^For compound derivation as स्व + अध्यायः and meanings of svādhyāya as "1. self-recitation, muttering to one-self. -2. study of the Vedas, sacred study, perusal of sacred books. -3. the Veda itself. -4. a day on which sacred study is enjoined to be resumed after suspension." see: Apte 1965, p. 1016, right column.
^For definition of "स्वाध्याय, m. repeating to oneself, study of the Veda; repetition of the Veda aloud" see: Macdonell 1996, p. 373, left column.
^For definition as "the regular habit of study of religious books", see: Chatterjee and Datta (1984), p. 303.
^Sharda Nandram (2010), Synchronizing Leadership Style with Integral Transformational Yoga Principles, In Spirituality and Business (Editors: Nandram and Borden), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, ISBN978-3-642-02660-7, pages 183-203
Bhattacharyya, Haridas, ed. (1956), The Cultural Heritage of India, Calcutta: The Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. Four volumes.
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Pandey, Rajbali (1969), Hindu Saṁskāras: Socio-Religious Study of the Hindu Sacraments (Second Revised ed.), Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, ISBN81-208-0434-1
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Taimni, I. K. (1961), The Science of Yoga, Adyar, India: The Theosophical Publishing House, ISBN81-7059-212-7
Winternitz, Maurice (1972), History of Indian Literature (Second revised reprint ed.), New Delhi: Oriental Books Reprint Corporation Two volumes. First published 1927 by the University of Calcutta.
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