アイヴァー・ノイマン (Iver B. Neumann, 1959年10月10日 - )は、ノルウェーの国際政治学者。専攻は、国際関係論、とくにノルウェー外交、ヨーロッパ統合、ロシア外交。
- Russia and the Idea of Europe: A Study in Identity and International Relations, (Routledge, 1996).
- Uses of the Other: "the East" in European Identity Formation, (University of Minnesota Press, 1999).
- At Home with the Diplomats: Inside a European Foreign Ministry, Cornell University Press, 2012.
- Governing the Global Polity: Practice, Mentality, Rationality, with Ole Jacob Sending, University of Michigan Press, 2010.
- Regional Great Powers in International Politics, (Macmillan, 1992).
- The Soviet Union in Eastern Europe, 1945-89, co-edited with Odd Arne Westad and Sven Holtsmark, (St. Martin's Press, 1994).
- Classical Theories of International Relations, co-edited with Ian Clark, (Macmillan, 1996).
- 押村高・飯島昇藏ほか訳『国際関係思想史――論争の座標軸』、新評論, 2003年
- The Future of International Relations: Masters in the Making?, co-edited with Ole Waever, (Routledge, 1997).
- Harry Potter and International Relations, co-edited with Daniel Nexon, (Rowman & Littlefield, 2006).
- The Diffusion of Power in Global Governance: International Political Economy Meets Foucault, edited by Stefano Guzzini and Iver B. Neumann, Palgrave, 2012.