Majidae Samouelle, 1819 è una famiglia di granchi decapodi[1].
- Eurynolambrinae Števčić, 1994
- Majinae Samouelle, 1819
- Ageitomaia Griffin & Tranter, 1986
- Anacinetops Miers, 1879
- Choniognathus Rathbun, 1932
- Cyclax Dana, 1851
- Entomonyx Miers, 1884
- Eurynome Leach, 1814
- Jacquinotia Rathbun, 1915
- Kasagia Richer de Forges & Ng, 2007
- Kimbla Griffin & Tranter, 1986
- Leptomithrax Miers, 1876
- Maiopsis Faxon, 1893
- Maja Lamarck, 1801
- Majella Ortmann, 1893
- Microhalimus Haswell, 1880
- Naxia Latreille, 1825
- Notomithrax Griffin, 1963
- Paraentomonyx T. Sakai, 1983
- Paramithrax H. Milne-Edwards, 1837
- Pippacirama Griffin & Tranter, 1986
- Prismatopus Ward, 1933
- Schizophroida T. Sakai, 1933
- Schizophrys White, 1848
- Seiitaoides Griffin & Tranter, 1986
- Temnonotus A. Milne-Edwards, 1875
- Teratomaia Griffin & Tranter, 1986
- Thersandrus Rathbun, 1897
- Tumulosternum McCulloch, 1913
- Mithracinae MacLeay, 1838
- Ala Lockington, 1877
- Coelocerus A. Milne-Edwards, 1875
- Cyclocoeloma Miers, 1880
- Cyphocarcinus A. Milne-Edwards, 1868
- Leptopisa Stimpson, 1871
- Macrocoeloma Miers, 1879
- Micippa Leach, 1817
- Microphrys Milne-Edwards, 1851
- Mithraculus White, 1847
- Mithrax A. G. Desmarest, 1823
- Nemausa A. Milne-Edwards, 1875
- Paranaxia Rathbun, 1924
- Picroceroides Miers, 1886
- Stenocionops A. G. Desmarest, 1823
- Teleophrys Stimpson, 1860
- Thoe Bell, 1836
- Tiarinia Dana, 1851
- Planoterginae Števčić, 1991
- (EN) Joel W. Martin & George E. Davis, An Updated Classification of the Recent Crustacea (PDF), in Science Series (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County), vol. 39, 2001. URL consultato il 10 dicembre 2009 (archiviato dall'url originale il 29 dicembre 2009).