Apocalypse: Desire Next Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2007 Diario: Rebirth Moon Legend Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2007 Mist of Chaos PS3 Idea Factory
2007 Record of Agarest War PS3; Xbox 360 Compile Heart

Red Entertainment

2007 Spectral Gene PS2 Idea Factory
2008 Spectral Force Genesis DS Idea Factory

Ignition Entertainment

2008 Neverland Card Battles PSP Idea Factory
2009 Nuga-Cel! PS2 Idea Factory


2010 Desert Kingdom PS2 Idea Factory


2010 Natsuzora no Monologue PS2 Idea Factory


2010 Motto Nuga-Cel! PSP Idea Factory


2010 Trinity Universe PlayStation 3 Idea Factory

NIS America

2011 Amnesia PSP Idea Factory


2012 Brothers Conflict: Passion Pink PSP Idea Factory


2012 Diabolik Lovers PSP Idea Factory


2012 Amnesia Later PSP Idea Factory


2012 Sweet Fuse PSP Idea Factory

Aksys Games

2012 Black Wolves Saga -Last Hope- PSP Idea Factory


2013 Desert Kingdom Portable PSP Idea Factory


2013 Natsuzora no Monologue Portable PSP Idea Factory


2013 Norn9 ~Norn + Nonette~ PSP Idea Factory


2013 Princess Arthur PSP Idea Factory


2013 Amnesia Crowd PSP Idea Factory


2013 Brothers Conflict : Brilliant Blue PSP Idea Factory


2013 Shiratsuyu no Kai PSP Idea Factory


2013 Kamigami no Asobi PSP Idea Factory


2013 Snow Bound Land PSP Idea Factory


2013 Jewelic Nightmare PSP Idea Factory


2013 Diabolik Lovers : More Blood PSP Idea Factory


2013 Amnesia: Memories PS Vita Idea Factory


2014 Gakuen K -Wonderful School Days- PSP Idea Factory


2014 Hakuōki Sweet School Life PS Vita Idea Factory


2014 Monster Monpiece PS Vita Idea Factory
2014 Amnesia World PS Vita Idea Factory


2014 Chronostacia PSP Idea Factory


2014 Norn9 Last Era PSP Idea Factory


2014 Enkeltbillet PSP Idea Factory


2015 Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart PS Vita Idea Factory International(US/EU)


Giochi sviluppati

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Anno Titolo Piattaforma Sviluppatore
1998 Spectral Force 2 PS Idea Factory
2003 Shinseiki Genso: Spectral Souls PS2 Idea Factory
2003 Generation of Chaos Exceed GameCube Idea Factory
2004 Tenkuu Danzai Skelter Heaven PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Hametsu no Mars PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Shinki Gensou Spectral Souls II PS2 Idea Factory
2005 Spectral Force 2 PS2 Idea Factory
2006 Blazing Souls PS2 Idea Factory
2006 Chaos Wars PS2 Idea Factory
2006 Hiiro no Kakera DS


Idea Factory
2006 Rec: Doki Doki Seiyū Paradise PS2 Idea Factory
2006 Spectral Force 3: Innocent Rage Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2007 Absolute: Blazing Infinity Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2007 Apocalypse: Desire Next Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2007 Diario: Rebirth Moon Legend Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2007 Mist of Chaos PS3 Idea Factory
2007 Spectral Gene PS2 Idea Factory
2007 Uwasa no Midori-kun!! Natsu Iro Striker DS Idea Factory
2008 Uwasa no Midori-kun!! Futari no Midori!? DS Idea Factory
2008 Cross Edge PS3, Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2010 Ore no Yome: Anata Dake no Hanayome Xbox 360 Idea Factory
2010 Trinity Universe PlayStation 3 Idea Factory, Nippon Ichi Software, Gust Corporation
2011 Hyperdimension Neptunia PlayStation 3 Idea Factory, Compile Heart, Nippon Ichi Software, Gust Corporation
2011 Spectral Souls Android, iOS Idea Factory
2012 Hyperdimension Neptunia Mk2 PlayStation 3 Idea Factory, Compile Heart, Nippon Ichi Software, Gust Corporation, 5pb., Comcept
2012 Blazing Souls: Accelate Android, iOS Idea Factory
2013 Hyperdimension Neptunia Victory PlayStation 3 Idea Factory, Compile Heart
2013 Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God PlayStation Vita Idea Factory, Compile Heart, ZeroDiv
2013 Mugen Souls Z PlayStation 3 Idea Factory, Compile Heart, GCREST
2015 Root Rexx PlayStation Vita Idea Factory
2015 Megadimension Neptunia VII PlayStation 4 Idea Factory
2016 Trillion 1,000,000,000,000: God of Destruction PlayStation Vita Idea Factory, Compile Heart, Preapp Partners
2023 Charade Maniacs Nintendo Switch Idea Factory
2023 My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom! -Pirates of the Disturbance- Nintendo Switch Idea Factory
2024 Neptunia Game Maker R:Evolution PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch Idea Factory, Compile Heart
2024 Sympathy Kiss Nintendo Switch Idea Factory, Design Factory
  1. ^ (JA) 会社概要 | ||| DESIGN FACTORY ||| デザインファクトリー |||, su 会社概要 | ||| DESIGN FACTORY ||| デザインファクトリー |||. URL consultato il 2 novembre 2022.
  2. ^ コンパイルハート, su 「コンパイルハート」. URL consultato il 2 novembre 2022.

Collegamenti esterni

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN253004775 · NDL (ENJA00757926