
Poston Memorial Monument

ポストン戦争強制収容センターPoston War Relocation Center)は、アメリカ合衆国アリゾナ州ユマ郡(現ラパズ郡)に存在した、戦争強制収容機関(War Relocation Authority )運営の日系アメリカ人収容所のひとつ。日系人の間では「保寿屯」の表記が当てられる事もあった。







  1. ^ NARA - AAD - Display Full Records - [Japanese-American Internee Data File, 1942 - 1946, TAKASHI FUJIMOTO]” (英語). aad.archives.gov. 2019年1月25日閲覧。
  2. ^ NARA - AAD - Display Full Records - [Japanese-American Internee Data File, 1942 - 1946, Satoshi Hirayama]” (英語). aad.archives.gov. 2019年1月25日閲覧。
  3. ^ a b Poston (Colorado River) | Densho Encyclopedia” (英語). encyclopedia.densho.org. 2019年1月25日閲覧。




  • A. A. Hansen and B. K. Mitson, 1974. Voices Long Silent: An Oral Inquiry into the Japanese Evacuation. This study and many others interviewing former internees at several relocation centers are part of the research of the Japanese American World War II Evacuation History Project, at California State University, Fullerton. Professor Hansen has published extensively in this research arena.
  • For a historical interpretation by a tribal member of the Colorado River Indian Reservation, see his chapter on Poston: Dwight Lomayesva, 1981. “The Adaptation of Hopi and Navajo Colonists on the Colorado River Indian Reservation,” Master of Social Sciences Thesis (Fullerton, CA: California State University, Fullerton).
  • The Governing of Men, Alexander H. Leighton, 1945

