
King Jammy
出生名 Lloyd Woodrowe James
別名 Prince Jammy
生誕 (1947-10-26) 1947年10月26日(77歳)
ジャマイカの旗 ジャマイカ モンテゴ・ベイ
出身地 ジャマイカの旗 ジャマイカ
ジャンル レゲエダブダンスホールレゲエラガマフィン
職業 プロデューサーレコーディング・エンジニアサウンド・システム・オーナー
活動期間 1960年代 -
レーベル VP、Greensleeves、King Jammy's

キング・ジャミー(King Jammy)、またはプリンス・ジャミー(Prince Jammy)として知られるロイド・ウッドロウ・ジェームス(Lloyd Woodrowe James、1947年10月26日 - )は、ジャマイカモンテゴ・ベイ出身[1]ダブエンジニア音楽プロデューサーサウンド・システム・オーナー。

キング・タビーの弟子で、レーベル「Jammy's」を運営している。長男ジョンジョン(John John)ら息子4人、さらに実弟アンクル・Tもそれぞれエンジニア、プロデューサーとして活動している。




ウォーターハウスにある母の家でアンプの作成や電子機器の修理などをして得た収入によって、1967年に自分のサウンド・システム「キング・ジャミーズ・スーパー・パワー(King Jammy's Super Power)」を始める[2]。また彼はそれ以外にも各地の他のシステムの装置も作成していた[2]。数年間、カナダで働くため1970年代前半にジャマイカを去った後、1976年にキングストンに戻り、ウォーターハウスの自宅内にスタジオを構え[2]、ヤビー・ユーのプロダクションと組む[1]。フィリップ・スマートがニューヨークで働くためにキング・タビーのチームから去った時、ジャミーはスマートに取って代わり、ヤビー・ユーとバニー・リーのように一緒に働いた[2]

キャリアの最初の数年は、専らダブの製作を行っていた。1970年代後半になると、ブラック・ウフルの実質的なデビュー・アルバムなど、自身のプロダクションからリリースするようになる[2]。1980年代になると、ジャミーはダンスホール・ミュージックに大きな影響を与えたプロデューサーの一人となる。1985年、ウェイン・スミスによる「(Under Me) Slang Teng」はジャミー最大のヒットとなる。レゲエにおいて最初期の代表的なデジタル・リディムとなるこの曲は多くの名声を得て、近代ダンスホールをリードした。ジャミーのプロダクションとサウンド・システムは1980年代以降、そして1990年代に入っても君臨し続けた[2]。その後もジャミーはプロデューサー業を続け、シズラなど今日のジャマイカにおけるトップ・アーティストとも仕事をしている。




  • ?

His Majestys Dub (Prince Jammy v. King Tubby)

  • 1979

Fat Man Dub Contest (Crucial Bunny Vs Prince Jammy) Kamikazi Dub Harder Na Rass (The Rass-es Band & Prince Jammy)

  • 1980

Fatman vrs. Shaka In A Dub Conference Big Showdown (Scientist v. Prince Jammy)....Jammy did not mix any tracks on this lp.

  • 1981

First, Second And Third Generation Of Dub (King Tubby & Prince Jammy & Scientist) Strictly Dub

  • 1982

Uhuru In Dub (Black Uhuru & Prince Jammy) Prince Jammy Destroys The Invaders Dub Landing Vol: 2 (Scientist & Prince Jammy)

  • 1983

Dub Culture Osbourne In Dub Scientist & Jammy Strike Back (Scientist & Jammy)


作品名 名義 発表時期
Dub Gone 2 Crazy King Tubby & Prince Jammy 1975-79
Dub The Old Fashioned Way Lee Perry & Prince Jammy 1970年代
Dubwise Revolution King Tubby & Prince Jammy & Scientist 1970年代
The Rhythm King Prince Jammy & Various Artists 1980年代
Umoja - 20th Century DEBwise Dennis Brown Presents Prince Jammy 1978



Big Showdown Round 2 Round 4 Round 6 Round 8 Round 10 Black Black Minds Peace And Rest Version How Long Version

