Hylarana Tschudi, 1838[1]
Golden-backed frogs
ハイララナ属 Hylarana はアカガエル科に属するカエルの属の一つ。学名はラテン語のhyla(木、森)、rana(カエル)に由来する。熱帯アフリカと、インド・ネパール・東南アジア全域・中国南部・フィリピン・オーストラリア北部に分布する[2]。
- Hylarana luctuosa (Peters, 1871) - マレーシア・スマトラ・ボルネオ
- Hylarana erythraea (Schlegel, 1837) ミドリイケガエル - インド・中国南部・東南アジア
- Hylarana taipehensis (Van Denburgh, 1909) タイワンガエル - 中国南部・台湾・東南アジア
- Hylarana macrodactyla Günther, 1858 - 東南アジア
- Hylarana guentheri (Boulenger, 1882) イヌガエル(仮称) - 中国南部・台湾・ベトナム
- Hylarana lateralis (Boulenger, 1887)
- Hylarana miopus (Boulenger, 1918) - タイ・マレーシア
- H. temporalis group - スリランカ[2]
- H. flavescens group - 西ガーツ[2]
- Hylarana montana (Rao, 1922)
- Hylarana flavescens (Jerdon 1853)
- Hylarana magna Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Seneviranthne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014
- Hylarana caesari Biju, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Seneviranthne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014
- Hylarana sreeni Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Seneviranthne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014
- Hylarana indica Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Seneviranthne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014
- H. aurantiaca group - 西ガーツ[2]
- Hylarana urbis Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne, and Meggaskumbara, 2014
- Hylarana aurantiaca (Boulenger, 1904)
- Hylarana doni Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Seneviranthne, and Meegaskumbura, 2014
- Hylarana intermedia (Rao, 1937)
- Hylarana malabarica (Tschudi, 1838) - 西ガーツ
- Hylarana gracilis (Gravenhorst, 1829) - スリランカ
- Hylarana milleti (Smith, 1921) - インドシナ半島・中国
- Hylarana attigua (Inger, Orlov, and Darevsky, 1999) アッチガガエル [5]
- ニューギニア島周辺
- Hylarana arfaki (Meyer, 1875)
- Hylarana jimiensis (Tyler, 1963)
- Hylarana novaeguineae (Van Kampen, 1909)
- Hylarana grisea (Van Kampen, 1913)
- Hylarana papua (Lesson, 1826)
- Hylarana milneana (Loveridge, 1948)
- Hylarana volkerjane (Günther, 2003)
- Hylarana aurata (Günther, 2003)
- Hylarana garritor (Menzies, 1987)
- Hylarana kreffti (Boulenger, 1882)
- Hylarana supragrisea (Menzies, 1987)
- Hylarana waliesa (Kraus and Allison, 2007)
- Hylarana daemeli (Steindachner, 1868) - オーストラリア北部
- nigrovittata group - 中国南部から東南アジア[6]
- Hylarana hekouensis Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2008
- Hylarana faber (Ohler, Swan, and Daltry, 2002)
- Hylarana nigrovittata (Blyth, 1856)
- Hylarana menglaensis Fei, Ye, and Xie, 2008
- Hylarana cubitalis (Smith, 1917)
- Hylarana latouchii (Boulenger, 1899) ラトウチガエル
- Hylarana maosonensis Bourret, 1937
- Hylarana spinulosa (Smith, 1923)
- Hylarana mocquardi (Werner, 1901) - スラウェシ
- H. chalconota group - 東南アジア[7]
- Hylarana raniceps (Peters, 1871)
- Hylarana chalconota (Schlegel, 1837) キグチガエル
- Hylarana rufipes (Inger, Stuart, and Iskandar, 2009)
- Hylarana megalonesa (Inger, Stuart, and Iskandar, 2009)
- Hylarana eschatia (Inger, Stuart, and Iskandar, 2009)
- Hylarana labialis (Boulenger, 1887)
- Hylarana parvaccola (Inger, Stuart, and Iskandar, 2009)
- Hylarana nicobariensis (Stoliczka, 1870) ニコバルハナナガガエル
- 旧Amnirana 属 - 熱帯アフリカ[8]
- Hylarana occidentalis (Perret, 1960)
- Hylarana fonensis (Rödel and Bangoura, 2004)
- Hylarana amnicola Perret, 1977
- Hylarana asperrima Perret, 1977
- Hylarana galamensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Hylarana albolabris (Hallowell, 1856)
- Hylarana lepus (Andersson, 1903)
