1980년 퓰리처상

속보 사진 부문 수상작 '이란 사격대'

1980년 퓰리처상은 1980년 4월 14일에 발표되었다.[1] 저널리즘과 예술의 19개 부문에서 총 1,550개의 출품작이 상을 받았다.[2] 수상자는 Clayton Kirkpatrick이 주재하는 16명의 퓰리처상 위원회에 의해 선정되었다.[3] 퓰리처상 역사상 처음으로 수상자와 함께 결선 진출자가 발표되었다.[2]

결과는 아래에 나열되어 있다. 각 부문의 우승자를 먼저 굵게 표시하고 다른 결선 진출자를 그 뒤에 표시하였다.

저널리즘 상

공공 서비스 Gannett News Service

(For articles by John M. Hanchette, William F. Schmick, and Carlton Sherwood)[1]
For "Story of the Pauline Fathers", its 18-day series on misuse of financial contributions to the Pauline Fathers.[2][4]
The Miami Herald

(For articles by Carl Hiaasen, Patrick Malone, and Gene Miller)
For "Dangerous Doctors: A Medical Dilemma", an 8-part series on medical incompetence, malfeasance, and abuse.[5]
The Miami Herald

(For articles by Danny Goodgame, Patrick Riordan, and Morris Thompson)
For "Police Brutality: The Dangerous Few", a 5-part series on cases of police brutality in Dade County.[5]
The Philadelphia Inquirer

(For articles by Rod Nordland and Josh Friedman)[4][6]
For "Poison at Our Doorsteps", a series on irresponsible disposal of toxic waste.[4]
St. Petersburg Times For its investigation of the Church of Scientology.

(Moved by the Board to the National Reporting category.)
속보 보도 Staff of The Philadelphia Inquirer For coverage of the Three Mile Island nuclear accident, including a 22,000-word recounting of the accident by 39 reporters and photographers.[2][7]
Staff of the Chicago Tribune For coverage of the worst air crash in history and the blizzard of 1979.
Staff of the Greensboro Daily News (North Carolina) For coverage of the Greensboro massacre, a shooting at an anti-Ku Klux Klan rally.[1][8]
탐사 보도 Stephen A. Kurkjian, Alexander B. Hawes Jr., Nils Bruzelius, Joan Vennochi and Robert M. Porterfield of The Boston Globe For a 10-part exposé on mismanagement of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority.[9]
Carole E. Agus, Andrew V. Fetherston, Jr., and Frederick J. Tuccillo of Newsday (Long Island, New York) For their investigation of a scandal at the Southwest Sewer District in Suffolk County.[10]
Charles R. Cook and James S. Carlton of The Port Arthur News (Texas) For their exposé on the use of road oil contaminated with cyanide and other toxic chemicals, distributed by Browning-Ferris Industries.[11][12]
Judy Grande and Brian Gallagher of The Journal News (Nyack, New York) For the 5-part series, "Getting Away with Murder", exposing the shoddy investigation and prosecution of murders in Rockland, New York.[13]
Lewis M. Simons and Ron Shaffer of The Washington Post For a series on fraud committed by officials of a low-income housing organization, P.I. Properties, including Marion Barry's ex-wife.[14][15]
국내 보도 Bette Swenson Orsini and Charles Stafford of the St. Petersburg Times For their 16-part investigation of the Church of Scientology.[16]
Joseph P. Albright of Cox Newspapers For "Our Trillion Dollar Treasure", a series on energy policy regarding oil and gas under federally owned lands.[17][18]
George Anthan of The Des Moines Register For "Vanishing Acres", a 7-part series on the dwindling amount of good farmland.[17][19][20]
Staff of the Los Angeles Times For a series on chemicals in the environment, "The Poisoning of America".[21]
국제 보도 Joel Brinkley, reporter, and Jay Mather, photographer of The Courier-Journal For the 4-part series, "Living the Cambodian Nightmare", about refugees from the Cambodian–Vietnamese War.[22]
Peter Arnett of the Associated Press For "The World's Homeless", a 6-part series about international refugees, with photographs by Eddie Adams.[17][23][24]
Fox Butterfield of The New York Times For dispatches from China.
Staff of the Los Angeles Times For coverage of Iran.
특집 기사 Madeleine Blais of The Miami Herald For a selection of stories profiling families and individuals.[5]
Bonnie M. Anderson of The Miami Herald For "The Execution of My Father", about her father's execution during the Cuban Revolution in 1961.[5][25]
John R. Camp of the St. Paul Pioneer Press For a series of articles about Native American culture.[26]
Saul Pett of the Associated Press For an article on the snail darter controversy.[1][27]
논평 Ellen H. Goodman of The Boston Globe For her syndicated daily column, commenting on a variety of topics.[9]
Richard Reeves of Universal Press Syndicate For his syndicated political column.[28]
Carl T. Rowan of the Chicago Sun-Times and Syndicate For his syndicated column.
비평 William A. Henry III of The Boston Globe For critical writing about television.[9]
William C. Glackin of The Sacramento Bee For his drama and music reviews.[29]
William K. Robertson of The Miami Herald For a collection of columns and book reviews.[5]
사설 Robert L. Bartley of The Wall Street Journal For editorials on a variety of topics.[17]
John Alexander of the Greensboro Daily News (North Carolina) For editorials about the Greensboro massacre.[30]
Alfred Ames and Joan Beck of the Chicago Tribune
Bruce C. Davidson, Thomas N. Oliphant, and Anne C. Wyman of The Boston Globe For the 8-part series, "Search for an Energy Policy".[17][31][32]
Tom Dearmore of the San Francisco Examiner For editorials on a variety of topics.[17]
만평 Don Wright of The Miami News For his cartoons, exemplified by "Florida State Prison".[33][34][35]
Richard Locher of the Chicago Tribune
Paul Szep of The Boston Globe
속보 사진 Anonymous, distributed by United Press International.