Keep On Trying Version

Bunny Lee Meets King Tubby & Aggrovators

Channel One A Boy Creation Rockers You're No Good

Don Letts Presents The Mighty Trojan Sound Out Of Order Dub Chill Out Slow Motion Dub Black And White Dub

Dub It In The Dancehall Dub Jump Song Dub Dub Massive Chapter 1 Out Of Order Fist Of Fury Dub Massive Chapter 2 Throne Of Blood Shaolin Temple Dub Sessions Dub Investigation Brothers Of The Blade Dubwise & Otherwise Wreck Up A Version Fat Man Dub Contest Jammy A No Fool

Jammy's On The Move Jammy's A Shine

Jammy's A Satta

Fatman Presents Twin Spin Vol I

Second Generation

First, Second And Third Generation Of Dub

Second Generation On The Scene Flashing Echo Fist Of Fury

Jammin For Survival

Out Of Order Dub

Haul & Pull Up Selecta

You're No Good (12)

Jammin' For Survival (12)

Heavyweight Sound

Problems Dub In Fine Style A Useful Version King Jammy In Roots

Slaughterhouse Five

Born Free (Extended Mix) Youth Man Dub

Kung Fu !

Shaolin Temple Throne Of Blood

Fist Of Fury

Punky Reggae Party Run It Red

Chapter Of Money

Dub Ites Green & Gold Higher Ranking

A Stalawatt Version Mr. Bassie Dub Music Dub Scratchy Sounds

Brothers of the Blade

Straight To I Roy Head

Channel One A Boy

The Crowning Of Prince Jammy

Life Is A Moment In Space

The Crowning Of Prince Jammy

Return Of Jammy's Hi-Fi

The Trojan Story Vol 1&2 Throne Of Blood

Third World Disco Vol 1

Love Can Conquer

This Is Crucial Reggae Dub Throne Of Blood

Trojan 12" Box Set You’re No Good Born Free

Trojan Dub Box Set Volume 2 Fist Of Fury

Throne Of Blood

Shaolin Temple

Under Me Sleng Teng Extravaganza

Sweet Teng X-Ray Music

Step It Up In Dub Dub There The Champion Version Dub Is My Occupation



Anthony Johnson - A Yah We Deh [1985]

Barry Brown - King Jammy Presents Barry Brown [1980]

Barry Brown - Showcase [1980] Black Crucial - Mr. Sonny [1985] Black Sounds Uhro - Love Crisis [1977]

ブラック・ウフル - Black Sounds Of Freedom [1981] Black Uhuru & Prince Jammy - Uhuru In Dub [1982] Cocoa Tea - The Marshall [1985] Dennis Brown - History [1985] Dennis Brown - Slow Down [1985]

Errol Holt - Vision Of Africa [1978] Frankie Paul - Sara [1987]

Frankie Paul & Michael Palmer - Double Trouble [1985]

Half Pint - Money Man Skank [1984] Half Pint - One In A Million [1984]

Horace Andy - Haul And Jack Up [1987]

Hortense Ellis - Reflections [1979]

Hugh Mundell Featuring Lacksley Castell - Jah Fire [1980]

Johnny Osbourne - Folly Ranking [1980]

Johnny Osbourne - Mr Body Bye [198X]

Johnny Osbourne - Musical Chopper [1983]

Johnny Osbourne - Water Pumping [1983]

Jolly Brothers - Consciousness [1979]

Junior Reid - Boom Shack A Lack [1985]

King Tubby & Prince Jammy & Scientist - Dubwise Revolution [197X]

Leroy Smart - She Just A Draw Card [1982] Leroy Smart - Showcase [1985] Leroy Smart - We Rule Everytime [1985] Little John - Clarks Booty [1985] Michael Palmer - I'm So Attractive [1985] Natural Vibes - Life Hard A Yard [1982]

Niccademos - Dance Hall Style [1982]

Noel Phillips - Youth Man Vibrations [1981]

Peter Yellow - Hot [1982] Prince Jammy - Kamikazi Dub [1979]

Prince Jammy - Osbourne In Dub [1983]

Prince Jammy - Prince Jammy Destroys The Invaders [1982]

Prince Jammy - Strictly Dub [1981]

Prince Jammy & Various Artists - The Rhythm King [198X]

Sugar Minott - A Touch Of Class [1985]

