
ランドール・シュウェラー(Randall L. Schweller)は、アメリカ合衆国国際政治学者オハイオ州立大学政治学部教授。


国家は国内政治の要因に規定されながら可能な限りパワーを拡大しようと試みる主体と想定する新古典的現実主義(neo-classical realism)の代表的論者。




  • "Domestic Structure and Preventive War: Are Democracies More Pacific?," World Politics, vol. 44, no. 2, 1992.
  • "Tripolarity and the Second World War," International Studies Quarterly, vol. 37, no. 1, 1993.
  • "Bandwagoning for Profit: Bringing the Revisionist State Back In," International Security, vol. 19, no. 1, 1994.
  • "Neorealism's Status-Quo Bias: What Security Dilemma," Security Studies, vol. 5, no. 3, 1996.
  • "New Realist Research on Alliances: Refining, Not Refuting, Waltz's Balancing Proposition," American Political Science Review, vol. 91, no. 4, 1997.
  • "A Tale of Two Realisms: Expanding the Institutions Debate," Mershon International Studies Review, vol. 41, no. 1, 1997. (with David Priess)
  • "US Democracy Promotion: Realist Reflections", in Takashi Inoguchi, Michael Cox and G. John Ikenberry eds., American Democracy Promotion: Impulses, Strategies, and Impacts, (Oxford University Press, 2000).
「米国による民主主義の推進――リアリストが思うこと」猪口孝マイケル・コックスG・ジョン・アイケンベリー編『アメリカによる民主主義の推進――なぜその理念にこだわるのか』(ミネルヴァ書房, 2006年)
  • "Power Test: Updating Realism in Response to the End of the Cold War," Security Studies, vol. 9, no. 3, 2000. (with William C. Wohlforth)
  • "The Problem of International Order Revisited," International Security, vol. 26, no. 1, 2001.
  • "The Twenty Years' Crisis, 1919-39: Why a Concert Didn't Arise," in Colin Elman and Miriam Fendius Elman eds., Bridges and Boundaries: Historians, Political Scientists, and the Study of International Relations, (MIT Press, 2001).
「危機の二十年 1919-39――なぜ国際協調は生まれなかったか」コリン・エルマン, ミリアム・フェンディアス・エルマン編『国際関係研究へのアプローチ――歴史学と政治学の対話』(東京大学出版会, 2003年)
  • 「同盟の概念」船橋洋一編『同盟の比較研究――冷戦後秩序を求めて』(日本評論社, 2001年)
  • "Unanswered Threats: A Neoclassical Realist Theory of Underbalancing," International Security, vol. 29, no. 2, 2004.



