Welcome to Diverse City

Welcome to Diverse City
album in studio
Pubblicazione5 ottobre 2004
GenereMusica cristiana contemporanea
Christian rock
Hip hop
EtichettaForeFront Records
TobyMac - cronologia
Album precedente
Album successivo

Welcome to Diverse City è il secondo album discografico in studio del cantante christian rap statunitense TobyMac, pubblicato nel 2004.

  1. Hey Now (featuring Coffee dei GRITS) – 3:44 (Toby McKeehan, Cary Barlowe, Jaime Moore, Stacy Jones)
  2. Catchafire (Whoopsi-Daisy) (featuring Papa San & MOC) – 3:24 (McKeehan, Solomon Olds, Joe Baldridge)
  3. The Slam (featuring T-Bone) – 3:19 (McKeehan, Christopher Stevens, Joe Weber, Rene Sotomayor)
  4. Poetically Correct (Interlude) – 0:56
  5. Atmosphere – 4:07 (McKeehan, George Crawford, Jeff Savage)
  6. Gone – 3:27 (McKeehan, Stevens)
  7. TruDog: The Return" – 2:22 (McKeehan)
  8. Diverse City (featuring Bootsy Collins) – 3:56 (McKeehan, Stevens)
  9. Stories (Down to the Bottom) (featuring Superchick) – 4:40 (McKeehan, Matt Dally, Patricia Brock, David Ghazarian, Max Hsu)
  10. Getaway Car – 4:27 (McKeehan, Moore, Michael Linney, Barlowe)
  11. Burn for You – 3:49 (McKeehan, Robert Marvin, Josiah Bell)
  12. Fresher Than a Night at the W – 0:48
  13. Ill-M-I (Soul-Junk cover) – 3:29 (McKeehan, Glenn Galaxy, Stevens)
  14. Phenomenon – 5:19 (McKeehan, Paul Meany)
  15. Gotta Go – 2:48 (McKeehan, Savage, Randy Crawford)
  16. Atmosphere (Remix) (featuring dc Talk) – 4:37 (McKeehan, G. Crawford, Savage)
Classifica Posizione
USA Billboard 200[1] 54

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