- Hylarana darlingi (Boulenger, 1902)
- Hylarana lemairei (De Witte, 1921)
- Hylarana longipes (Perret, 1960)
- Hylarana parkeriana (Mertens, 1938)
- Rana signata complex [9]
- Hylarana siberu (Dring, McCarthy, and Whitten, 1990)
- Hylarana centropeninsularis Chan, Brown, Lim, Ahmad, and Grismer, 2014 [10]
- Hylarana debussyi (Van Kampen, 1910) [10]
- Hylarana moellendorffi (Boettger, 1893)
- Hylarana similis (Günther, 1873)
- Hylarana grandocula (Taylor, 1920)
- Hylarana mangyanum (Brown and Guttman, 2002)
- Hylarana picturata (Boulenger, 1920)
- Hylarana signata (Günther, 1872) キオビナガレアカガエル
- Hylarana banjarana (Leong and Lim, 2003) - マレー半島
- バラムガエル類[11][12]
- ^ a b “Hylarana in Amphibian Species of the World 6.0”. 2014年12月12日閲覧。
- ^ a b c d S.D. Biju, Sonali Garg, Stephen Mahony, Nayana Wijayathilaka, Gayani Senevirathne, Madhava Meegaskumbura (2014). “DNA barcoding, phylogeny and systematics of Golden-backed frogs (Hylarana, Ranidae) of the Western Ghats-Sri Lanka biodiversity hotspot, with the description of seven new species”. Contributions to Zoology 83 (4). http://www.contributionstozoology.nl/vol83/nr04/a04.
- ^ “Ranidae in Amphibiaweb”. 2014年12月12日閲覧。
- ^ Alexander Pyron, R., and John J. Wiens. (2011). “A large-scale phylogeny of Amphibia including over 2800 species, and a revised classification of extant frogs, salamanders, and caecilians”. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61 (2): 543-583. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2011.06.012.
- ^ ZIEGLER, THOMAS. (2009). “Larval morphology in four species of Hylarana from Vietnam and Thailand with comments on the taxonomy of H. nigrovittata sensu latu (Anura: Ranidae)”. Zootaxa 2051: 1-25.
- ^ Fei, L., et al. (2008). “Two new species of the Ranidae from China, with phylogenetic relationships of Hylarana (Sylvirana) nigrovittata group (Amphibia, Anura)”. Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica/Dong wu fen lei xue bao. Beijing: 199-206.
- ^ Inger, Robert F., Bryan L. Stuart, and Djoko T. Iskandar. (2009). “Systematics of a widespread Southeast Asian frog, Rana chalconota (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae)”. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 155 (1): 123-147. http://kehutanan.sith.itb.ac.id/profile/djoko/Ingerchalconota2009.pdf.
- ^ Rödel, M-O., and M. A. Bangoura. (2004). “A conservation assessment of amphibians in the Forêt Classée du Pic de Fon, Simandou Range, southeastern Republic of Guinea, with the description of a new Amnirana species (Amphibia Anura Ranidae)”. Tropical Zoology 17 (2): 201-232. doi:10.1080/03946975.2004.10531206.
- ^ Brown, Rafe M., and Sheldon I. Guttman. (2002). “Phylogenetic systematics of the Rana signata complex of Philippine and Bornean stream frogs: reconsideration of Huxley’s modification of Wallace’s Line at the Oriental–Australian faunal zone interface”. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 76 (3): 393-461.
- ^ a b Kin Onn Chan, Rafe M. Brown, Kelvin K.P. Lim, Norhayati Ahmad, and Lee Grismer (2014). “A New Species of Frog (Amphibia: Anura: Ranidae) of the Hylarana signata Complex from Peninsular Malaysia”. Herpetologica 70 (2): 228-240. doi:10.1655/HERPETOLOGICA-D-13-00057.
- ^ Masafumi Matsui, Mumpuni and Amir Hamidy. “Description of a New Species of Hylarana from Sumatra (Amphibia, Anura)”. Current Herpetology. doi:10.5358/hsj.31.38.
- ^ “O-28 バラムガエル(Hylarana baramica)とその近縁のカエル類について”. 2014年12月11日閲覧。