Il Premio J. J. Sakurai per la fisica teorica delle particelle è assegnato dalla American Physical Society al suo incontro di Aprile annuale (April Meeting), e premia i risultati teorici più importanti della teoria della fisica delle particelle.
Il premio consiste in un importo in denaro, un certificato che cita i contributi riconosciuti dal premio e il rimborso del viaggio per la partecipazione alla premiazione. Il premio è sovvenzionato dalla famiglia e dagli amici del fisico teorico delle particelle J. J. Sakurai.
Il premio è stato assegnato annualmente dal 1985.[1]
2023 Heinrich Leutwyler "Per i contributi fondamentali alle teorie di campo effettive dei pioni alle basse energie e per aver proposto che il gluone è un ottetto di colore."[3]
2021 Vernon Barger "Per il lavoro pionieristico nella fisica dei collisori che ha contribuito alla scoperta e caratterizzazione del bosone W, del quark top e del bosone di Higgs e per lo sviluppo di strategie incisive per verificare idee con esperimenti"[5]
2020 Pierre Sikivie "Per il lavoro fondamentale che riconosce la visibilità potenziale dell'assione invisibile, sviluppando nuovi metodi per rivelarlo e per le ricerche teoriche delle sue implicazioni cosmologiche"[6]
2019 Lisa Randall e Raman Sundrum: "Per i contributi creativi alla fisica oltre il Modello standard, in particolare la scoperta che dimensioni spaziali aggiuntive deformate possono risolvere il puzzle della gerarchia, che ha avuto un enorme impatto sulle ricerche al Large Hadron Collider"[7]
2018 Ann Nelson e Michael Dine: "Per le innovative esplorazioni sulla fisica al di fuori del Modello standard, incluso il loro influente lavoro congiunto sulla rottura dinamica della super-simmetria, e per i loro contributi innovativi ad un ampio spettro di argomenti, inclusi nuovi modelli di rottura della simmetria elettrodebole, bariogenesi, e soluzioni al problema della parità di carica forte"[8]
2016 Peter Lepage: "Per le ingegnose applicazioni della Teoria quantistica dei campi alla fisica delle particelle, in particolare nello stabilire la teoria dei processi adronici esclusivi, sviluppando teorie di campo effettive non relativistiche e determinando i parametri del Modello Standard con la teoria di gauge a reticolo"[10]
2015 George Zweig: "Per la sua proposta indipendente che gli adroni siano composti di costituenti fondamentali di carica frazionaria, chiamati quarks o aces, e per averne sviluppato le rivoluzionarie implicazioni sulle masse e le proprietà degli adroni"[11]
2014 David Kosower, Lance Dixon e Zvi Bern: "Per i pioneristici contributi al calcolo delle ampiezze di scattering perturbative, che hanno portato ad una comprensione più profonda della teoria quantistica dei campi e a nuovi potenti strumenti per calcolare processi QCD"[12]
2011 Chris Quigg, Estia Eichten, Ian Hinchliffe, e Kenneth Lane: "Per il loro lavoro, separatamente e collettivamente, di tracciare un corso dell'esplorazione della fisica alla scala del TeV usando collisori di adroni multi-TeV"[15]
2008 Aleksej Smirnov e Stanislav Mikheyev: "Per l'influente e pionieristico lavoro sullo sviluppo delle oscillazioni del neutrino nella materia, che è essenziale per una comprensione quantitativa del flusso solare dei neutrini."[18]
2007 Stanley Brodsky: "Per applicazioni della teoria quantistica dei campi a questioni critiche della fisica delle particelle elementari, in particolare, all'analisi dei processi di esclusiva interazione forte duri."[19].
2006 Savas Dimopoulos: "Per le sue idee creative sulla rottura di simmetria dinamica, la supersimmetria e le dimensioni spaziali extra che hanno segnato la ricerca teoria alla scala del Tev e quindi ispirato un'ampia gamma di esperimenti."[20].
2005 Susumu Okubo: "Per le investigazioi all'avanguardia dei pattern delle masse adroniche e dei tassi di decadimento che hanno fornito indizi fondamentali nello sviluppo del modello a quark e per avere dimostrato che la violazione di CP permette asimmetrie nei tassi di decadimento parziali"[21].
2004 Ikaros Bigi e Anthony Ichiro Sanda: "Per le pionieristiche intuizioni teoriche che hanno indicato la strada al fruttuoso studio sperimentali della violazione di CP nei decadimenti [della particella] B e per i continui contributi ai campi di CP e della fisica dei sapori pesanti"[22].