In 2006, the photographer was identified as Jahangir Razmi of Ettela'at.[36][37]
For "Firing Squad in Iran", depicting the execution of prisoners in the 1979 Kurdish rebellion by an Iranian government firing squad.[36]
Robert L. Gay of the Charleston Daily Mail (West Virginia) For a series on a crazed veteran holding 29 hostages in a church.[38][39]
Michael Haering of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner For a photo of a girl being struck by a car at a demonstration outside the house of the Shah of Iran's sister in Beverly Hills.[40]
특집 사진 Erwin H. Hagler of The Dallas Times Herald For a 23-picture series documenting the life of cowboys in the Texas Panhandle.[41][42][43]
David A. Kryszak of The Detroit News For a series on children of Cambodia.
John J. Sunderland of The Denver Post For a series on living and dying in a hospice.

문학, 연극 및 음악상

범주 제목 저자
픽션 The Executioner's Song 노먼 메일러
Birdy 윌리엄 와튼
The Ghost Writer 필립 로스
연극 Talley's Folly 랜포드 윌슨
역사 Been in the Storm So Long 레온 F. 리트윅
The Plains Across 존 D. 언루 주니어
The Urban Crucible 게리 B. 내쉬
전기 또는 자서전 The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt 에드먼드 모리스
Being Bernard Berenson 메릴 시크릿
Bernard Berenson, The Making of a Connoisseur 어니스트 사무엘스
The Duke of Deception 제프리 울프
엄선된 시 도널드 저스티스
Goshawk, Antelope 데이브 스미스
엄선된 시 리처드 휴고
일반 논픽션 괴델, 에셔, 바흐: 영원한 황금 노끈 더글러스 호프스태터
The Madwoman in the Attic 산드라 M. 길버트 와 수잔 구바
The Medusa and the Snail 루이스 토마스
음악 In Memory of a Summer Day 데이비드 델 트레디치
After the Butterfly 모튼 서브트닉
Quintets for Orchestra 루카스 포스


