Lowell Thomas

Lowell Thomas

Lowell Thomas (Woodington, 6 aprile 1892Pawlin, 29 agosto 1981) è stato uno scrittore, attore e sceneggiatore statunitense.

In qualità di narratore e presentatore ha partecipato a diversi film anche televisivi. È il narratore del film Mussolini Speaks. Ha lavorato alla sceneggiatura di nove pellicole, ne ha prodotto tre e ha girato anche tre film come regista.

  • With Lawrence in Arabia, 1924
  • The First World Flight, 1925
  • Beyond Khyber Pass, 1925
  • Count Luckner, The Sea Devil, 1927
  • European Skyways, 1927
  • The Boy's Life of Colonel Lawrence, 1927
  • Adventures in Afghanistan for Boys, 1928
  • Raiders of the Deep, 1928
  • The Sea Devil's Fo'c'sle, 1929
  • Woodfill of the Regulars, 1929
  • The Hero of Vincennes: the Story of George Rogers Clark, 1929
  • The Wreck of the Dumaru, 1930
  • Lauterbach of the China Sea, 1930
  • India-Land of the Black Pagoda, 1930
  • Rolling Stone, 1931
  • Tall Stories, 1931
  • Kabluk of the Eskimo, 1932
  • This Side of Hell, 1932
  • Old Gimlet Eye: The Adventures of General Smedley Butler, 1933
  • Born to Raise Hell, 1933
  • The Untold Story of Exploration, 1935
  • Fan Mail, 1935
  • A Trip to New York With Bobby and Betty, 1936
  • Men of Danger, 1936
  • Kipling Stories and a Life of Kipling, 1936
  • Seeing Canada With Lowell Thomas, 1936
  • Seeing India With Lowell Thomas, 1936
  • Seeing Japan With Lowell Thomas, 1937
  • Seeing Mexico With Lowell Thomas, 1937
  • Adventures Among the Immortals, 1937
  • Hungry Waters, 1937
  • Wings Over Asia, 1937
  • Magic Dials, 1939
  • In New Brunswick We'll Find It, 1939
  • Soft Ball! So What?, 1940
  • How To Keep Mentally Fit, 1940
  • Stand Fast for Freedom, 1940
  • Pageant of Adventure, 1940
  • Pageant of Life, 1941
  • Pageant of Romance, 1943
  • These Men Shall Never Die, 1943
  • Out of this World: Across the Himalayas to Tibet (1951)
  • Back to Mandalay, 1951
  • Great True Adventures, 1955
  • The Story of the New York Thruway, 1955
  • Seven Wonders of the World, 1956
  • History As You Heard It 1957
  • The Story of the St. Lawrence Seaway, 1957
  • The Vital Spark, 1959
  • Sir Hubert Wilkins, A Biography , 1961
  • More Great True Adventures, 1963
  • Book of the High Mountains, 1964
  • Famous First Flights That Changed History, 1968
  • Burma Jack, 1971
  • Doolittle: A Biography, 1976
  • Good Evening Everybody: From Cripple Creek to Samarkand, 1976
  • So Long Until Tomorrow, 1977

Attore (parziale)

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Sceneggiatore (parziale)

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Regista (parziale)

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Medaglia Presidenziale della Libertà - nastrino per uniforme ordinaria
— 10 gennaio 1977

Altri progetti

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Collegamenti esterni

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN38203361 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 1623 1813 · SBN RAVV077460 · CERL cnp01419372 · LCCN (ENn79139713 · GND (DE101885276X · BNF (FRcb140644481 (data) · J9U (ENHE987007515455905171 · NDL (ENJA00458627 · CONOR.SI (SL157468515