^Richard Brothers,A REVEALED KNOWLEDGE OF THE PROPHECIES AND TIMES,1794.A Description of the New Jerusalem(1801). Joseph Jacobs,BROTHERS, RICHARD:Jewish Encyclopedia,1906.
^Richard Brothers,Correct Account of the Invasion of England by the Saxons, Showing the English Nation to be Descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes.
^John Wilson,Our Israelitish Origin:Lectures on Ancient Israel, and the Israelitish Origin of the Modern Nations of Europe,1840.
^Eller, Jack David (2007). Introducing Anthropology of Religion: Culture to the Ultimate. p. 291. ISBN1138024910
^F. R. A. Glover,England, the Remnant of Judah, and the Israel of Ephraim.1861.
^Smyth, Charles Piazzi (1864). The Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid.
^Edward Hine,The British Nation identified with Lost Israel,1871.
^William Carpenter,The Israelites Found in the Anglo-Saxons (London: George Kenning, 1874)
^William H. Poole,Anglo-Israel; or, The British Nation the Lost Tribes of Israel,1879,トロント。
^G. W. Greenwood, monthly journal, "Heir of the World," New York, 1880.
^S. Backhaus, "Die Germanen ein Semitischer Volksstamm,",Berlin,1878.