ハリー・ブリッグハウス(Harry Brighouse)は、イギリス出身の政治哲学者。現在、ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校の教員を務めている。研究テーマは、道徳哲学や、教育とリベラリズムの関係。哲学者・社会学者のアダム・スウィフトとの共著『家族の価値:親子関係の倫理学(Family Values: The Ethics of Parent-Child Relationships)』(プリンストン大学出版局、2014年)は、家族の道徳哲学における代表的な著作とされている[1]。
2004年にカーネギー・コーポレーション・オブ・ニューヨークからカーネギー奨学生に選出され、「教育的正義と制度改革(Educational Justice and Institutional Reform)」と題されたプロジェクトに取り組んでいる[8]。また、超党派で質の高い学術研究を通じて教育の改善に取り組むシカゴの非営利団体スペンサー財団の上級顧問を務める[9]。加えて、ブリッグハウスは人間能力開発協会(HDCA)のフェローでもある[10]。
Brighouse, Harry (2000). A level playing field: the reform of private schools. London: Fabian Society. ISBN9780716330523
Brighouse, Harry (2000). School choice and social justice. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN9780198295860
Brighouse, Harry (2003). School choice and social justice. Oxford New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN9780199257874
Brighouse, Harry (2004). Justice. Cambridge: Polity. ISBN9780745625966 Translated into Polish as Brighouse, Harry (2007). Sprawiedliwość. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sic. ISBN9788360457306
Brighouse, Harry; Brock, Gillian (2005). The political philosophy of cosmopolitanism. Cambridge New York: Cambridge University Press. ISBN9780521846608
Brighouse, Harry (2006). On education. London New York: Routledge. ISBN9780415327893
Brighouse, Harry (2007). Sprawiedliwość. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Sic. ISBN9788360457306
Brighouse, Harry; Robeyns, Ingrid (2010). Measuring justice: primary goods and capabilities. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. ISBN9781843156994
Brighouse, Harry (1998), “School choice: theoretical considerations”, Recasting egalitarianism: new rules for communities, states, and markets, England: New York Verso, pp. 141–180, ISBN9781859848630
Brighouse, Harry (2007), “Schooling in a socialist society”, Toward a new socialism, Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, pp. 231–246, ISBN9780739118627
Brighouse, Harry (2009), “Moral and political aims of education”, in Siegel, Harvey, The Oxford handbook of philosophy of education, Oxford New York: Oxford University Press, pp. 35–51, ISBN9780195312881
Brighouse, Harry (2012), “Civility, citizenship, and the limits of schooling”, Civility in politics and education, New York: Routledge, ISBN9780415897259
Brighouse, Harry; Unterhalter, Elaine (2013), “Primary goods, capabilities, and the millennium development target for gender equity in education”, Capabilities, gender, equality: towards fundamental entitlements, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 215–243, ISBN9781107015692
Brighouse, Harry (October 2001). “Can justice as fairness accommodate the disabled?”. Social Theory and Practice27 (4): 537–560. doi:10.5840/soctheorpract200127433.
^Macintyre, Donald (23 November 2000). “Labour should end this apartheid in education”. The Independent (London): pp. 3. https://www.independent.co.uk/9 April 2014閲覧. "Professor Brighouse's most arresting proposal ... is to make the charitable status of private schools – and other incentives – conditional on their willingness to abolish academic selection. The idea is that parents seeking the purely academic benefits of private education would then be much less inclined to do so."
^Smithers, Rebecca (22 November 2000). “Reformers target private education”. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2000/nov/22/education.schools9 April 2014閲覧. "Harry Brighouse of London University's institute of education, called for a new relationship between the sectors to ensure that the benefits of private education – more money, better resources and good academic results – are more widely distributed for the benefit of all pupils."
^“Professor Diana E. Hess”. The Spencer Foundation. 29 November 2013時点のオリジナルよりアーカイブ。9 April 2014閲覧。 “According to Harry Brighouse, Senior Advisor to the Spencer Foundation and Hess' colleague at the University of Wisconsin, "Diana is a first rate leader who...”
^“HDCA Fellows”. Human Development & Capability Association. 9 April 2014閲覧。