デビッド・カレオ(David P. Calleo, 1934年7月19日 - 2023年6月15日[1])は、アメリカ合衆国の経済学者。専門は、国際政治経済学、米欧関係論。
- Europe's Future: the Grand Alternatives, (Horizon, 1965).
- Coleridge and the Idea of the Modern State, (Yale University Press, 1966).
- Britain's Future, (Horizon, 1968).
- The American Political System, (Bodley Head, 1968).
- 加藤雅彦訳『アメリカ政治入門――危機の構造』(サイマル出版会, 1972年)
- The Atlantic Fantasy: the U.S., NATO, and Europe, (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1970).
- The German Problem Reconsidered: Germany and the World Order, 1870 to the Present, (Cambridge University Press, 1978).
- The Imperious Economy, (Harvard University Press, 1982).
- 山岡清二訳『アメリカ経済は何故こうなったか』(日本放送出版協会, 1983年)
- Beyond American Hegemony: the Future of the Western Alliance, (Basic Books, 1987).
- The Bankrupting of America: How the Federal Budget is Impoverishing the Nation, (W. Morrow, 1992).
- Rethinking Europe's Future, (Princeton University Press, 2001).
- America and the World Political Economy: Atlantic Dreams and National Realities, with Benjamin M. Rowland, (Indiana University Press, 1973).
- Recasting Europe's Economies: National Strategies in the 1980s, co-edited with Claudia Morgenstern, (University Press of America, 1990).
- From the Atlantic to the Urals: National Perspectives on the New Europe, co-edited with Phillip H. Gordon< (Seven Locks Press, 1992).
- Europe's Franco-German Engine, co-edited with Eric R. Staal, (Brookings Institution Press, 1998).