"Don Juan en de Laatste Nymf" ("Don Juan and the Last Nymph", 1943)
"Hélène Defraye" (1945)
"Triptiek van de Onvervulde Liefde" ("Triptych of Unrequited Love", 1947)
"De Ruiter op de Wolken" ("The Horseman on the Clouds", 1948)
"Idomeneia en de Kentaur" ("Idomenea and the Centaur, 1951)
"De Belofte aan Rachel" ("The Promise to Rachel", 1952)
"Terugkeer naar Atlantis" ("Return to Atlantis", 1953)
"De Duivel en de Maagd" ("The Devil and the Virgin", 1955)
"De Komst van Joachim Stiller" ("The Coming of Joachim Stiller", 1960, extended 1978 edition ISBN 0-86874-023-3)
"Hermione betrapt" ("Hermione caught", 1962)
"De Heks en de Archeoloog" ("The Witch and the Archaeologist", 1967)
"De Goden moeten hun Getal Hebben"/"Kasper in de Onderwereld" ("The Gods must have their Number"/"Kasper in the Underworld", 1969, second edition 1974 ISBN 90-290-0075-9)
"De Vingerafdrukken van Brahma" ("Brahma's Fingerprints", 1972)
"Een Geur van Sandelhout" ("An Odour of Sandalwood", 1976, ISBN 90-290-0562-9)
"Wijlen Sarah Silbermann" ("The Late Sarah Silbermann", 1980, ISBN 90-290-1273-0)
"De Draad van Ariadne" ("Ariadne's Thread", 1967); second edition published in 1974 as "Joachim Stiller en ik" ("Joachim Stiller and I", ISBN 90-290-0557-2)