ジョック・ヤング(Jock Young, 1942年3月4日 - 2013年11月16日)は、イギリスの社会学者。専門は、犯罪社会学。ケント大学の元教授(社会学)。
- The Drugtakers: the Social Meaning of Drug Use, (Paladin, 1971).
- The Exclusive Society: Social Exclusion, Crime and Difference in Late Modernity, (Sage, 1999).
- 青木秀男・伊藤泰郎・岸政彦・村澤真保呂訳『排除型社会――後期近代における犯罪・雇用・差異』(洛北出版, 2007年)
- The Vertigo of Late Modernity, (Sage, 2007).
- 木下ちがや・中村好孝・丸山真央訳『後期近代の眩暈――排除から過剰包摂へ』(青土社, 2008年)
- The New Criminology: For a Social Theory of Deviance, with Ian Taylor and Paul Walton, (Routledge, 1973).
- Abortion in Demand, with Victoria Greenwood, (Pluto Press, 1976).
- What is to be Done about Law and Order?, with John Lea, (Penguin, 1984).
- Losing the Fight against Crime, with Richard Kinsey and John Lea, (Basil Blackwell, 1986).
- The Islington Crime Survey: Crime, Victimization and Policing in Inner-city London, with Trevor Jones and Brian MacLean, (Gower, 1986).
- Contemporary Social Problems in Britain, co-edited with Roy Bailey, (Saxon House, 1973).
- Policing the Riots, co-edited with David Cowell and Trevor Jones, (Junction Books, 1982).
- Confronting Crime, co-edited with Roger Matthews, (Sage, 1986).
- Issues in Realist Criminology, co-edited with Roger Matthews, (Sage, 1992).
- Rethinking Criminology: the Realist Debate, co-edited with Roger Matthews, (Sage, 1992).
- The New Criminology Revisited, co-edited with Paul Walton, (Macmillan, 1998).
- The New Politics of Crime and Punishment, co-edited with Roger Matthews, (Willan, 2003).