2003 Alfred Mueller e George Sterman: "For developing concepts and techniques in QCD, such as infrared safety and factorization in hard processes, which permitted precise quantitative predictions and experimental tests, and thereby helped to establish QCD as the theory of the strong interactions"
2002 William J. Marciano e Alberto Sirlin: "For their pioneering work on radiative corrections, which made precision electroweak studies a powerful method of probing the Standard Model and searching for new physics"
2001 Nathan Isgur, Mikhail Voloshin, Mark Wise: "For the construction of the heavy quark mass expansion and the discovery of the heavy quark symmetry in quantum chromodynamics, which led to a quantitative theory of the decays of c and b flavored hadrons"
1999 Mikhail Shifman, Arkady Vainshtein, e Valentine Zakharov: "For fundamental contributions to the understanding of non-perturbative QCD, non-leptonic weak decays, and the analytic properties of supersymmetric gauge theories"
1998 Leonard Susskind: "For his pioneering contributions to hadronic string models, lattice gauge theories, quantum chromodynamics, and dynamical symmetry breaking"
1997 Thomas Appelquist: "For his pioneering work on charmonium and on the de-coupling of heavy particles"
1996 William A. Bardeen: "For fundamental insights into the structure and meaning of the axial anomaly and for contributions to the understanding of perturbative quantum chromodynamics"
1995 Howard Georgi: "For his pioneering contributions toward the unification of strong and electroweak interactions, and for his application of quantum chromodynamics to the properties and interactions of hadrons"
1994 Yōichirō Nambu: "For his many fundamental contributions to field theory and particle physics, including the understanding of the pion as the signaler of spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry"
1993 Mary K. Gaillard: "For contributions to particle physics phenomenology and theory, and in particular for her work with Ben Lee and others applying QCD to K meson mixing and decays and to the bound states of charmed quarks"
1992 Lincoln Wolfenstein: "For his many contributions to the theory of weak interactions, particularly CP violation and the properties of neutrinos"
1991 Vladimir Gribov: "For his early pioneering work on the high energy behavior of quantum field theories and his elucidating studies of the global structure of non-abelian gauge theories"
1990 Tōichirō Kinoshita: "For his theoretical contributions to precision tests of quantum electrodynamics and the electroweak theory, especially his pioneering work on the computation of the lepton anomalous magnetic moments"
1989 Nicola Cabibbo: "For his outstanding contribution in elucidating the structure of the hadronic weak current"
1988 Stephen L. Adler: "For his work in elucidating the consequences of chiral symmetry through sum rules and low energy theorems"
1987 Luciano Maiani e John Iliopoulos: "For their work on the weak interactions of charmed particles, a crucial step in the development of the modern theory of the fundamental interactions"
1986 David Gross, H. David Politzer, e Frank Wilczek: "For their analyses of nonabelian gauge theories at short distances, and the implications of these insights for the understanding of the strong interaction between quarks"
1985 Toshihide Maskawa e Makoto Kobayashi: "For their contributions to the theory of electroweak interactions through their general formulation of fermion mass matrix and their prescient inference of the existence of more than four flavors of quarks"
^"For exceptional contributions to quark-flavor physics, in particular, developing and carrying out calculations of higher-order QCD effects to electroweak transitions, as well as for drawing phenomenological connections between kaons, D mesons, and B mesons."
^"For fundamental contributions to the effective field theory of pions at low energies, and for proposing that the gluon is a color octet."
^"For the development of transformative new frameworks for physics beyond the standard model with novel experimental signatures, including work on large extra dimensions, the Little Higgs, and more generally for new ideas connected to the origin of the electroweak scale."
^"For pioneering work in collider physics contributing to the discovery and characterization of the W boson, top quark, and Higgs boson, and for the development of incisive strategies to test theoretical ideas with experiments."
^"For seminal work recognizing the potential visibility of the invisible axion, devising novel methods to detect it, and for theoretical investigations of its cosmological implications."
^"For creative contributions to physics beyond the Standard Model, in particular the discovery that warped extra dimensions of space can solve the hierarchy puzzle, which has had a tremendous impact on searches at the Large Hadron Collider."
^"For groundbreaking explorations of physics beyond the standard model of particle physics, including their seminal joint work on dynamical super-symmetry breaking, and for their innovative contributions to a broad range of topics, including new models of electroweak symmetry breaking, baryogenesis, and solutions to the strong charge parity problem."
^"For instrumental contributions to the theory of the properties, reactions, and signatures of the Higgs boson."
^"For inventive applications of quantum field theory to particle physics, particularly in establishing the theory of hadronic exclusive processes, developing nonrelativistic effective field theories, and determining standard-model parameters with lattice gauge theory."
^"For his independent proposal that hadrons are composed of fractionally charged fundamental constituents, called quarks or aces, and for developing its revolutionary implications for hadron masses and properties"
^"For pathbreaking contributions to the calculation of perturbative scattering amplitudes, which led to a deeper understanding of quantum field theory and to powerful new tools for computing QCD processes."
^"For the proposal of the elegant mechanism to resolve the famous problem of strong-CP violation which, in turn, led to the invention of axions, a subject of intense experimental and theoretical investigation for more than three decades."
^"For key ideas leading to the detailed confirmation of the Standard Model of particle physics, enabling high energy experiments to extract precise information about Quantum Chromodynamics, electroweak interactions and possible new physics."
^"For their work, separately and collectively, to chart a course of the exploration of TeV scale physics using multi-TeV hadron colliders."
^"For elucidation of the properties of spontaneous symmetry breaking in four-dimensional relativistic gauge theory and of the mechanism for the consistent generation of vector boson masses."
^"For work in perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, including applications to problems pivotal to the interpretation of high energy particle collisions."
^"For pioneering and influential work on the enhancement of neutrino oscillations in matter, which is essential to a quantitative understanding of the solar neutrino flux."
^"For applications of perturbative quantum field theory to critical questions of elementary particle physics, in particular, to the analysis of hard exclusive strong interaction processes."
^"For his creative ideas on dynamical symmetry breaking, supersymmetry, and extra spatial dimensions, which have shaped theoretical research on TeV-scale physics, thereby inspiring a wide range of experiments."
^"For groundbreaking investigations into the pattern of hadronic masses and decay rates, which provided essential clues into the development of the quark model, and for demonstrating that CP violation permits partial decay rate asymmetries."
^"For pioneering theoretical insights that pointed the way to the very fruitful experimental study of CP violation in B decays, and for continuing contributions to the fields of CP and heavy flavor physics."