ちなみに、薬物セックスで使われる薬物のほとんどは脱法ドラッグであるため、組織者あるいは参加者は警察による取り締まりを避け、インターネット上で隠語を使って特定の薬物を表現する。例えば、大小文字が混在する「LookinG to ParTy」が掲出される場合、このパーティーには「G」(GHBまたはGBL)と「T」(メタンフェタミン)があると参加者が分かる[16][17]。
^Vol. 32, No. 3 Behavioral and Psychosocial Research Sexualized Drug Use (Chemsex) Is Associated with High-Risk Sexual Behaviors and Sexually Transmitted Infections in HIV-Positive Men Who Have Sex with Men: Data from the U-SEX GESIDA 9416 Study
Alicia González-Baeza, Helen Dolengevich-Segal, Ignacio Pérez-Valero, Alfonso Cabello, María Jesús Téllez, José Sanz, Leire Pérez-Latorre, José Ignacio Bernardino, Jesús Troya, Sara De La Fuente, Otilia Bisbal, Ignacio Santos, Sari Arponen, Víctor Hontañon, José Luis Casado, and Pablo Ryan, the U-SEX GESIDA 9416 Study
^ abcdBourne A, Reid D, Hickson F, Torres Rueda S, Weatherburn P (2014) The Chemsex study: drug use in sexual settings among gay & bisexual men in Lambeth, Southwark & Lewisham. London: Sigma Research, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. www.sigmaresearch.org.uk/chemsex
^Dávila, Percy Fernández. "ChemSex in the sauna ": An ethnographic study on the use of drugs in a gay sex venue in Barcelona". European ChemSex Forum. April 2016. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1895.7205, Londres, CEEISCAT; Stop Sida, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.1895.7205
^ abRace K (2009): Pleasure Consuming Medicine: The queer politics of drugs Durham: Duke University Press.
^ abFrederick, B.J. (2012). Partying with a purpose: Finding meaning in an online "party 'n' play" subculture [Masters thesis]. California State University, Long Beach.
^Frederick, BJ (11 July 2013). Dangerous Liaisons: The Risks of Using Gay/MSM 'Hookup' Technologies [Conference presentation]. International Congress on Gender Violence, International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Onati, Spain.
^Zane (11 September 2017). “It's Time to Talk About Chemsex and Consent”. www.advocate.com. Advocate. 7 July 2018閲覧。 “Consent often isn’t clearly defined among men who engage in chemsex. Various men have told me that consent is given up upon using drugs. “When I went into these situations, I went in with the knowledge that anything goes,” says Sam.”
^Brecht, M.L.; O’brien, A.; Von Mayrhauser, C.; Anglin, M.D. (2004). “Methamphetamine use behaviors and gender differences”. Addict Behav29 (1): 89–106. doi:10.1016/S0306-4603(03)00082-0. PMID14667423.
^Race, K. (2011). Party Animals: The significance of drug practices in the materialization of urban gay identity. In Suzanne Fraser and David Moore (Eds.), The Drug Effect: Health, Crime and Society, (pp. 35-56). Melbourne, Australia: Cambridge University Press.