Yen Press è una casa editrice statunitense di manga e romanzi a fumetti controllata da Kadokawa e Hachette Book Group.
- Freak
- Gung - Palace Love Story
- Heavenly Executioner Chiwoo
- Hissing
- Jack Frost - The Amityville
- Laon
- Legend
- Moon Boy
- One Fine Day
- One Thousand and One Nights
- Raiders
- Pig Bride
- Real Lies
- Sarasah
- Sugarholic
- Time and Again
- Very! Very! Sweet
- You're So Cool
- An Ideal World
- Step
- The History of The West Wing
- Wild Animals
- Dystopia
- Toxic Planet
- Y Square
- Y Square Plus
- Goldilocks and the Seven Squat Bears