  1. “1980 Pulitzer Prizes in journalism, letters”. 《St. Louis Post-Dispatch》. 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  2. Peter Kihss (1980년 4월 15일). “Mailer cops his second Pulitzer”. 《The Spokesman-Review》. New York Times – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  3. “16 journalists, educators on Pulitzer board”. 《The Miami Herald》. AP. 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  4. Heinz-Dietrich Fischer; Erika J. Fischer (2011). 《Complete Historical Handbook of the Pulitzer Prize System 1917-2000》. Walter de Gruyter. 30쪽. ISBN 3110939126. 
  5. “Tropic's Blais wins a Pulitzer; Herald has four other finalists”. 《The Miami Herald》. 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유.  (Part 2 of article)
  6. “Inquirer wins top awards in newswriting contest”. 《The Philadelphia Inquirer》. 1980년 6월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  7. “Countdown: How the nation's worst nuclear accident happened”. 《The Philadelphia Inquirer》. 1979년 4월 8일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  8. “Communists, Klan, blacks hold rallies”. 《The Charlotte News》. 1980년 7월 14일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  9. “Members of Globe staff win 3 Pulitzer Prizes”. 《The Boston Globe》. 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유.  (Part 2 of article)
  10. “Press winners, finalists”. 《Newsday》. 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  11. “Texas paper nominated”. 《Longview News-Journal》. UPI. 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  12. Jim Carlton; Chuck Cook (1979년 4월 27일). “Poison reportedly used on E. Texas roads”. 《Austin American-Statesman》. Cox News Service – Newspapers.com 경유.  (Part 2 of article)
  13. Bob Baird (1980년 4월 21일). “Finalist for a Pulitzer”. 《The Journal News》 (Nyack, NY) – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  14. Matt Schudel (2021년 11월 13일). “Ron Shaffer, Washington Post journalist who founded 'Dr. Gridlock' column, dies at 76”. 《The Washington Post》. 2022년 1월 27일에 확인함. 
  15. Lewis M. Simons; Ron Shaffer (1979년 10월 21일). “Pride firm tied to $600,000 theft”. 《The Washington Post》. 2022년 1월 27일에 확인함. 
  16. Charles Patrick (1980년 4월 15일). “2 Times reporters win Pulitzers for Scientology reports”. 《St. Petersburg Times》 – Newspapers.com 경유.  (Part 2 of article)
  17. “Pulitzer Prize board, for first time, names finalists in all categories”. 《The Boston Globe》. 1980년 4월 16일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  18. Joseph Albright (1979년 4월 15일). “Natural irony: Oil may lie beneath scenic national parks”. 《The Atlanta Constitution》 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  19. Bart Barnes (2016년 8월 30일). “George Anthan, journalist and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist, dies at 80”. 《The Washington Post》. 2022년 1월 27일에 확인함. 
  20. George Anthan (1979년 7월 8일). “Feeding our hungry world from less and less farm land”. 《The Des Moines Register》 – Newspapers.com 경유.  (Part 2 of article)
  21. Bob Secter (1979년 9월 6일). “Chemical wastes imperil water supplies”. 《The Los Angeles Times》 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  22. “C-J wins Pulitzer Prize for Cambodian series”. 《The Courier-Journal》 (Louisville, KY). 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유.  (Part 2 of article)
  23. Peter Arnett (1979년 5월 5일). “Divided island: Cypriot Greeks camp in forest and watch as Turkish soldiers loot their village”. 《The Journal Herald》 (Dayton, OH). AP – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  24. “Millions seek new homes”. 《Abilene Reporter-News》. 1979년 4월 22일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  25. Bonnie M. Anderson (1979년 2월 25일). “The Execution of My Father”. 《The Miami Herald》 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  26. “About the Author”. John Sandford. 2022년 1월 22일에 확인함. 
  27. Saul Pett (1979년 4월 1일). “Tiny fish casting big shadow over TVA dam project”. 《Asbury Park Press》. AP – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  28. Arit John (2020년 3월 27일). “Political historian-commentator Richard Reeves dies at 83”. 《Los Angeles Times》. AP. 2022년 1월 29일에 확인함. 
  29. Herb Michelson (1980년 4월 19일). “An unseasonal Valentine arrives for William Glackin”. 《The Sacramento Bee》 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  30. Stephen Martin (1999년 12월 4일). “A leader among leaders”. 《News & Record》 (Greensboro, NC). 2022년 2월 6일에 확인함. 
  31. “An editorial view of the energy fix”. 《The Boston Globe》. 1979년 7월 1일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  32. “A plan for action”. 《The Boston Globe》. 1979년 7월 1일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  33. Heinz-Dietrich Fischer; Erika J. Fischer (1999). 《Editorial Cartoon Awards 1922-1997: From Rollin Kirby and Edmund Duffy to Herbert Block and Paul Conrad》. Walter de Gruyter. 225쪽. 
  34. “Florida State Prison”. 《The Miami News》. 1979년 5월 22일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  35. Patrice Gaines-Carter (1980년 4월 15일). “Pulitzer No. 2 for News's Don Wright”. 《The Miami News》 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  36. Joshua Prager (2006년 12월 2일). “A chilling photograph's hidden history”. 《The Wall Street Journal》. 2022년 1월 17일에 확인함. 
  37. Pradnya Joshi (2007년 5월 28일). “27 years after it was awarded, a Pulitzer Prize is acknowledged”. 《The New York Times》. 2021년 1월 16일에 확인함. 
  38. Jon Offredo (2008년 1월 15일). “Photojournalist reflects on close encounters during career”. 《The Daily Athenaeum》. 2022년 1월 30일에 확인함. 
  39. Heinz-Dietrich Fischer; Erika J. Fischer (2017). 《Press Photography Awards, 1942-1998: From Joe Rosenthal and Horst Faas to Moneta Sleet and Stan Grossfeld》. K. G. Saur Verlag. LVII쪽. 
  40. “Pulitzer finalist had local ties”. 《The Pantagraph》 (Bloomington, IL). 1980년 5월 3일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  41. “Photographer's dream fulfilled”. 《Longview News-Journal》. UPI. 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  42. “Mailer receives second Pulitzer”. 《Longview News-Journal》. AP. 1980년 4월 15일 – Newspapers.com 경유. 
  43. “Texas Cowboys: The Pulitzer Prize Collection”. 《Skeeter Hagler Photography》. 2021년 7월 24일에 원본 문서에서 보존된 문서. 2022년 1월 30일에 확인함. 

외부 링크
