『水の子どもたち』(みずのこどもたち、The Water-Babies, A Fairy Tale for a Land Baby、原題の直訳は「水の赤ちゃんたち。陸の赤ちゃんのためのおとぎ話」)はイギリスの牧師チャールズ・キングスレーによる子ども向けのおとぎ話・ファンタジー小説。19世紀の児童文学で最も知られている作品の一つである[1]。
^When Tom has "everything that he could want or wish," the reader is warned that sometimes this does bad things to people "Indeed, it sometimes makes them naughty, as it has made the people in America." Murderous crows that do whatever they like are described as being like "American citizens of the new school."
^Jews are referred to twice in the text, first as archetypal rich people ("as rich as a Jew"), and then as a joking reference to dishonest merchants who sell fake religious icons – "young ladies walk about with lockets of Charles the First's hair (or of somebody else's, when the Jews' genuine stock is used up)".
^The Powwow man is said to have "yelled, shouted, raved, roared, stamped, and danced corrobory like any black fellow," and a seal is described as looking like a "fat old greasy negro."
^"Popes" are listed among Measles, Famines, Despots, and other "children of the four great bogies."
^Ugly people are described as "like the poor Paddies who eat potatoes"; an extended passage discusses St. Brandan among the Irish who liked "to brew potheen, and dance the pater o'pee, and knock each other over the head with shillelaghs, and shoot each other from behind turf-dykes, and steal each other's cattle, and burn each other's homes." A character Dennis lies and says whatever he thinks others want to hear because "he is a poor Paddy, and knows no better." The statement that Irishmen always lie is used to explain why "poor ould Ireland does not prosper like England and Scotland."
^Sandner, David (2004). Fantastic Literature: A Critical Reader. Greenwood Publishing Group. p. 328. ISBN0-275-98053-7