Sugar Minott - Bitter Sweet [1979]

Tonto Irie - Jammy's Possee [198X] Travellers - Black Black Minds [1977]

U Black - Westbound Thing A Swing [1977]

U Brown - Mr Brown Something [1978]

U Brown vs Peter Yellow - DJ Confrontation [1982]

Various Artists - 10 To 1 [1985]

Various Artists - 1985 Master Mega Hits [1985]

Various Artists - 1985 Master Mega Hits Vol 2 [1985]

Various Artists - King Jammy - A Man And His Music Vol 1 [197X-8X]

Various Artists - King Jammy - A Man And His Music Vol 2 [198X]

Various Artists - King Jammy - A Man And His Music Vol 3 [198X] Various Artists - King Jammy In Roots [197X-8X]

Various Artists - King Jammy's At Channel 1 [1977-79]

Various Artists - Prince Jammy Presents Vol 1 [1986] Various Artists - Superstar Hit Parade [1986] Various Artists - Under Me Sleng Teng Extravaganza [1985]

Wayne Smith - Smoker Super [1985]

Wayne Smith - Under Me Sleg Teng [1985]

Wayne Smith - Youthman Skanking [1982]

Ween - Friends EP (only track #4 "King Billy")



Agrovators - Kaya Dub [1977]

Alton Ellis - Many Moods Of Alton Ellis [1978-80] Alton Ellis & Heptones - Alton Ellis Sings, Heptones Harmonise [1978-80]

Augustus Pablo - El Rocker's [1972-75]

Augustus Pablo - Rockers Meets King Tubby In A Fire House [1980]

Augustus Pablo - Original Rockers [1972-75] Barrington Levy - Englishman [1979] Barrington Levy - Englishman - Robin Hood [1979-80]

Barry Brown - King Jammy Presents Barry Brown [1980] Barry Brown - The Best Of Barry Brown [197X]

Barry Brown Meets Cornell Campbell - Barry Brown Meets Cornell Campbell [197X] Bim Sherman - Ghetto Dub [1988] Bim Sherman Meets Horace Andy And U Black - In A Rub A Dub Style [1982]

Black Sounds Uhro - Love Crisis [1977] Black Uhuru - Black Sounds Of Freedom [1981] Black Uhuru & Prince Jammy - Uhuru In Dub [1982] Carl Harvey - Ecstasy Of Mankind [1978]

Carlton Patterson & King Tubby - Psalms Of Drums [197X] Cornell Campbell - Boxing [1982] Cornell Campbell - Follow Instructions [1983] Cornell Campbell - Turn Back The Hands Of Time [1977] Creation Rebel - Close Encounters Of The Third World [1978] Crucial Bunny Vs Prince Jammy - Fat Man Dub Contest [1979]

DEB Music Players - 20th Century DEB-Wise [1978]

David Jahson - Natty Chase The Barber [1978] Delroy Wilson - Go Away Dream [1982] Dennis Brown - Slow Down [1985]

Dennis Brown Presents Prince Jammy - Umoja - 20th Century DEBwise [1978]

Dillinger - Cornbread [1978]

Earl "Chinna" Smith - Sticky Fingers [1977]

Eek A Mouse - Wa Do Dem [1981]

Frankie Paul & Michael Palmer - Double Trouble [1985] Gregory Isaacs - Slum In Dub [1978] Half Pint - One In A Million [1984]

Horace Andy - In The Light / In The Light Dub [1977] Hortense Ellis - Jamaica's First Lady Of Songs [1977]

Hugh Mundell Featuring Lacksley Castell - Jah Fire [1980]

I Roy - Can't Conquer Rasta [1976]

Jah Frankie Jones - Satta An Praise Jah [1977]

Jah Lloyd - Black Moses [1979]

Jah Stitch - Original Ragga Muffin [1975-77] Johnny Clarke - Don't Stay Out Late [1977] Johnny Clarke - Dread Natty Congo [1977] Johnny Clarke - Sweet Conversation [1977]

Johnny Osbourne - Folly Ranking [1980] Johnny Osbourne - Musical Chopper [1983] Johnny Osbourne - Water Pumping [1983] Junior Reid - Boom Shack A Lack [1985] Keith Hudson - Rasta Communication [1978]

