Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye

Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye아일랜드의 고전 포크송이다. 대한민국에서는 빙빙 돌아라라는 번안 가사로 알려져 있다. 이 곡은 19세기 초반에 나왔고, 반전(反戰) 가요이다. 당시에 잉글랜드에서 아일랜드인들을 동인도 회사 군대로 차출해 가는 경우가 많았는데, 여기에 반대하는 내용을 다루고 있다. 청자인 조니는 동인도 회사 군대로 차출되어 갔다가 눈, 팔 하나, 다리 하나, 그리고 고환까지 잃고 돌아왔다. 화자가 제목에 나와 있듯이 청자를 거의 알아보지 못했다고 말하는 이유는 이 때문이다. 전쟁의 비참함과 비인간성을 고발하고, 아일랜드인을 동인도 회사 군대로 차출하는 것을 반대하는 내용이다.



While goin' the road to sweet Athy, hurroo, hurroo
While goin' the road to sweet Athy, hurroo, hurroo
While goin' the road to sweet Athy
A stick in me hand and a tear in me eye
A doleful damsel I heard cry,
Johnny I hardly knew ye.

With your drums and guns and guns and drums, hurroo, hurroo
With your drums and guns and guns and drums, hurroo, hurroo
With your drums and guns and guns and drums
The enemy nearly slew ye
Oh my darling dear, Ye look so queer
Johnny I hardly knew ye.

Where are the eyes that looked so mild, hurroo, hurroo
Where are the eyes that looked so mild, hurroo, hurroo
Where are the eyes that looked so mild
When my poor heart you first beguiled
Why did ye scadaddle from me and the child
Oh Johnny, I hardly knew ye.

Where are your legs that used to run, hurroo, hurroo
Where are your legs that used to run, hurroo, hurroo
Where are your legs that used to run
When you went to carry a gun
Indeed your dancing days are done
Oh Johnny, I hardly knew ye.

I'm happy for to see ye home, hurroo, hurroo
I'm happy for to see ye home, hurroo, hurroo
I'm happy for to see ye home
All from the island of Sulloon
So low in the flesh, so high in the bone
Oh Johnny I hardly knew ye.

Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg, hurroo, hurroo
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg, hurroo, hurroo
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg
Ye're an armless, boneless, chickenless egg
Ye'll have to be put with a bowl out to beg
Oh Johnny I hardly knew ye.

They're rolling out the guns again, hurroo, hurroo
They're rolling out the guns again, hurroo, hurroo
They're rolling out the guns again
But they never will take my sons again
No they'll never take my sons again
Johnny I'm swearing to ye.

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