John Denham Parsons (South Stoneham , 1861 – 14 settembre 1936 [ 1] ) è stato uno scrittore inglese .
Fu membro della Society for Psychical Research che si occupava di parapsicologia. Si rese protagonista di una controversia letteraria con Sir Sidney Lee e le autorità del British Museum sulla attribuzione delle opere di Shakespeare .
Our Sun-God: Or Christianity before Christ (1895)
The Non-Christian Cross: An Enquiry into the Origin and History of the Symbol Eventually Adopted as That of Our Religion , 1896
The Nature and Purpose of the Universe , 1906
The great taboo in English literary circles , 1919
Ben Johnson and Sir Sidney Lee , 1920
Boycotted Shakespeare facts: Being a Preliminary Report Upon the Admissible (1920)
Bacon: Being an account of seven years of refusal by the accepted authorities to supply a reasoned judgement concerning certain new evidence affecting.. the identity of the poet Shakespeare , 1922
The British Museum and Shakespeare's identity , 1924
Did "Shake-speare" signal?