King Tubby - Dub Gone Crazy [1975-79] King Tubby - Dub Like Dirt [1975-77]

King Tubby - Majestic Dub [197X]

King Tubby's And The Agrovators - Dubbing In The Back Yard [1982]

King Tubby & Aggrovators - Shalom Dub [1975]

King Tubby & Prince Jammy - Dub Gone 2 Crazy [1975-79]

King Tubby & Prince Jammy & Scientist - First, Second And Third Generation Of Dub [1981]

Leroy Smart - Reggae Showcase Vol 1 [197X] Leroy Smart - Superstar [1977] Leroy Smart - Superstar [1976]

Linval Thompson & Wayne Jarrett & Ranking Trevor - Train To Zion Dub [1981]

Lord Sassafrass - Horse Man Connection [1982]

Michael Prophet - Serious Reasoning [1980]

Mikey Dread - African Anthem [1979]

Mikey Dread - Dread At The Controls [1979]

Mother Liza With Kojak - Chant Down Babylon [198X]

Noel Phillips - Youth Man Vibrations [1981] Paragons - Heaven & Earth [197X]

Paragons - Now [1982] Pat Kelly - One Man Stand [1979]

Peter Yellow - Hot [1982] Prince Far I - Cry Tuff Dub Encounter II [1979] Prince Hammer - World War Dub Part 1 [1979] Prince Jammy - Dub Culture [1983]

Prince Jammy - Fatman vrs. Shaka In A Dub Conference [1980]

Prince Jammy - Kamikazi Dub [1979]

Prince Jammy - Prince Jammy Destroys The Invaders [1982]

Prince Jammy - Strictly Dub [1981] Revolutionaries - Goldmine Dub [1979]

Rockers All Stars - Chanting Dub With The Help Of The Father [1978]

Rod Taylor - Ethiopians Kings [1975-80] Scientist - Heavy Metal Dub [1982]

Scientist & Jammy - Scientist & Jammy Strike Back [1983]

Scientist & Prince Jammie - Dub Landing Vol: 2 [1982] Sly & Robbie - Raiders Of The Lost Dub [1981]

Sly And The Revolutionaries With Jah Thomas - Black Ash Dub [1980] Sugar Minott - Bitter Sweet [1979] Sugar Minott - Black Roots [1980] Sugar Minott - Ghetto-ology [1979] Tappa Zukie - Escape From Hell [1977] Tappa Zukie - Tapper Roots [1978] The Agrovators - Jammies In Lion Dub Style [1978] The Rass-es Band & Prince Jammy - Harder Na Rass [1979]

Tommy McCook - Blazing Horns - Tenor In Roots [1976-78] Tommy McCook & Bobby Ellis - Blazing Horns [1977] Travellers - Black Black Minds [1977] Trinity - Dreadlocks Satisfaction [1978]

U Brown - Mr Brown Something [1978]

Uniques - Showcase [1978]

Various Artists - Superstar Hit Parade [1986]

Wayne Smith - Smoker Super [1985] Wayne Smith - Youthman Skanking [1982] Ween - Friends EP (only track #4 "King Billy") Yabby U - Jah Jah Way [1980] Yabby You - Beware [1978]

Yabby You - Dub It To The Top [1976-79]

Yabby You & Various Artists - Jesus Dread [1972-77] 」


アーティスト 作品名!発表年
Black Crucial Mr. Sonny 1985
Black Sounds Uhro Love Crisis 1977
Dennis Brown History 1985
Dennis Brown Slow Down 1985
Johnny Osbourne Folly Ranking 1980
Noel Phillips Youth Man Vibrations 1981
The Agrovators Jammies In Lion Dub Style 1978


アーティスト 作品名 発表年
Dennis Brown Slow Down 1985
Johnny Osbourne Water Pumping 1983


  1. ^ a b Barrow, Steve & Dalton, Peter: "Reggae: The Rough Guide", 1997, Rough Guides, ISBN 1-85828-247-0
  2. ^ a b c d e f Larkin, Colin: "The Virgin Encyclopedia of Reggae", 1998, Virgin Books, ISBN 0-7535-0242-9

