Hans Kopfermann Kernmomente and Nuclear Momenta (Akademische Verl., 1940, 1956, and Academic Press, 1958)
Hans Kopfermann Physics of the electron shells (The American FIAT review of German science, 1939-1945, Volume 12) (Office of Military Government for Germany Field Information Agencies, Technical, 1948)[18]
Hans Kopfermann Physik der Elektronenhüllen (Verl. Chemie, 1953)
Hans Kopfermann Über optisches Pumpen an Gasen (Springer, 1960)
Hans Kopfermann and Rudolf Ladenburg Untersuchungen über die anomale Dispersion angeregter Gase II Teil. Anomale Dispersion in angeregtem Neon Einfluß von Strom und Druck, Bildung und Vernichtung angeregter Atome, Zeitschrift für Physik Volume 48, Numbers 1-2, 26-50 (1928). The authors were identified as being at Berlin-Dahlem. The article was received on December 17, 1927.
Rudolf Landenburg and Hans Kopfermann Experimenteller Nachweis der negativen Dispersion, Z. Phys. Chemie Abt. A Volume 139, 375–385 (1928)
^ abcdHentschel and Hentschel, 1996, Appendix F; see the entry for Kopfermann.
^ abcdefMehra and Rechenberg, Volume 6, Part 1, 2000, 351n413.
^Hans Kopfermann and Rudolf LadenburgUntersuchungen über die anomale Dispersion angeregter Gase II Teil. Anomale Dispersion in angeregtem Neon Einfluß von Strom und Druck, Bildung und Vernichtung angeregter Atome, Zeitschrift für Physik Volume 48, Numbers 1-2, 26-50 (1928)
^Hentschel and Hentschel, 1996, Appendix F; see the entries for Kopfermann and Landenburg.
^Document 20 Hans Kopfermann: Letter to Niels Bohr [May 23, 1933] in Hentschel and Hentschel, 1996, 54-59.
^In part, Finkelnburg’s role in organizing the Münchner Religionsgespräche influenced Carl Ramsauer, as president of the Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, to select Finkelnburg in 1941 as his deputy. See Document 86: Letter to Ludwig Prandtl by Carl Ramsauer, 4 June 1944, in Hentschel, 1996, 267-268.
^Hentschel, 1996, Appendix F; see the entries for Kopfermann and Joos.
^Horst Kant Werner Heisenberg and the German Uranium Project / Otto Hahn and the Declarations of Mainau and Göttingen, Preprint 203 (Max-Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2002), p. 19.
^Kurt DiebnerListing of Nuclear Research Commissions Enclosed with a Letter to the President of the Reich Research Council [April 18. 1944] in Document #104 in Hentschel and Hentschel, 1996, 322-324.
^Horst Kant Werner Heisenberg and the German Uranium Project / Otto Hahn and the Declarations of Mainau and Göttingen, Preprint 203 (Max-Planck Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte, 2002).
^There were 50-odd volumes of the FIAT Reviews of German Science, which covered the period 1930 to 1946 – cited by Max von Laue in Document 117 Max von Laue: The Wartime Activities of German Scientists [April 1948], Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Volume 4, Number 4 (April 1948), reprinted in Hentschel and Hentschel, 1996, 393-395.
Beyerchen, Alan D. Scientists Under Hitler: Politics and the Physics Community in the Third Reich (Yale, 1977) ISBN0-300-01830-4
Hentschel, Klaus (editor) and Ann M. Hentschel (editorial assistant and translator) Physics and National Socialism: An Anthology of Primary Sources (Birkhäuser, 1996) ISBN0-8176-5312-0
Lieb, Klaus-Peter Theodor Schmidt and Hans Kopfermann – Pioneers in Hyperfine Physics, Hyperfine Interactions Volume 136-137, Numbers 3-8, 783-802 (2001). Institutional citation: II. Physikalisches Institut, Universität Göttingen.
Mehra, Jagdish and Helmut Rechenberg The Historical Development of Quantum Theory. Volume 6: The Completion of Quantum Mechanics 1926-1941, Part 1: The Probability Interpretation and the Statistical Transformation Theory, the Physical Interpretation, and the Empirical and Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics 1926-1932 (Springer, 2000)
Walker, Mark German National Socialism and the Quest for Nuclear Power 1939–1949 (Cambridge, 1993) ISBN0-521-43804-7